make pass oor Baskies

make pass

cause to pass; "She passed around the plates"

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Alone with Lulu, the Painter makes passes at her.
Eposta bidezWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Then maybe with honest dice, I can make a pass to save his soul.
Baliabide-karpetaren & azpikarpetakOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
He was just gonna make a pass.
[ Zeharkako domeinua ]OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
With honest dice, Big Jule cannot make a pass to save his soul.
Belus moreaOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
You boys sure found a way to make the time pass up there.
Jokoaren izenaOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Three bins a month, dockworkers know which bins are comin'in and all they gotta do is make sure they pass through without inspection.
Irteera motaOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Tell the women and children to make for the mountain pass.
Y-etiketaren formatuaOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
You rushed me out of that restaurant to talk... because you were afraid I was going to make a scene or pass out.
Aldi baterako fitxategiakOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
You gonna make me keep pedaling until I pass out?
Hautatu alarma plantilaOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
We are making a documentary about the Dyatlov Pass Incident.
- Zeren lotsa? Eskatu zion jakin gosez printze txikiak hura lagundu nahirik. - Edatearen lotsa! Azkenekotz esan zuen edaleak, ixiltasunean bere burua berriz izkutatuz.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
I saw her afterwards in her dressing-room, but she was badly fussed. I think she thought I was going to make a serious pass at her all the time, and she didn’t want a pass.
– Gela bat eskatuta daukazu, jauna? – galdegin zion atezainak. – Ez, ez dut uste – erantzun zuen Martinsek ahots motelaz, sudurzapia ahoaren kontra estutuz.Lagun Lagun
Idle tricks form a passing tie; only wisdom can make it lasting.
Ezkutatu & burututako egitekoakLagun Lagun
The signs were redesigned in 1945–46 to make them easier to read from a passing car.
Inprimagailu-memoria: # MBWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The broad daylight from without streamed into the church in three enormous rays from the three opened portals. From time to time at the upper end a sacristan passed, making the oblique genuflexion of devout persons in a hurry. The crystal lustres hung motionless.
Kirrinka bat entzunda, Castlek di-da begiratu zuen aterantz: handik azaldu zen Bullerren lauki itxurako mutur beltza atea aldenik alde irekitzen ari zela. Orduan, txakurrak, patata-zaku baten antzera jaurtiki zuen bere gorputza Castleren hankatartearen kontra. Castlek, ordea, saihestu egin zuen oldarra.Lagun Lagun
Dozens of screws eyed me up and down as they passed me by, making the occasional snide remark and jibe at me. I ignored them. The bustle around me seemed unreal.
Indize direktoriorako bide-izenaLagun Lagun
I began stripping pieces of thread from one of my flimsy blankets and started to plait them together to pass the time, making a long line that hopefully would come in handy later.
Etsipenezko kutsu bat ageri zitzaion Crabbini ahotsean: – Mesedez, Mr. Dexter, lagun hauek zure jarraitzaile sutsuak dira. Zure iritziak entzun nahi dituzte. Jakingo bazenu nola eraso duten institutua.Lagun Lagun
In case it would make you feel better... a parchment has to be passed... and the person has to take it without knowing.
Batzordeak ez badu irizpenik eman, eskabidea egin zenetik eta hiru hilabeteko epean, irizpen gabezia ez da eragozpen izango gaia Auzitegiari aurkezteko.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
The Maguire Seven were charged with possessing nitroglycerine allegedly passed to the IRA to make bombs after the police raided the West Kilburn house of Anne Maguire on 3 December 1974.
Asoziazioaren izenaWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Drinks too much and may cause a little trouble. Whenever a woman passes raises his eyes and makes some comment, but I get the impression that really he’d rather not be bothered.
Zabortegi honetatik urrunLagun Lagun
Some birds, especially corvids and parrots, are among the most intelligent animals; several bird species make and use tools, and many social species pass on knowledge across generations, which is considered a form of culture.
Gu ez garahain jakintsuak, hemen; gu ez gara jakintsuak, xanfarinak, pinpirinak; gu medikuak gara, sendagileak, eta ez litzaiguke burutik pasako primerandabilen norbait operatzea!WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The afternoon light was beginning to fade, growing dimmer with each passing minute. The cawing of the crows making their way home from the nearby fields came plainly on the slight evening breeze.
Estatu Batuek Errepublikan misil telegidatuen bilaketarako estazio bat daukate eta beste estazio bat espazio-bilaketarako; hortik aparte, estazio horien gainetik hegan egiteko eskubidea daukate haien mantenimendurako... Dudarik gabe, zuk badaukazu horren berri.Lagun Lagun
The shrewdest did not know what to make of it, and they looked at her when she passed near them with an unbounded concentration of mind. But Charles concealed nothing.
kasetea (barnekoaLagun Lagun
The driver put on his brakes suddenly: there was a road block. You see, I knew they would have to pass this military post if they did not make their way to the International H.Q. in the Inner City.
Baina ahoko zentzazioa ez da jarreraren beraren kausa; aitzitik, munduaren aurrez aurreko jarreraren adierazpena da, gorputzaren hizkuntzaren bitartez gauzatua.Lagun Lagun
Thus the day passes and I haven’t done anything, because I have to think for such a long time before I make a move.
Testuaren koloreaLiterature Literature
Therefore, the spacecraft must make a large change in velocity (delta-v) to enter a Hohmann transfer orbit that passes near Mercury, as compared to the delta-v required for other planetary missions.
Ahaztutako urreaWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
28 sinne gevind in 21 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.