makeshift oor Baskies


/ˈmeɪkˌʃɪft/ adjektief, naamwoord
A temporary, usually insubstantial, substitution for something else.

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Discoveries during this expedition included the remains of between six and fourteen men in the vicinity of McClintock's "boat place" and artifacts including a complete boot sole fitted with makeshift cleats for better traction.
Beraz, egoki litzateke, populu batek errege bat hautatzen duen akta ikertu baino lehenago, populu bat populu egiten duen aktaren ikertzea. Zeren bigarren akta hau, nahitaez, bestea baino aitzinagokoa izanik, gizartearen egiazko oinarria baita.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The sea walls were manned more sparsely, with Jacobo Contarini at Stoudion, a makeshift defense force of Greek monks to his left hand, and prince Orhan at the Harbour of Eleutherius.
Baoba mota berri bat izan zitekeen... Bainan zuhaixka zerbait handitu zeneko, bere hartan gelditu zen eta lore nini bat prestatzen hasi zen.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
A mosque in northern Bosnia was destroyed by Serbian artillery and was used as a makeshift morgue.
Denbora-unitatetan neurtzen den lanaren lansaria berdina izango da lanpostu berdinetarako.QED QED
They had just about every makeshift weapon you could think of.
Printzipio bera termino orokorragoetan adierazteko, esan genezake: prozesu sozialak, gizabanakoaren bizimoldea, hau da, honen harremanak besteekin eta lanarekin, determinatzean, beronen karaktere-egitura moldatzen du; honetatik ideologia berriak sortzen dira – filosofikoak, erlijiozkoak edo politikoak-, karaktere-egitura berorren baitan aldaketak eragiteko gauza direlarik, horrela berau azpimarratu, ase eta egonkortuz;OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
The rest spent ten weeks in horrible conditions in their makeshift prison, until all but the Athenians, Italians, and Sicilians were sold as slaves.
PERMUT () funtzioak permutazio kopurua itzultzen du. Lehenengoa parametroa elementu kopurua da, eta bigarrena permutazioko elementu kopurua daWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Walking over the canal by the makeshift military bridge, Martins was aware of the emptiness of the afternoon: the young were out with their toboggans and their skis, and all around him was the after-dinner sleep of age.
Hasieran erdiko klase zaharraren Mesias papera jokatu zuen, almazen handien suntsipena, banka-kapitalaren menerapena haustea eta horretarikoak aginduz. Ondoren etorri zen historia denok ezagutzen dugu. Agintzariok ez ziren sekula bete.Lagun Lagun
There came a time when she couldn’t plan anything very grand for her sons any more, so she planned other futures, makeshift ones, but they too served their purpose, they blocked in the time that lay ahead.
Euskal instituzioek Europako Justizia Auzitegira jotzeko aukera izatea bermatuko du Estatuak, Europako araudian erkidegoak zuzenean jotzeko eskubidea aurreikusten ez den artean.Lagun Lagun
Newspapers described Golden Gate Park, the Presidio, the Panhandle and the beaches between Ingleside and North Beach as covered with makeshift tents.
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