rail oor Baskies


/ɹeɪɫ/, /ɹeɪl/ werkwoord, naamwoord
A horizontal bar extending between supports and used for support or as a barrier; a railing.

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Ruby on Rails
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That trail's been abandoned since the rail road came.
Bide hori utzita dago burdinbidea iritsi zenetik.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
The Swiss communist Fritz Platten managed to negotiate with the German government for the safe passage of Lenin and his company through Germany by rail on the so-called "sealed train."
Fritz Platten komunista suitzarrak Alemaniar Inperioarekin negoziatu zuen Lenin eta bere kideak Alemaniatik igarotzeko baimena; burdinbideak erabiliz egingo zen hau, "tren zigilatua" deituko zitzaion trenean.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Billings remained quiet but on July 10, soldiers reached Lockwood, Montana, a small rail center, where the troop train was surrounded by hundreds of angry strikers.
Geroztik Billing isilpean egon zen, baina uztailaren 10ean, soldaduak Lockwood-era ailegatu ziren, Montanako trenbide zentro txiki bat, non armadaren trena grebalariez inguratuta zegoen.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The town ran him and his wife and the little girl out on a rail.
Herriak trena hartzera behartu zituen bera, emaztea eta neskatoa.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Then having flatly declared that it must be amputated, he went off to the chemist’s to rail at the asses who could have reduced a poor man to such a state.
Gero, moztu beharra zegoela garbi deklaraturik, botikara joan zen, gizon dohakabe bat egoera hartara bihurtzeko gauza izan ziren astatzarren kontra bereak eta bi botatzera.Lagun Lagun
It affected most rail lines west of Detroit and at its peak involved some 250,000 workers in 27 states.
Detroiten mendebaldearen ia trenbide linea guztiei eragin zien eta 27 estatuko 250.000 langilek parte hartu zuten.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
I'm squeezed out of the rail corridor.
Ni trenbideko lanetatik bota naute.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
You ain't putting nobody over no rails you can't fucking lift them out!
Ez jarri errailetan jasotzeko indarrik ez baduzu!OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
At Colonel Kosterlitsky's orders the American interventionists left the town by rail, to return across the border.
Kosterlitsky koronelaren agindupean, estatubatuarrek hiria utzi zuten muga zeharkatzeko.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Yeah, I'm just gonna jump off this railing.
Uste dut terrazatik salto egingo dudala.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Property adjacent to the rail line.
Lurrak trenbidearen ondoan.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
< The flower that you love is not in danger. I will draw you a muzzle for your sheep. I will draw you a railing to put around your flower. I will – >
< Maite duzun lorea ez dago arriskuan... Zure arkumearentzat muturreko bat marraztuko dut...Zure lorearentzat estalki bat marraztuko dut... Zera egingo dut... >Lagun Lagun
The station serves 210,000 rail passengers per day.
Metroa egunero 210.000 pertsonek erabiltzen dute.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Mohammed V Stadium is located right in the centre of the city of Casablanca, the international airport of Casablanca is 25 kilometres from the stadium, and the Casa-Voyageurs rail station is 5 kilometres from the stadium.
Mohammed V.a estadioa hiriaren erdian kokatuta dago, Casablancaren Nazioarteko Aireportutik 25 kilometrotara aurkitzen da, eta Casa-voyageurs tren geltokitik 5 kilometrotara aurkitzen da.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
A central hub of the national rail network, Paris's six major railway stations (Gare du Nord, Gare de l'Est, Gare de Lyon, Gare d'Austerlitz, Gare Montparnasse, Gare Saint-Lazare) and a minor one (Gare de Bercy) are connected to three networks: the TGV serving four high-speed rail lines, the normal speed Corail trains, and the suburban rails (Transilien).
Sei tren geltoki nagusiak (Gare du Nord, Gare Montparnasse, Gare de l'Est, Gare de Lyon, Gare d'Austerlitz eta Gare Saint-Lazare) hiru trenbide-sarera konektatuak: TGV (abiadura handiko trena), Corail trenak (abiadura normalekoak) eta Transilien (aldirietakoak).WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Galway City's Ceannt Station, the main bus and rail station in his native county of Galway, is named in his honour, as well as Éamonn Ceannt Park in Dublin.
Galway hirian bere omenez izena darama Ceannt geltokia dago, hiriko autobus eta tren geltoki nagusia da, bestalde, bere izena daramaten beste leku batzuk Dublingo Éamonn Ceannt parkea eta 2005ean erautsia izan zen Ballymun auzoko Eamonn Ceannt dorrea dira.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
On the first day of the strike, only 90 out of 700 TGV trains were running, and other rail services were reduced sharply.
Grebaren lehenengo egunean, TGVren 700 trenetik, soilik 90 zeuden funtzionamenduan, eta beste trenbideko zerbitzuak oso murriztuak geratu ziren ere.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Network Rail owns and operates the fixed infrastructure assets of the railway system in Scotland, while Transport Scotland retains overall responsibility for rail strategy and funding in Scotland.
Network Rail erakundeak Eskoziako trenbide azpiegitura guztien jabetza eta kudeaketa ditu; aldiz, Eskoziako gobernua euren planifikazioa eta finantzaketaren arduraduna da.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
On 13 November 2007, SNCF rail workers and Paris Métro personnel became the first group of workers to commence their strike.
2007ko azaroaren 13an, SNCFko trenbideko eta Parisko Metroko langileak greba hasten lehenengoan izan ziren.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Renfe Operadora: (100%) rail transport.
Talgo (Renfe): Renfe Operadora enpresaren tren zerbitzua.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The trams ran along the high wall of the Central Cemetery, and for a mile on the other side of the rails stretched the monumental masons and the market gardeners – an apparently endless chain of gravestones waiting for owners and wreaths waiting for mourners.
Tranbiak Hilerri Nagusiko harresi garaietan zehar zihoazen eta trenbideaz bestaldean bi kilometrotan edo, marmoldegiak eta lore saltzaileak ilaran jarrita: etengabea zirudien hilobi katea jabeen zain eta koroak hiletarien zain.Lagun Lagun
Cities to the northeast of the prefecture in close proximity to Tokyo were connected by rail to the capitol, and became and remain bedroom communities to Tokyo.
Prefekturaren ipar-ekialdeko hiriak, Tokiotik gertu daudenak, trenbidez lotu ziren hiriburuarekin, eta Tokio inguruko lo-hiri bilakatu ziren.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
A power car carries the necessary equipment to draw power from the electrified infrastructure, such as pickup shoes for third rail systems and pantographs for overhead systems, and transformers.
Elektrifikazio kotxeak elektrifikatutako azpiegituratik energia erauzteko beharrezkoa den ekipoaz hornituta dago, hala nola zapatak, hiru errailezko sistemetan; edo gida barra eta transformadoreak, pantografodun sistemetan.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The suburban rail network reaches the city's distant suburbs.
Aldiriko trenbide sarea hiriko auzo urrunetara iristen da.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The third bomb went off at about 17:32 on South Leinster Street, near the railings of Trinity College and not far from Leinster House, the seat of the Oireachtas.
Hirugarren leherketa 17:32an Trinity College unibertsitatearenn hesitik hurbil dagoen South Leinster Street kalean jazo zen.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
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