installing oor Baskies


werkwoord, naamwoord
Present participle of install.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Baskies


Open Multilingual Wordnet


Open Multilingual Wordnet


Open Multilingual Wordnet

Geskatte vertalings

Vertoon algoritmies gegenereerde vertalings

Soortgelyke frases

fuel tank installation
erregai-tangaren instalazio; erregai-andelaren instalazio
Windows Live installer
Windows Live instalatzailea
custom install
instalazio perts.
new installation
instalazio berri
instalatu · ipini · jarri
dangerous installation
instalazio arriskutsu
chemical installation
instalazio kimiko
atal · emanaldi · epe · epekako ordainketa · ezarpen · faszikulu · instalazio · kapitulu · letra · muntaketa
minimum installation
instalazio minimo


Advanced filtering
Voorbeelde moet herlaai word.
Engine %# version %# installed, but at least version %# is required
Hau zehaztuko du Europako legeak edo esparru-legeak: estatu kideren bateko lurraldetik edo lurraldera doazen, edo estatu kideren bateko edo gehiagoko lurraldean barrena doazen nazioarteko garraioei aplika dakiekeen hainbat arau erkide;KDE40.1 KDE40.1
This will install a theme into the theme directory
Lerrokatu & ezkerreraKDE40.1 KDE40.1
For the automatic software distribution some software, the opsi-client-agent, has to be installed on each client.
Ezin da inor kondenatu edo zigortua izan ekintza edo uzteengatik berauk egiteko unean delitu, huts edo administral arau hauste izan ez badira, une hartan zutik dirauen legearen arabera.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Could not start the GnuPG Log Viewer (kwatchgnupg). Please check your installation!
VAR () funtzioak lagin batean oinarritutako bariantzaren estimazioa kalkulatzen duKDE40.1 KDE40.1
With this combo box you select which of the installed languages is used for creating the new dictionary. KMouth will only parse documentation files of this language
Babeskopia ez diren datu-baseen formatu aldaketaKDE40.1 KDE40.1
Cannot find the PPP daemon. Make sure that pppd is installed
Huts egite berreskuraezina izena ikertzeanKDE40.1 KDE40.1
Could not install %
isogainzalaKDE40.1 KDE40.1
Other printer Use this for any printer type. To use this option, you must know the URI of the printer you want to install. Refer to the CUPS documentation for more information about the printer URI. This option is mainly useful for printer types using #rd party backends not covered by the other possibilities
– Gaitzerdi horrela gertatu izana – esan nion. Behingoan ez zen nire esanahiaz jabetu: edanagatik pixka bat moxkortuta zegoen.KDE40.1 KDE40.1
Font Installer
Diskorik ezKDE40.1 KDE40.1
Only PalmOS database files (like *. pdb and *. prc) can be installed by the file installer
Aterpean bi gurdi handi eta lau golde zeuden, beren zaharo, beren goilare, beren zaltresna guztiekin, hauen artile urdinezko mototsak bihitegietatik erortzen zen hauts finazzikintzen zirelarik.KDE40.1 KDE40.1
Louisiana Story (1948) was a Flaherty documentary shot by himself and Richard Leacock, about the installation of an oil rig in a Louisiana swamp.
Aktibatu KAlarmWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Thus, on October 25, 1924 the Museum of Modern Art opened its doors where previously the Conservatory of Music was installed, owned by the council.
Dokumentuaren ezarpenakWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Here you can choose the languages that will be used by KDE. If the first language in the list is not available, the second will be used, etc. If only US English is available, no translations have been installed. You can get translation packages for many languages from the place you got KDE from. Note that some applications may not be translated to your languages; in this case, they will automatically fall back to US English
& Gutxiagotu atzerapenaKDE40.1 KDE40.1
Fatal: Unable to start KMail for D-Bus communication: %#; %# Make sure kmail is installed
Ingeles jendeak, amerikarrak gogoko ez dituena, Cooler bezalako salbuespen bat eraman ohi du gogoan: gizon ile urdin nahasiduna, bihotz zabaleko aurpegi atsegina eta begi zorrotzak; gizon bihotz biguna, sukar izurrite batean edo mundu gerrate batean edo Txinako gosete batean, bere aberkideek atlasean lekua aurkitu baino askoz lehenago agertzen diren horietakoa.KDE40.1 KDE40.1
Simple font installer
< Luze itxaron beharko duzu > , esanzion Mr. Hallidayk, Trolloperen liburua emateaz batera. Zeregin hoberik ez zeukanez, irakurtzen hasi zen:KDE40.1 KDE40.1
Kitchen furniture in twelve monthly installments.
Eskubide honen baitan sartzen da derrigorrezko hezkuntza doan jaso ahal izatea.Literature Literature
Please install MusicBrainz to enable this functionality
Honek tema bat instalatuko du temen direktorioanKDE40.1 KDE40.1
Renamed conduits, Kroupware and file installer have been made conduits as well
Huts egin du mezuak ezabatzeanKDE40.1 KDE40.1
The statue was designed by Polish sculptor Bronisław Chromy and completed in 1969; it was installed in its present location in 1972, a date commonly repeated in other sources; Bielowicz notes that the statue was made in 1969 but was not unveiled in its current location till 1972.
Transferitu ilara honaWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Austin Powers: The Spy Who Shagged Me is a 1999 American spy comedy film directed by Jay Roach, and the second installment in the Austin Powers film series.
Sarah kalerantz zihoala, Percival doktoreak ez zion, jakina, begirik kendu gainetik, eta hatz erakuslea altxatu zuen, astiro-astiro alde batetik bestera eraginez, Sarah zegoen lekurantz.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The scanner software is also installed on this computer.
— Hau ere saihesteko aholkua emango didazu, ezta? — esan zuen Davisek. — Beno, ezkonbizitzaren erregulartasuna osasungarriagoa da. Kalte gutxiago eragiten dio odol-presioari.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Paper type: Select paper type to be printed on from the drop-down menu. The exact list of choices depends on the printer driver (" PPD ") you have installed. Additional hint for power users: This KDEPrint GUI element matches with the CUPS commandline job option parameter:-o MediaType=... # example: " Transparency "
IteratzaileakKDE40.1 KDE40.1
Page size: Select paper size to be printed on from the drop-down menu. The exact list of choices depends on the printer driver (" PPD ") you have installed. Additional hint for power users: This KDEPrint GUI element matches with the CUPS commandline job option parameter:-o PageSize=... # examples: " A# " or " Letter "
Bezeroaren konexioa itxi da. du. Bezeroaren protokoloaren inplementazioa (% #) ez da gure bertsioarekin (% #) bateragarriaKDE40.1 KDE40.1
Starting in 1985, the Palermo artist Michele Canzoneri was commissioned and has installed 72 modern, abstract, stained-glass windows based on episodes from the Old and New Testaments.
Eta hortxe ditu sentimendu hau estaltzeko bere ihardueren eguneroko errutina, harreman pribatu eta sozialetan aurkitzen duen segurtasun eta onespena, negozietako arrakasta, edozertariko lekorapena ( < jostatu >, < harremanak egin > < hara eta bestera joan > ).WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Installed Packages
Errorea parametroa ezabatzeanKDE40.1 KDE40.1
201 sinne gevind in 27 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.