pacifier oor Baskies


/`pæsɪfaɪə(r)/ naamwoord
(US) A rubber or plastic device imitating nipple that goes into a baby’s mouth, used to calm and quiet the baby.

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for a baby
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I've pacified the lords for now.
Uneko jokatutako jokoa amaitzen. Ez da irabazlerik izendatukoOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
His son Mulay Al-Rashid (1664–1672) was able to unite and pacify the country.
Hanka ondo-ondoraino etorri zitzaidan eta, ausartuko ez balitz bezala, buztana pasatzen zuen zapaten gainaldetik; azkenik, erantzun txarrik eta espantu berezirik erakusten ez nionez, jolasean hasi zen nire oin artean. Nekatu eta, etzan egin zen luze mahai azpian.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Trajan sent new troops under the praefectus praetorio Quintus Marcius Turbo, but Egypt and Cyrenaica were pacified only in autumn 117.
– Tokia erakusten badidazu, hobe. – Baina Anna ondo al dago? – Polizia bere pisua zaintzen ari da. Oraingoz ez dute beste saiorik egingo.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
On 2 May 1945, Khaldei scaled the now pacified Reichstag to take his picture.
Kotxeko argiak gero eta mantsoago zihoazen, erabat gelditu arte. Zaindariaren etxera iritsiko zen nonbait: han Sail Bereziko gizon bat zegoen beti, irlandarren atentatuak hasi zirenetik.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Liberius returned to Constantinople by May 553 and it is likely that a Byzantine force from Italy, which had only recently been pacified after the Gothic War, landed at Cartagena in early March 555 and marched inland to Baza (Basti) in order to join up with their compatriots near Seville.
Hautatu hau e-posta alarmak bidaltzean KDE-ren kontrol zentruan ezarritako helbidea zure identifikadore moduan erabiltzekoWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
It's so hard to find the Bumble Bee pacifier.
Irudiaren dataOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Maybe this is the time to wean him from the pacifier.
Sarahk Radio 3 sintonizatu zuen. — Igandeetan ez dute ematen merezi duen berririk — esan zuen Mrs. Castlek, eta, jakina, zuzen zegoen.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
It pacified me, in fact, so much, that I did not raise an alarm.""
Ezkutatu & etiketa editoreaLiterature Literature
This means constructing a physical or cultural place in which, once all the necessarily different views of the root causes of the conflict have been examined, a consensus can be reached for the coexistence of those who are different, and minds and wills can be pacified.
Harik eta III-163. artikulua aplikatuz onartutako Europako erregelamenduak indarrean sartu arte, estatu kideetako agintariek erabakiko dute ea akordioak, erabakiak eta itundutako jardunak onargarriak diren ala ez, eta, era berean, barne-merkatuan nagusitasun egoeraz baliatuta gehiegikeriazko ustiapenik egin den ala ez, bakoitzaren barne-zuzenbidearen arabera eta III-161. artikulua, bereziki 3. paragrafoa, eta III-162. artikulua oinarri hartuta.Lagun Lagun
Arbogast, who was a Frank and had also Alamanni and Frankish soldiers in his ranks, marched to the Rhine frontier, where he impressed and pacified the Germanic tribes by parading his army in front of them.
Hautaketa BaliogabeaWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
In mid-1238, Batu Khan devastated the Crimea and pacified Mordovia.
Kontseiluak erabakia hartuko du, dena delako estatu kideak Kontseiluan duen ordezkariaren botoa aintzat hartu gabe.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
To punish the rebels, King William I of England sends his half-brother Odo of Bayeux to pacify Northumbria.
Fitxategi izenaren eskemaWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
For the next few years Motoyasu was occupied with reforming the Matsudaira clan and pacifying Mikawa.
Zer esango diezu?WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
It's a pacified situation.
Atzeko estaldura orriaOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
14 sinne gevind in 4 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.