neutron star oor Baskies

neutron star

(astronomy) A degenerate star that has been so collapsed by gravity that its electrons and protons have been merged into neutrons by the intense pressure. The solid mass of neutrons is sometimes called neutronium.

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Look, I could swing around that neutron star to decelerate.
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Oppenheimer and Volkoff assumed that the neutrons in a neutron star formed a degenerate cold Fermi gas.
Inprimakiak betetzeko sarrerakWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
In fact, in certain extreme environments, such as neutron stars, extreme temperature and pressure prevents atoms from existing at all.
Azkenik libertuak hiritar tribuetan sartzen ziren, sekula ere ez baserrikoetan, eta ez da izan errepublikaren denbora guztian libertu horietarik baño ere, hiritar eginagatik, magistratura batera heldu izan denik.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
SN 1987A appears to be a core-collapse supernova, which should result in a neutron star given the size of the original star.
% # (erabilgarri ezWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
In the case of neutron stars this limit was first worked out by J. Robert Oppenheimer and George Volkoff in 1939, using the work of Richard Chace Tolman.
Fitxategia EzabatuWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Exotic stars are hypothetical, but observations released by the Chandra X-Ray Observatory on April 10, 2002 detected two candidate strange stars, designated RX J1856.5-3754 and 3C58, which had previously been thought to be neutron stars.
Izan ere, Bovaryk arrakasta izan zezakeen; ezerk ez zion baieztatzen Emmari hura trebea ez zenik, eta zer nolako atsegina beretzat haren aipua eta fortuna ugaldurik kausituko ziratekeen bideari ekinarazi izana!WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
When a massive star develops an iron core larger than the Chandrasekhar mass it will no longer be able to support itself by electron degeneracy pressure and will collapse further to a neutron star or black hole.
Saiatu berrabiatzenWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The collapse may cause violent expulsion of the outer layers of the star resulting in a supernova, or the release of gravitational potential energy may be insufficient and the star may collapse into a black hole or neutron star with little radiated energy.
- Bai, esan nion printze txikiari, nahiz etxe, nahiz izar edo basamortu, gauzen edertasuna egiten duena ikustezina da!WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Because the properties of hypothetical, more exotic forms of degenerate matter are even more poorly known than those of neutron-degenerate matter, most astrophysicists assume, in the absence of evidence to the contrary, that a neutron star above the limit collapses directly into a black hole.
% #-(e) n markoaren propietateakWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The heavy elements could most plausibly have been produced by endothermic nuclear reactions during a supernova, or by transmutation through neutron absorption within a massive second-generation star.
Nik independente eta sendo mantendu nahiaren eta neure ezereztasun-edo ezintasun-sentimenduaren arteko ezbaian segitzen dudan bitartean, gatazka hagorantzaile baten atzaparretan harrapatuta biziko naiz.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
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