make rich oor Baskies

make rich

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Later she led the developer engagement program for Microsoft HoloLens, enabling enthusiasts to make rich holographic experiences on the Universal Windows Platform.
Europako erabaki bidez zehaztuko da Batasunak zein modalitate erabil dezakeen I-43. artikuluan aurreikusitako elkartasun-klausula hori aplikatzeko. Kontseiluak hartuko du erabaki hori, Batzordeak eta Batasuneko Atzerri arazoetarako ministroak batera proposaturik. Erabaki horrek defentsaren eremuan inolako eraginik badu, Kontseiluak III-300. artikuluko 1. paragrafoaren arabera hartuko ditu erabakiak. Europako Parlamentua ere jakinaren gainean eduki behar da.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Being close to a rich boss didn't make him rich.
— Itxaron ni erretiratu arte. — Nik lan egingo nuke, Maurice. Frantziara joan gintezke. Han errazago izango litzateke. Nire kolorera ohituta daude.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
The franchise rights alone will make us rich.
GLX zerbitzariaren bertsioaOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
< And what good does it do you to own the stars? > < It does me the good of making me rich. >
— Ea ba, nire aingeru gaixoa, izan adorea, kontsola zaitez, hartzazu pazientzia! — Baina horra lau urte pazientzia hartzen ari naizela eta sufritzen ari naizela!... Gurea bezalako maitasuna zeruaren aurrez aurre aitortu beharko litzateke! Ni torturatzen ari dira. Ezin dut gehiago! Salba nazazu!Lagun Lagun
well, look, I have a big deal coming up that's gonna make us all rich.
Hautatu kurba kubiko hauOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
People who get us to make them fucking rich.
Begiratokian eseriko da sartaldera begira, Siam aldera begiratuko dugu beste behin, azkenekoz, ez da beste aldirik izango, zeren, iritziz aldaturik Frantzia utzi eta berriro Indotxinara, Saigonen erretiru hartzera itzuliko bada ere, ez baita gehiago jarriko mendi haren aurrean, oihan haren gaineko zeru hori-berdexka haren aurrean.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
You promised to make me a rich man if I kept my mouth shut and served your sentence for you
& Testu-ikuspegiaOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
These are the people that promised us that financial deregulation would make all of us rich.
Erakutsi erreprodukzioaOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Like, did being a rich person make you better?
Pertsona orok du osotasun fisikoa eta psikikoa izateko eskubidea.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
lastly, little or no luxury - for luxury either comes of riches or makes them necessary; it corrupts at once rich and poor, the rich by possession and the poor by covetousness;
Diotenez, zu lokartu egiten zara... ez zara kiskaltzen...Lagun Lagun
You find the richness of your surroundings... makes conversation difficult?
datu-base zerbitari lokalaOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
But if the legislator mistakes his object and adopts a principle other than circumstances naturally direct; if his principle makes for servitude while they make for liberty, or if it makes for riches, while they make for populousness, or if it makes for peace, while they make for conquest - the laws will insensibly lose their influence, the constitution will alter, and the State will have no rest from trouble till it is either destroyed or changed, and nature has resumed her invincible sway.
Mezu-zerrendaLagun Lagun
We must indeed observe that morality and the censorship, being stronger than this institution, corrected its defects at Rome, and that the rich man found himself degraded to the class of the poor for making too much display of his riches.
Askatasunari datxekion oinarrizko dikotomia – indibidualtasunaren sorrera eta bakardadearen dolorea – goragoko plano batean disolbatuta uzten du giza iharduera espontaneoak.Lagun Lagun
< And what good does it do you to be rich? > < It makes it possible for me to buy more stars, if any are ever discovered. >
Nabarmentze-koloreaLagun Lagun
With a rich husband and this year's clothes... you won't find it difficult to make some new friends.
Kig dokumentuaOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
People who became rich in this country in the last decades were not even making the things that everybody loved.
Oso gogorraOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Gure aitaren etxea ( < the house of the father > ) means to Basques the rich legal and political tradition of the Assembly House, which enabled them to enjoy < sovereignty > and at the same time make pacts with larger political hegemonies.
Ibilten hasi da Juan. Bere pausu- hotsen gainean zapaldu guran legez, beste batzurenak aditu uste izan du. Geldi geratu da eta geldi geratu dira besteak ere. < Ono > egindu dei eta tunelak < no- o- o- o- o! > biderkatu du oihartzunetan deia.Lagun Lagun
The great inequality in developing countries makes it difficult to see, for example, that in terms of transport, an advanced city is not one where even the poor use cars, but rather one where even the rich use public transport.
Eraiki poligono honen erpinakted2019 ted2019
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