neutrino oor Baskies


/njuːˈtɹiːnəʊ/, /njuːˈtɹiːnoʊ/ naamwoord
(physics) An elementary particle that is classified as a lepton, and has an extremely small but nonzero mass and no electric charge. It interacts with the surroundings only via the weak force or gravitation, making it very difficult to detect.

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en elementary particle with extremely small mass and no electric charge
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Neutrinos are particles that are produced in great quantities by a supernova, and they are not significantly absorbed by the interstellar gas and dust of the galactic disk.
Exekutatu agindu pribilegiatuak hau erabilizWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
It also does not incorporate neutrino oscillations and their non-zero masses.
Konfiguratu anti-aliasing ezarpenakWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Neutrino Drive, 18 metrons and closing fast.
Egiaztatu kontsultaOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
First predicted by Bruno Pontecorvo in 1957, neutrino oscillation has since been observed by a multitude of experiments in several different contexts.
Ebatzitako ariketa kopuruaWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
After these annihilations, the remaining protons, neutrons and electrons were no longer moving relativistically and the energy density of the universe was dominated by photons (with a minor contribution from neutrinos).
Konfiguratu & zerbitzariaWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
About 1046 joules, approximately 10% of the star's rest mass, is converted into a ten-second burst of neutrinos which is the main output of the event.
Gizarte hitzarmenaren iraupenaz beste helbururik ez duten biltzar horien irekidura, sekula ezin bazter daitezkeen, eta berex bozkatzeko diren bi proposamen hauekin egin behar da:WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The Supernova Early Warning System (SNEWS) project uses a network of neutrino detectors to give early warning of a supernova in the Milky Way galaxy.
Askatasun hauek, Titulu hontan, errekonozitun(r)iko eskubide errespe-tuan, aurrera eramaten duten legeen agindu eta, batez ere, ohore, barrukotasun, norberaren irudi, gaztaroaren eta haurtzaroaren babes eskubidean dute muga.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
As the density increases, neutrino emission is cut off as they become trapped in the core.
Kargatu kateak fitxategitikWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
In July 2018, the IceCube Neutrino Observatory announced that they have traced a neutrino that hit their Antarctica-based detector in September 2017 back to its point of origin in a blazar 3.7 billion light-years away.
& Bidali orainWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Each second, more than four million tonnes of matter are converted into energy within the Sun's core, producing neutrinos and solar radiation.
DAYS#(data#; data#; metodoaWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Neutrino telescope article
Erabili hau mahaigainaren leihoa benetako leihoa balitz bezala agertzen badaWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
But any neutrino system would lack stability.
Konexio & berriaOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Because antineutrinos and neutrinos are neutral particles, it is possible that they are the same particle.
Pauso integralaWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
These thermal neutrinos are several times more abundant than the electron-capture neutrinos.
Abiatu KNodeWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
At this temperature, neutrino-antineutrino pairs of all flavors are efficiently formed by thermal emission.
Atal honetako xedapenak ez dira eragozpen izango Alemaniako Errepublika Federalean hartutako neurrietarako, baldin eta Alemaniak izandako banaketak Errepublika Federaleko zenbait eskualdetakoekonomiari sortutako desabantaila ekonomikoak orekatzeko badira neurriok, orduko banaketaren eraginpean dauden eskualdeetan.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Results from the WMAP team in 2008 are in accordance with a universe that consists of 73% dark energy, 23% dark matter, 4.6% regular matter and less than 1% neutrinos.
& PropietateakWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
1956 – Clyde L. Cowan and Frederick Reines experimentally prove the existence of the neutrino.
Orain, eskaileretan gora egin ahala, jokorako itzelezko karta batzuk erakusten zituzten zenbait panel funtsgabe ikusten ziren. Dekorazio hura egokiagoa zen joko-etxe bat apaintzeko. Jatetxearen beste aldean, beira esmerilatuaren atzean, iturri bat zegoen, eta bertatik isurtzen zen ur jostagarriaren azpian giza irudi biluzien estatua zuri batzuk zeuden.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
In contrast, it takes only 2.3 seconds for the neutrinos, which account for about 2% of the total energy production of the Sun, to reach the surface.
ErrendatzeaWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
18 sinne gevind in 4 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.