languor oor Baskies


(uncountable) a state of the body or mind caused by exhaustion or disease and characterized by a languid feeling: lassitude

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The cold that made him pale seemed to add a more gentle languor to his face; between his cravat and his neck the somewhat loose collar of his shirt showed the skin; the lobe of his ear looked out from beneath a lock of hair, and his large blue eyes, raised to the clouds, seemed to Emma more limpid and more beautiful than those mountain-lakes where the heavens are mirrored.
Denbora askoan egona naiz neure soinekorik gabe. Zaku moduko batzuk dira nire soinekoak, amaren soineko zaharrez eginak, zaku moduko batzuk haiek ere. Aparte utzita amak niretzat eginarazitakoak, Dô-ri eginarazten dizkionak.Lagun Lagun
Living thus, without every leaving the warm atmosphere of the classrooms, and amid these pale-faced women wearing rosaries with brass crosses, she was softly lulled by the mystic languor exhaled in the perfumes of the altar, the freshness of the holy water, and the lights of the tapers.
Esagura (aukerakoaLagun Lagun
Signs by moonlight, long embraces, tears flowing over yielded hands, all the fevers of the flesh and the languors of tenderness could not be separated from the balconies of great castles full of indolence, from boudoirs with silken curtains and thick carpets, well-filled flower-stands, a bed on a raised dias, nor from the flashing of precious stones and the shoulder-knots of liveries.
Dirua emazu eta laster burdinak izanen dituzu. Finantza hitza esklabo hitza da; zibitatean ez da ezaguna. Egiaz libro den Estatu batean hiritarrek dena eskuz egiten dute, deus ere ez diruz.Lagun Lagun
But the gardener they had never knew anything about it; servants are so stupid! She would have dearly liked, if only for the winter, to live in town, although the length of the fine days made the country perhaps even more wearisome in the summer. And, according to what she was saying, her voice was clear, sharp, or, on a sudden all languor, drawn out in modulations that ended almost in murmurs as she spoke to herself, now joyous, opening big naive eyes, then with her eyelids half closed, her look full of boredom, her thoughts wandering.
— Zer dauka barruan? — Nola jakingo dut ba? Administrazioarena da — erretiluan zegoen paper bakarra hartu zuen — . Hau al da dena? — galdegin zuen Cynthiak.Lagun Lagun
Had they nothing else to say to one another? Yet their eyes were full of more serious speech, and while they forced themselves to find trivial phrases, they felt the same languor stealing over them both. It was the whisper of the soul, deep, continuous, dominating that of their voices.
Hauteskunde legeak mugatuko ditu Diputatu eta Senatuak hauta ezineko eta adostezineko arro(a)zoiak era guztietan zera barneratuz: Konstituzio Auzitegiko kideak.Lagun Lagun
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