labour force oor Baskies

labour force

(British) The collective group of people who are available for employment whether employed or unemployed.

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The total number of people employed or looking for work.

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About 34% of the available labour force in Kolkata slums were unemployed.
Kalkutako auzo pobreetako langileen %34 inguru langabezian zeuden.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Producer community The incomes are generated for those participating in production, i.e., the labour force, society and owners.
Ekoizleak Sarrerak produkzioan parte hartzen dutenentzat sortzen dira , hau da, lan-indar, gizarte eta jabeentzat.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
A producer means here the producer community, i.e. labour force, society and owners.
Ekoizle batek kasu honetan ekoizlearen komunitatea esan nahi du, hau da, lan-indarra, gizartea eta jabeak.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
By the 1950s the Congo had a wage labour force twice as large as that in any other African colony.
1950eko hamarkadatan Kongok zuen lan-indarra Afrikako beste edozein koloniaren bikoitza zen.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
In the country as a whole, the wage labour force decreased by 72.000 and many such labourers returned to their villages.
Herrialde osoan 72.000 lanpostu galdu ziren, eta laborari asko euren herrietara itzuli ziren.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Flexible production has been the norm in Kolkata, which has an informal sector that employs more than 40% of the labour force.
Produkzio malgua ohikoa da Kalkutan, langileen % 40a baino gehiago enplegatzen duen sektore informala baitu.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
It is often claimed that the slave trade undermined local economies and political stability as villages' vital labour forces were shipped overseas as slave raids and civil wars became commonplace.
Esan ohi da esklabo merkataritzak tokiko ekonomiak eta egonkortasun politikoa ahuldu zituela, herriko lan indar nagusiak itsasoz bestaldera bidali eta esklabo harrapaketak eta gerra zibilak ohikoak bihurtu zirelako.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
In 1941 these Jews were exploited as forced labour.
1941 Juduak bortxazko lanak egitera behartu zituzten.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
I'm a forced labourer, Georgie
Lan egitera behartzen naute, Georgie.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Today, after 8 hours of forced labour, you will exit and it'll be already dark
Gaur, 8 orduz lan behartuak egin ondoren, ilunpetan aterako zarete!OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Any contact with the forced labourers is prohibited
Debekatua dago harreman oro langile behartuekin.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
But when people kill greed, when they liberate themselves from the captivity of forced labour...”
Baina jendeak zikoizkeria hiltzen duenean, bere burua lan bortxatuaren kateetatik askatzen duenean...Literature Literature
Punishments entailing imprisonment and security measures shall be aimed at reeducation and social rehabilitation and may not involve forced labour.
Askatasun baztertze zigorrek eta seguritate neurriek birheziketa eta gizartean bersartzera joko dute eta ez dira izango lan bortxatuak.Lagun Lagun
No one shall be required to perform forced or compulsory labour.
Inor ere ezin izango da behartu bortxazko edo derrigorrezko lanak egitera.Lagun Lagun
Also in 789 there was a severe drought and famine—the streets of the capital were clogged with the sick, and people avoiding being drafted into the military, or into forced labour.
798an, gosetea gertatu zen, hiriburuko kaleak gaixoz bete ziren eta jendeak, armadara batua izatea eragotzi zuen, edo lan behartuetan.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The law shall guarantee the right to collective labour bargaining between workers and employers’ representatives, as well as the binding force of the agreements.
Legeak garantizatuko du entrepresari eta langileen ordezkarien lankide amankomunen negoziaketa, baita hitzarmenen indar elkartua ere.Lagun Lagun
16 sinne gevind in 18 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.