mining product oor Baskies

mining product

A product of the mining industry, i.e. ore, a valuable mineral or other geological material, extracted from the earth and ready for further processing.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Baskies

meatzaritzako produktu

A product of the mining industry, i.e. ore, a valuable mineral or other geological material, extracted from the earth and ready for further processing.

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The Roan Antelope and Nkana mines began commercial production in 1931.
Roan Antelope eta Nkana meatzek 1931ean hasi zuten bere produkzio komertziala.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The most recent estimate of reserve base for zinc (meets specified minimum physical criteria related to current mining and production practices) was made in 2009 and calculated to be roughly 480 Mt.
Zinkaren oinarrizko erreserbaren azken estimazioa (gaur egungo meatzaritza eta ekoizpen praktikekin lotutako gutxieneko irizpide fisikoekin bat datorrena) 2009. urtean egin zen eta gutxi gorabehera 480 miloi tona zirela kalkulatu zen.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Well, your Vegas experience was clearly more productive than mine.
Las Vegas niri baino emankorragoa izan zaizu.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Platinum, along with the rest of the platinum-group metals, is obtained commercially as a by-product from nickel and copper mining and processing.
Platinoa, platinoaren taldeko gainerako metalak bezala, nikelaren eta kuprearen deribatutzat bezala lortzen da komertzialki.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
In 1874–75, after labor unrest disrupted coal production, the Union Pacific Coal Department hired Chinese laborers to work in their coal mines throughout southern Wyoming.
1874-75ean, grebak ikatz-industriari eragin ziotenean, Union Pacific-eko Ikatz Sailak langile txinatarrak kontratatu zituen Wyoming hegoaldeko meategi guztietan lan egin zezaten.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
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