make red oor Baskies

make red

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Baskies



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When you're making red bean pastes add the sugar too early, no matter how long you cook it, the read beans will never soften.
Aukeratu Cache-a erabiltzea eta bere tamaina ezartzeaOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Some swear that mixing margarine with red beans makes them even sweeter
eskatutako socket mota ez da onartzenOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
< I have read everything, > she said to herself. And she sat there making the tongs red-hot, or looked at the rain falling.
Alde batetik, beronen errepresentatzaile esanguratsuenak, Freudek, giza izpirituari izaera arrazional helburutsua iratxekitzen zion fikzioa jo eta hautsi egin zuen, giza grinen leizera begiratzeko aukera eman zigularik.Lagun Lagun
We can't make the film without the colour red!
Kolore-zuzenketaOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Though the ears of the red rice plants are red and make the fields look pretty, the seeds actually spill out easily and it's a pain to harvest.
Pentsatu zuen tontokeria zela atea ez irekitzea, bisitariak ez baitzuen amore emango barrutiko erantzun bakarra isiltasuna izanagatik ere. Mezu bat izan zitekeen, edo argibide batzuk, ordurako komunikazioa etenda ez bazeukaten, behintzat.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Determining the habitability of red dwarf stars could help determine how common life in the universe might be, as red dwarfs make up between 70 and 90% of all the stars in the galaxy.
Erabiltzaile-izenaWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Kidneys produce a substance called Erythropoietin which stimulates production of red cells which, in turn, make maximum use of the available oxygen.
Gehitu biltegiraNameOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
2004 – Flash Airlines Flight 604 crashes into the Red Sea, resulting in 148 deaths, making it one of the deadliest aviation accidents in Egyptian history.
Egia esanda, hori ez litzateke gure eginkizuna, baina MI5-ak agian erabakiko du zure kasua berriro aztertzea... sakonki. Gizon zahar baten aholkua onartzen baduzu... Mauriceren laguna zen gizon zahar baten aholkua....WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
He remembered the Toyota on the road to Ashridge. He tried to make out the color, but the rain obscured it. Red and black were indistinguishable through the drizzle which was beginning to turn to sleet.
Jokoa amaitu daLagun Lagun
He could just make out the number plate of the car, but as he might have expected it was just as strange to him as the car, a small red Toyota.
Sareko TCP inprimagailua Erabili aukera hau TCP protokoloa darabilen sareko inprimagailua (normalean # ataka) komunikazioko protokolo gisa erabiltzeko. Sareko inprimagailu gehienek erabil dezakete modu hauLagun Lagun
His face turned from white to red as he continued: < If some one loves a flower, of which just one single blossom grows in all the millions and millions of stars, it is enough to make him happy just to look at the stars.
Beste arrazekin nahasten diren nazioek, < Probidentzia > eternalaren aurka egiten dute bekatu >, edo beste leku batean dioenez, < Kreatzaile > eternalaren aurka.Lagun Lagun
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