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/pjuːpəl/, /pjupl/ naamwoord
(anatomy) The hole in the middle of the iris of the eye, through which light passes to be focused on the retina.

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Not only because of his pupils became masters and champions of the USSR.
Herbehereak txapeldunak izan ziren eta Sobietar Batasuna txapeldunordeak.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Most of its pupils come from the town of St Just in Penwith and the nearby villages of Pendeen, Sennen, St Buryan, and St Levan, but more than 10% travel to the school from Penzance and further east.
Bertara 11-16 urte bitarteko ikasleak doazelarik, gehienak Pendeen, Sennen, St Buryan eta St Levan herrietako ikasleak dira, baina haietako %10a Penzance udalerria eta ekialdeko herrietatik datozen ikasleak dira.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
In the Office of St. Finnian it is stated that there were no fewer than 3,000 pupils getting instruction at one time in the school in the green fields of Clonard.
San Finnianen Ofizioan esaten denez, gutxienez 3.000 ikaslek jaso zuten heziketa aldi berean Clonardeko belaze berdeetan.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Classes have an average of 28 pupils.
Biztanleria dentsitatea 28 da.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Well, I see a couple more new pupils back there.
Ene, hor atzean ikusten dut ikasle pare bat gehiago.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
The doctor checked Nick's pulse and respiration, and looked at the pupils of his eyes, which were contracted.
Sendagileak Nicken pultsua eta arnasa aztertu eta begi-niniei begiratu zien: uzkurturik zeuzkan.Literature Literature
Pupils also remain to complete their homework.
Kareharria ere ateratzen dute porlana egiteko.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The first professor I saw was in a very large room, with forty pupils about him.
Lehendabizi ikusi nuen irakaslea gela handi batean zegoen, inguruan berrogei ikasle zituelarik.Literature Literature
After the visit, Landau always considered himself a pupil of Niels Bohr and Landau's approach to physics was greatly influenced by Bohr.
Landauk beti kontsideratu izan zuen bere burua Niels Bohrren ikasletzat eta Bohrren eredu atomikoak bere fisikako ikuspegian eragin handia izan zuen.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Apparently the prize had been awarded in 1910 to a pupil called William Davis for English Composition and William Davis had written in black ink in a small finicky hand, < Passed on to my son Arthur from his father on his passing First in Physics, June 29, 1953. >
Antza denez, saria 1910ean eman zitzaion William Davis izeneko ikasle bati, idazkuntzarako zuen gaitasunagatik, eta William Davisek, tinta beltzez eta kaligrafia samurrez, ondoko hau idatzia zuen: < Nire seme Arthurrentzat, bere aitak emana, fisika notarik onenaz gainditu duelako, 1953ko ekainak 29 > .Lagun Lagun
In return, Sara de Sancto Aegidio's pupil was to give her any earnings that he might receive during his apprenticeship.
Sara de Sancto Aegidioren ikasleak, berriz, bere ikasketetan jasotako diru-sarrerak emango zizkion.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
During his years at Repton, the Cadbury chocolate company would occasionally send boxes of new chocolates to the school to be tested by the pupils.
Reptonen egon zen urteetan, Cadbury txokolate fabrikak eskolara bidali ohi zituen produktu berriak hango ikasleek probatzeko xedean.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
He then led me to the frame, about the sides, whereof all his pupils stood in ranks.
Aparatura eraman ninduen orduan, ikasle guztiak haren inguruan zeudelarik lerroetan.Literature Literature
They were sitting on uncomfortable chairs on either side of the desk like a master and a pupil. Only the pupil in this case was so much older than the master.
Aulki ezeroso banatan zeuden eserita, idazmahaiaren inguruan, irakaslea eta ikaslea bailiran. Kasu honetan, ordea, ikaslea irakaslea baino askoz zaharragoa zen.Lagun Lagun
But I know he takes in a few pupils.
Baina badakit onartzen dituela ikasle batzuk.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Then he came straight to his pupil, and, planting himself in front of him with crossed arms - < Have you every vice, then, little wretch? Take care! you are on a downward path.
Gero zuzen hurbildu zitzaion bere ikasleari, eta, besoak gurutzaturik bere aurrean tente: — Baina zuk beraz bizio guztiak dituzu, dohakabe horrek!... Kontuz gero, maldabehera batean zaude!...Lagun Lagun
Hobbes was a good pupil, and around 1603 he went up to Magdalen Hall, the predecessor college to Hertford College, Oxford.
Ikasle ona, 1603 inguruan, Magdalen Hallera iritsi zen, Hertford Collegen aurrekaria zen unibertsitatea.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The principal source for Catherine Tishem's life is a worshipful tribute to her son, Jan Gruter, written by one of his pupils, Balthasar Venator.
Catherine Tishemen bizitzako iturri nagusia bere semeari, Jan Gruter-i, omenaldi zoragarri bat da, bere ikasleetako batek, Balthasar Venatorrek idatzia.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Her eyelids seemed chiselled expressly for her long amorous looks in which the pupil disappeared, while a strong inspiration expanded her delicate nostrils and raised the fleshy corner of her lips, shaded in the light by a little black down.
Bere betazalek propio dolatuak ziruditen bere begirada luze amurusentzako non betseina galtzen baitzen, anartean hats bortitz batek bere sudur-hegal meheak zabaldu eta, argitara ilaun beltz apur batek iluntzen zuen bere ezpainen hegi haragitsua altxatzen ziola.Lagun Lagun
His productivity was very remarkable, as may be gathered from the statement of one of his pupils, who said that the drawings he made during a period of four years would have filled a hay wagon.
Ammanen emankortasuna oso nabarmena izan zen, bere tailerreko ikasleetako batek egindako adierazpenean adierazten denez, lau urtez egindako grabatuek heno gurdi bat beteko zutela adierazi zuen.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Then smiling a strange smile, his pupil fixed, his teeth set, he advanced with outstretched arms.
Orduan irribarre bitxi bat eginez eta betseinak finko, hortzak hertsirik, aurrera egin zuen besoak zabalduz.Literature Literature
Letters to my pupils about my trip to America.
Gutunak nire ikasleei Amerikako nire bidaiaz.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Your first, your greatest, your best pupil.
Zure ikaslerik handiena eta onena.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
I didn't see the same physiological change in his body posture, in his pupil size, in his heart rate, that I would normally see with somebody who's talking about a traumatic experience.
Ez nituen aldaketa fisiologiko berak ikusi bere gorputz jarreran bere begi-ninien tamainan edo bihotzaren erritmoan bizipen traumatiko bat kontatzen ari den norbaiten seinale zirenak.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Among his pupils was his daughter Arete.
Bere oinordekoa, bere seme Kalimehtar izan zen.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
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