midday oor Baskies


noon; 12 o'clock during the day

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the day after tomorrow at midday
etzi eguerdian
yesterday at midday
atzo eguerdian
the day before yesterday at midday
herenegun eguerdian


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Tomorrow you will be here at midday.
OrdenazioaOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
At midday, a lightning bolt set fire to the trees and Aurelian died just as John had.
akabera-deklarazioaLiterature Literature
< You are forgetting nothing? > < No. > < Are you sure? > < Certainly. > < It is at the Hotel de Provence, is it not, that you will wait for me at midday? > He nodded. < Till to-morrow then! > said Emma in a last caress; and she watched him go.
Ezin da eskatutako blokeoa baimendu. %Lagun Lagun
Jiménez’s fires were petering out when, around midday, Artemio Cruz passed the outpost at the mountain pass.
- Arkumeak zuhaixkak jaten baldin baditu loreak ere bai, ez da? - Aurkitzen duen guzia jaten du arkumeak.Literature Literature
Black Walder and Lothar promised to be here by midday.
Bokiek ere bazekiten hori, baina ez zuten ezer esango. Duela hilabete batzuk hiru egun egin nituen han, nire bizitza osoko egun luze eta jasanezinenak hirurak.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
& Partekatu karpeta hau sare lokaleanOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
A prisoner on a chain gang in Alabama was punished by being handcuffed to a post in the midday sun.
Bateria kargatzenQED QED
At midday, we enjoy a meal together at the assembly location, adding to the friendly atmosphere of these spiritual occasions.
Indarkeriak inolako funtsik ez duenean, haren desagerpena ezin da prezio baten truke lortu. Trukeak eta transakzioak zentzua galtzen dute. Indarkeriari uko egitea baino ez dago.jw2019 jw2019
At midday a small team of Volunteers and Fianna members attacked the Magazine Fort in the Phoenix Park and disarmed the guards, with the intent to seize weapons and blow up the building as a signal that the rising had begun.
Bektore klaseaWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
We must do something to keep the Marquis in Calais till tomorrow midday.
Erakutsi mezu guztiak berriroLiterature Literature
By midday, the car park was approximately half full, suggesting an attendance level below 25,000.
Zutabearen izenaWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
At midday he passed through a village.
POLR () funtzioak kartesiar erreferentzia sistemako puntu bati dagokion erradioa itzultzen duLiterature Literature
He left for the river at midday yesterday and hasn’t returned yet.
saiatu bi koloredun su artifizialakLiterature Literature
At midday she went back to the Crown and rang the house again, and again she held on for a long while — he might be in the garden with Buller, but at last she had to give up even that hope.
Esan zenion ez zinela bere bila joango?Lagun Lagun
The trouble is, though, that I don’t shoot. I only fish. This your first time here? > < Yes. When did you arrive? > < A bit early. Around midday. I’m a Jaguar fiend. Can’t go at less than a hundred. >
Berrezarri balio & guztiakLagun Lagun
A prisoner on a chain gang in Alabama was punished by being handcuffed to a post in the midday sun.
Beharbada okerrena izoztuta egotea zen, berotu nahi baina ibili eta mugitu ezinez, neure buruaz erruki sentitzen nintzen.ted2019 ted2019
It was still cold but the morning bite had gone from the air. The snow still lay heavy on the ground outside and the light was unusually dim for midday.
ZehaztasunaLagun Lagun
Under the midday sun, John of Pannonia lay with his face in the dust, howling like a beast.
— Benetan hala uste al duzu? — Ez, ez da ustea. Ziur nago horretaz. Ezin izango zuen ezer argiagorik esan bere burua salatzeko.Literature Literature
18 sinne gevind in 6 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.