oscillator oor Baskies


(cellular automata) A pattern that returns to its original state, in the same orientation and position, after a finite number of generations.

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balantza · bibrazio · oszilazio · ziklo
El Niño-Southern Oscillation
El niño
neutrino oscillation
Neutrinoaren oszilazio
harmonic oscillator
osziladore harmoniko
bibratu · dar-dar egin · dardaratu · kulunkatu · oszilatu · zabu egin · zabundu · zabunkatu


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Initially, the laser light induces coherent polarization in the sample, i.e., the transitions between electron and hole states oscillate with the laser frequency and a fixed phase.
Hasteko, laser argiak polarizazio koherente bat induzitzen du laginean, hau da, elektroi egoeraren eta zulo egoeraren arteko trantsizioek fase zehatz batean eta laserraren frekuentziaz oszilatzen dute.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
In order for that amount of power to be contained, that base has to have some kind of thermal oscillator.
Hainbeste energia eusteko... baseak osziladore termiko bat izan behar du.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
By oscillations of one oscillatory circuit, electrical waves are produced.
Zirkuitu baten oszilazioen bitartez uhin elektrikoak sortzen ditugu.Literature Literature
It also does not incorporate neutrino oscillations and their non-zero masses.
Neutrino oszilazioak ere ez ditu barnebiltzen (ezta bere zero masak).WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
First predicted by Bruno Pontecorvo in 1957, neutrino oscillation has since been observed by a multitude of experiments in several different contexts.
Lehenengoz Bruno Pontecorvok proposatu zuen 1957an, eta ostean kontestu askotan ikusi da neutrinoen oszilazioa.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
We'll go in there, we'll hit that oscillator with everything we got.
Sartuko gara eta tiro egingo dugu.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Due to thermal effects it oscillates annually by a few millimetres east and west.
Bestalde, tenperaturaren gorabeheren ondorioz, urtero milimetro gutxi batzuetako kulunkadura izaten du ekialdera eta mendebaldera.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The oscillator's been damaged, but it's still functional.
Osziladorea apurtuta dago baina funtzionatzen du.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Unlike the El Niño-Southern Oscillation phenomenon in the Pacific Ocean, the NAO is a largely atmospheric mode.
Ozeano Bareko El Niño ez bezala, NAO gehienbat fenomeno atmosferikoa da.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
For example, in an ideal resistor, the moment when the voltage reaches its maximum, the current also reaches its maximum (current and voltage are oscillating in phase).
Adibidez, erresistentzia (osagai) ideal baten, tentsioa maximora iristen den momentuan korrontea ere maximora heltzen da -korronte eta tentsioak fasean oszilatzen dute-.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Mechanical systems that vibrate or oscillate will experience large amplitude oscillations when they are driven at their resonant frequency.
Bibratu edo oszilatu egiten duten sistema mekanikoek oszilazioaren anplitude handi bat erakutsiko dute beraien erresonantzia frekuentzian aurkitzen badira.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
In 1739, Leonhard Euler solved the ordinary differential equation for a forced harmonic oscillator and noticed the resonance phenomenon.
1739an, Leonhard Euler-ek osziladore harmonikoaren ekuazio diferentziala ebatzi eta erresonantziaren fenomenoaz konturatu zen.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
During the 1980s and 1990s, a network of buoys in the central and eastern tropical Pacific Ocean helped study the El Niño-Southern Oscillation.
80ko hamarkadan eta 1990eko hamarkadan, El Niño-Hegoaldeko Oszilazioa aztertzen lagundu zuten Ozeano Bareko erdiko eta ekialdeko tropikaleko buien sareak.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The weather is also influenced by ENSO (El Niño–Southern Oscillation).
Izen zientifiko gisa, ENSO gertaera ere erabiltzen da, ingelesezko El Niño - Southern Oscillation (El Niño - Hegoaldeko Oszilazioa).WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
It seemed to her that the ground of the oscillating square went up the walls and that the floor dipped on end like a tossing boat. She was right at the edge, almost hanging, surrounded by vast space.
Iruditzen zitzaion, plazako zoru zabukaria hormetan gora igotzen zela, eta solairua ertzean makurtzen ari zela, kulunkatzen den itsasuntzi baten gisa. Bera ertz-ertzean zegoen, ia dilingo, espazio handi batez inguraturik.Lagun Lagun
So, we disable the shields, we take out the oscillator and we blow up the big gun.
Babesak oztopatu... osziladorea suntsitu eta kanoia lehertu.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Black Leader, there's a brand new hole in that oscillator.
Lider Beltza, zulo bat zabaldu da osziladorean.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
The oscillation definition can be naturally generalized to maps from a topological space to a metric space.
Oszilazioen bidezko definizioa espazio topologikoetatik espazio metrikoetara doazen funtzioetara orokortu daiteke.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
If we can destroy that oscillator, it might destabilize the core and cripple the weapon.
Osziladorea suntsitzen badugu... nukleoa desoreka dezake eta arma oztopatu.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
19 sinne gevind in 10 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.