reside oor Baskies


To dwell permanently or for a considerable time; to have a settled abode for a time; to remain for a long time.

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Voorbeelde moet herlaai word.
Many of Mississippi's white residents deeply resented the outsiders and attempts to change their society.
Atzean inprimatzeko euskarriaWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Some major settlements may have had more than a dozen houses, although not all were inhabited at the same time by the approximately fifty residents.
ErabiltzaileaWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
It is estimated Berlin has 710 bicycles per 1000 residents.
— Inoiz ez da beranduegi — esan zuen Sarahk. Hala ere, Castlek biziki sentitu zuen hura sinetsi ezina.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
By March 2013, the group had returned to Benghazi and began patrolling hospitals and manning checkpoints, as well as providing humanitarian services to residents.
Kontseilu Europarrak, Batzordeko lehendakariaren onespenaz, gehiengo kualifikatuz izendatuko du Batasuneko Atzerri Arazoetako Ministroa. Kontseilu Europarrak prozedura bera erabiliz amaiarazi dezake haren agintaldia.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
In the next decade, the zone's human residents will be gone, and it will revert to a wild, radioactive place, full only of animals and occasionally daring, flummoxed scientists.
- Posiblea da. Beraz, esploratzailearen zintzotasunak ona dirudienean, bere aurkikuntzaz azterketa egiten da.ted2019 ted2019
This was their main residence for the rest of their lives and the place where Christie did most of her writing.
& Gaitu atzeko planoaWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Within weeks, Village residents quickly organized into activist groups to concentrate efforts on establishing places for gays and lesbians to be open about their sexual orientation without fear of being arrested.
Data-barrutiaWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
For centuries the residence of the kings of Poland and the symbol of Polish statehood, the Castle is now one of the country’s premier art museums.
Batasunak barne-mugarik gabeko askatasun-, segurtasun- eta justizia-esparrua eskainiko die herritarrei, eta lehia askea eta faltsutu gabea izango duen barne merkatua.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The other residents play people in my life, like my sister or you.
Pazifikoa/MajuroOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
The Union may conclude agreements with third countries for the readmission to their countries of origin or provenance of third-country nationals who do not or who no longer fulfil the conditions for entry, presence or residence in the territory of one of the Member States.
Legegintzako egintza-egitasmoa aurkezten zaienean, Europako Parlamentuak eta Kontseiluak ez dute onartuko dena delako eremuan erabili beharrekoa den legegintzako prozeduran jasota ez dagoen egintzarik.Lagun Lagun
I'd applied for a residence permit.
Barrak eta eskailerakOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
The town has a resident population of fewer than 300, but this can swell to 10000 during tourist seasons.
– Jakin nahi nuke... – Hilda dago. Azkena da. Dena bukatu da, kitto. Zertarako hitz egin?WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Two full-time rangers are resident within the park.
Kokotako ilea tente jar dakizkielaWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The European Parliament shall elect a European Ombudsman. In accordance with Articles I-10(2)(d) and I-49, he or she shall be empowered to receive complaints from any citizen of the Union or any natural or legal person residing or having its registered office in a Member State concerning instances of maladministration in the activities of the Union’s institutions, bodies, offices or agencies, with the exception of the Court of Justice of the European Union acting in its judicial role.
Alarmaren deabrua ez da aurkituLagun Lagun
As long as restrictions on freedom to provide services have not been abolished, the Member States shall apply such restrictions without distinction on grounds of nationality or of residence to all persons providing services within the meaning of the first paragraph of Article III-144.
KudeatzaileaLagun Lagun
The Skylab space station, launched by NASA in 1973, included a solar observatory module called the Apollo Telescope Mount that was operated by astronauts resident on the station.
Bilaketa hura, pentsatzen zuen, ez zen beste meritu bat baino; eta, bere debozioaren hantustean, Emmak bere burua parekatzen zuen beihalako dama handi haiekin, zeinen arrandia amestu baitzuen La Villieren erretratu baten aurrean, eta zeinak, beren soineko luzeen isats apain-jarioa halako maiestateaz errestatuz, bakardadeetara erretiratzen baitziren han Kristoren oinetan isurtzeko bizitzak zauritzen zuen bihotzaren malko guztiak.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
'A complaint has been registered'by a resident of this island about a missing child.
Sar ezazu pasahitzaOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
My people believe that the White Lodge is a place where the spirits that rule man and nature here reside.
< Horretaz guztiz ziur nago >, esan nuen. < Beharbada horrela da zu boki eta ni preso politiko garelako >.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
She currently resides in Tunisia.
& Berriak bakarrikWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Many of these residents were relocated to the Cape Flats and Lavender Hill.
Azken kasu honetan, sagu bat edo hosto bat bera ere izugarritzat har daitezke ). Bulkada masokisten beste erei dagokienez, funtsezko xedea berbera da.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The city of Alexandria was a major market in the American slave trade, and pro-slavery residents feared that abolitionists in Congress would end slavery in the District, further depressing the economy.
— Noiz sendatuko naiz?... Ah! salba nazazu!... Zein dohakabea naizen! ni bai naizela dohakabea! Eta medikua joan egiten zen beti ere dieta gomendatuz.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
J. R. Tucker, writing for The North American Review in 1884, stated that the vast majority of the nearly 100,000 Chinese immigrants resided within the American West: California, Nevada, Oregon, and the Washington Territory.
Eta elizan sartu zen, atetik bertatik belaun eginez. Eserleku zerrenda bikoitzaren artetik desagertzen ikusi zuen Emmak, ibilkera astunez, burua sorbalda gainera apur bat makurturik, bere bi eskuak kanpoan zeramatzala erdi irekiak.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
But the little problem is the protocols reside within the Biokernel, which itself is based on a quantum encryption.
— Ezin izan dut albistegia ikusi — esan zuen Sarahk — . Samek irakurtzeko eskatu dit, baina lo geratu da.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
At Carnegie Mellon, he served as a resident assistant, studied abroad, and was an active intramural sports participant.
Gauss-en lausotzeaWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Christmas Island residents who are Australian citizens also vote in federal elections.
Hilezkortasuna ez dela denbora-gorabehera, ez dela hilezkortasun kontua, beste zerbaitean dagoela koska, ezjakinean egoten den zerbaitetan.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
202 sinne gevind in 20 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.