laboured oor Baskies


adjektief, werkwoord
Simple past tense and past participle of labour.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Baskies


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Social Democratic and Labour Party
Social Democratic and Labour Party
labour market
migrant labour
eskulan migratzaile
labour relations
unfree labour
Bortxazko lan
labour law
Lan-zuzenbide · lan-zuzenbide
division of labour
Lanaren zatiketa
labour force
labour pains


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Martha Beatrice Webb, Baroness Passfield, FBA (née Potter; 22 January 1858 – 30 April 1943), was an English sociologist, economist, socialist, labour historian and social reformer.
Martha Beatrice Webb, Passfield baroia, (jaiotzez Potter; 1858ko urtarrilaren 22a – 1943ko apirilaren 30a), ingeles soziologo, ekonomilari, sozialista eta gizarte ekintzaile bat izan zen.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
France's national labour law permits workers in certain hazardous or difficult professions to retire with full pension benefits after 37.5 years rather than 40 years.
Frantziako lan-lege nazionalak, enplegu arriskutsuak dituzten langileei edo erretiroa hartzeko zailak diren enpleguei erretiroa 37.5 urteren ondoren hartzea ahalbidetzen du, 40 urte izan beharrean.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
In granting the right of first occupancy to necessity and labour, are we not really stretching it as far as it can go? Is it possible to leave such a right unlimited?
Alabaina, beharrari eta lanari lehen egoilearen eskubidearen ematea ez ote da haren ahal bezain urrun hedatzea? Zilegi dea eskubide horri mugarik ez ematea?Lagun Lagun
labour law and working conditions; basic and advanced vocational training; social security;
lan-zuzenbidearekin eta lan-baldintzekin; lanbide-heziketa eta -hobekuntzarekin; gizarte-segurantzarekin;Lagun Lagun
< Others, too, > she replied. < Assuredly. Town-labourers, for example. > < It is not they - >
— Baita beste batzuk ere, erantzun zuen Emmak. — Bai horixe! hirietako langileak, esate baterako. — Ez dira horiek...Lagun Lagun
In 1941 these Jews were exploited as forced labour.
1941 Juduak bortxazko lanak egitera behartu zituzten.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
In this case, it shall ensure that, no later than the date on which a European framework law must be transposed, or a European regulation or decision implemented, management and labour have introduced the necessary measures by agreement, the Member State concerned being required to take any necessary measure enabling it at any time to be in a position to guarantee the results imposed by that framework law, regulation or decision.
Horrela gertatzen bada, ziurtatu egin beharko da lan-munduko ordezkariek, elkarren arteko adostasunez, beharrezko diren xedapenak ezar ditzaten, beranduenez ere Europako esparru-lege baten transposizioa egin behar den egunerako eta Europako erregelamendu bat edo Europako erabaki bat aplikatu behar den egunerako; estatu kide interesatuak beharrezko diren xedapen guztiak onartu beharko ditu aipatutako esparru-lege, erregelamendu edo erabaki horrek ezarritako helburuak une oro bermatze aldera.Lagun Lagun
< What would have happened to her? > < Nothing very serious. She’d have been sent back to Hungary. There’s nothing against her really. A year in a labour camp perhaps.
– Zer gerta zekiokean neskari? – Ezer larririk ez. Atzera Hungariara bidaliko zitean. Ez ditek ezertxo ere bere kontra. Urtebete lan zelai batean beharbada.Lagun Lagun
This was truly a labour of love, with beauty and elegance evident in virtually every verse.
Eta, lehendabizikoz literaturan, maitasunaren alderdi sentsuala argi eta garbi adierazi zen, eta sexua zilegitasun osoz agertu zen testu errealistetan.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Capitalist organized labour exploits the working class.
Kapitalaren hazkuntzak, langile klasearen hazkuntza bat inplikatzen du.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The right of workers and employers to adopt collective labour dispute measures is hereby recognized. The law regulating the exercise of this right shall, without prejudice to the restrictions which it may impose, include the guarantees necessary to ensure the functioning of essential public services.
Langile eta entrepresariek har dezaketen gatazka kolektibo neurrien eskubidea aitortzen da. Eskubide honen exerzizioa erregulatzen duen legeak, ezarri dakizkiokeen mugen trabarik gabe, beharrezko diren garantiak sartuko ditu Erkidego zerbitzu esentzialak funtzionamendua aseguratzeko.Lagun Lagun
The Union and the Member States shall, in accordance with this Section, work towards developing a coordinated strategy for employment and particularly for promoting a skilled, trained and adaptable workforce and labour markets responsive to economic change with a view to achieving the objectives referred to in Article I-3.
Batasuna eta estatu kideak, Atal honekin bat etorriz, enplegurako estrategia koordinatua garatzen ahaleginduko dira, batez ere langile gaitu, prestatu eta moldaerrazak sustatzeko, eta ekonomiaren aldaketei erantzuteko gai diren lan-merkatuak sustatzeko, I-3. artikuluan aipatutako helburuak eskuratzearren.Lagun Lagun
Already in the Middle Ages, Coimbra was divided into an upper city (Cidade Alta or Almedina), where the aristocracy and the clergy lived, and the merchant, artisan and labour centres in the lower city (Arrabalde or Cidade Baixa) by the Mondego River, in addition to the old and new Jewish quarters.
Erdi Aroan Coimbra bi zatitan banaturik zegoen, goiko hiria (Cidade Alta edo Almedina), aristokrazia eta kleroaren bizilekua, eta beheko hiria (Cidade Baixa edo Arrabalde), Mondego ibaiaren ertzean, merkatariak eta artisauak bizi zirena.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
so far from paying to be exempted from their duties, they would even pay for the privilege of fulfilling them themselves. I am far from taking the common view: I hold enforced labour to be less opposed to liberty than taxes.
Ez diote pagatuz beren eginbideari ihes egin nahi, aitzitik beren eginbideen egiteko pagatu nahiago lukete. Arras urrun naiz ideia arruntetarik; uste dut libertateak diru zergak kontrakoago dituela neke zergak eta lan behartuak baino.Lagun Lagun
In the country as a whole, the wage labour force decreased by 72.000 and many such labourers returned to their villages.
Herrialde osoan 72.000 lanpostu galdu ziren, eta laborari asko euren herrietara itzuli ziren.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
He came to believe that under capitalism most people could never attain his privileges and were compelled to sell their labour for a pittance to industrialists and landowners.
Ondorioztatu zuen kapitalismopean jenderik gehienak sekula ez zituela lortuko berak zituen pribilegioak, eta behartuta zegoela bere lan-indarra saltzera industria- eta lur-jabeei.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
'''You forget, dear Charlie, that the labourer is worthy of his hire,' she said brightly.
«Ez ahaztu, Charlie maitea, langilea bere soldataren duin dela,» esan zidan irribarretsu.Literature Literature
He joined the Irish Republican Brotherhood, and became involved in the Irish Transport and General Workers Union, which had been established by Jim Larkin to represent the interests of the unskilled labourers who inhabited the Dublin tenements.
Irlandako Errepublikar Anaitasunean sartu eta Dublingo langileen interesak defendatzeko asmoz Jim Larkinek sortutako Irish Transport and General Workers Union sindikatuaren ekintzetan nahastu zen.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
About 34% of the available labour force in Kolkata slums were unemployed.
Kalkutako auzo pobreetako langileen %34 inguru langabezian zeuden.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
In practice, fully checking and completing the parsing of natural language corpora is a labour-intensive project that can take teams of graduate linguists several years.
Praktikan, hizkuntza natural baten corpusa guztiz egiaztatzea eta osatzea oso lan gogorra da, graduatutako hizkuntzalari taldeek urte luzeak beharko lituzkete halako proiektu batean.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Ann belonged to a wealthy farming family but Wil was only a farm labourer.
Ann nekazari sendi aberats bateko alaba zen, aldiz Wil baserritar soil bat.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Producer community The incomes are generated for those participating in production, i.e., the labour force, society and owners.
Ekoizleak Sarrerak produkzioan parte hartzen dutenentzat sortzen dira , hau da, lan-indar, gizarte eta jabeentzat.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
A lesser-known suggestion is that the five points on the star were intended to represent the five social groups that would lead Russia to communism: the youth, the military, the industrial labourers, the agricultural workers or peasantry and the intelligentsia.
Beste ikuspuntu baten arabera, izar gorriak sozialismoa ahalbidetu zuten bost gizarte taldeak sinbolizatzen ditu: gazteria, militarrak, langileak, nekazariak eta intelektualak.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Exhausted by labour, men got drunk quickly, and in every breast an incomprehensible, morbid irritation was awakened.
Lanak unaturik, jendea berehalakoan mozkortzen zen eta bular guztietan amorrazio ulertezin eta gaixo bat pizten zen.Literature Literature
On 8 May 1939 it was converted to a labour camp which was mainly used for the incarceration of political prisoners.
1939ko maiatzaren 8an, gehienbat preso politikoak biltzeko lan-esparrua izatera igaro zen.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
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