reconcile oor Baskies


/ˈrekənsɑil/, /ˈɹɛkənsaɪl/ werkwoord
To recreate friendly relationships.

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The half-sisters only return to normal after reconciling.
MetaloideaWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
< Leave the room! > said the young woman, springing up with a bound. < Emma! Mamma! > cried Charles, trying to reconcile them. But both had fled in their exasperation.
osagai diagramaLagun Lagun
When parties in a State are violent, he offered a wonderful contrivance to reconcile them.
Konstateen editoreaLiterature Literature
I think the way to reconcile the overriding conflict in his life, was actually to climb the mountain and be done with it and go home to Ruth and say I've done it, it's over, now we can get on with the rest of our lives.
Europako Parlamentuak, Kontseiluak edo Batzordeak aholkua eskatuko diote Eskualdeetako Lantaldeari, Konstituzioan aurreikusitako kasuetan, baita erakunde horietako batek bidezko iritzi diezaion beste edozein kasutan ere, batez ere mugaz haraindiko lankidetzari dagozkionetan.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Is it easy or hard to reconcile the two?
PortamoldeaWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Walpole rejoined the government in 1720, and Caroline's husband and King George I reconciled publicly, on Walpole's advice.
Gizonak jale handiago diren herrietan, luxua ere jaten diren gauzei buruz itzulia da. Ingalaterran, mahaia haragiz mukuru betez erakusten da; Italian, liliz eta azukrez asetzen zaituzte.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The Commission shall take part in the Conciliation Committee’s proceedings and shall take all necessary initiatives with a view to reconciling the positions of the European Parliament and the Council.
Bihurtzen, itxaronLagun Lagun
Herodotus and Diodorus Siculus give different versions of the battle, which are hard to reconcile.
Hurrengo & hilabeteaWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Scholastic European scholars, who sought to reconcile the philosophy of the ancient classical philosophers with Christian theology, proclaimed Aristotle the greatest thinker of the ancient world.
Adierazitako denboraWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
In December 2010, the couple separated, but reconciled again six months later.
Orduan ulertu nuen argi eta garbi ama erotuta zegoela. Konturatu nintzen Do eta nire nebek beti izan zutela eromen haren berri. Eta nik, ordea, ez, artean ez nuela ikusi. Sekula ere ez nuela ikusi ama halako eromen-trantzean. Erotuta zegoen. Jaio zenetik.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Cleopatra II of Egypt and her brother Ptolemy VIII of Egypt reconcile.
Fitxategi izenak parekatzeko espresio erregularraWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
" I have seen two things which cannot reconcile.
Kargatze-pozesuaren aurrerapenaOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
And if so, how do you reconcile that with your doctor / trainer being so associated with doping?
Ez zen hodietatik kalefakzio bero handirik zabaltzen. Ematen zuena leiho zabaletik ihesi zihoan gau hotz ilunera.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
I can't reconcile with an event from when I was 19.
Aditz-denboraren deskribapena ezabatzenOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
In 1929, he reconciled with Breton, and sporadically attended the Surrealists' meetings in Paris.
Gero, euren ahotsak bat etorri zirenean, Watsonek jarraitu egin zuen. — Bera aurkitzeko modurik ba al duzu? Bilera batean behar dute. — Ezin dut haginlariaren besaulkitik aldez edo moldez erauzi.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
How do you reconcile that with the laws that God gave Moses?
Eta mundu abertzalearen baitan erantzukizun intelektuala duten kideak sukurtsalistak badira kanpoko estimuluen aurrean, edo ideien mundu-kontzertua ezer berririk ekartzeko ez duten bitartean, tradizioan edo indarkerian babesteko joera betikotu egingo da. Zoritxarrez, ez dirudi ahaleginak bide horretatik doazenik. Eta benetan penagarria da. Izan ere, horretan datza gatazkaren bi muturrak gainditzeko ahalmena.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Chassériau's art has often been characterized as an attempt to reconcile the classicism of Ingres with the romanticism of Delacroix.
Markoarentamaina aldatuWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
He began by pitying his sufferings, declaring at the same time that he ought to rejoice at them since it was the will of the Lord, and take advantage of the occasion to reconcile himself to Heaven.
Kalitateko hezkuntza garatzen lagunduko du Batasunak, estatu kideen arteko lankidetza sustatuz, eta, beharrezkoa bada, estatu horien lana babestuz eta osatuz.Lagun Lagun
In 1990 the two groups reconciled.
Data eta orduaWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The five reconciled detectives had a hundred details to explain to each other.
Parametro bat edo parametrorik ez zen esperoLiterature Literature
His best known intellectual project attempted to reconcile Epicureanism atomism with Christianity.
Sink. egoeraWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Glazunov was significant in that he successfully reconciled nationalism and cosmopolitanism in Russian music.
Bi urte zeramatzan Davisek Cynthia konkistatu nahian; hark, ordea, brigadako jeneral baten alaba zenez, asmo handiagoak zerabiltzan.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
I cannot reconcile all this with the world I know.
Lerro AmaieraOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
The Commission shall take part in the Conciliation Committee’s proceedings and shall take all the necessary initiatives with a view to reconciling the positions of the European Parliament and the Council.
Etsaiaren bezeroaren informazioaLagun Lagun
Dunvallo's sons, Belinus and Brennius, fight a civil war before being reconciled by their mother, and proceed to sack Rome.
Itsatsi arbelaren edukinak kurtsoreanWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
34 sinne gevind in 11 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.