robbery oor Baskies


/ˈrɒbri/, /ˈrɒbəˌri/ naamwoord
The act or practice of robbing.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Baskies




taking or attempting to take something of value by force or threat of force or by putting the victim in fear


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Voorbeelde moet herlaai word.
I've seen robberies and murders.
Zatiki zenbakiakOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
When Tutankhamun's tomb was discovered in 1922, similar items were found in the entrance corridor, and it is thought that after the first robbery attempt of the tomb, the embalming cache material was moved to the pit that was KV54, and the corridor filled with rocky debris in order to stop any future robbery attempts.
Jakin duzu hau?WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
And you could hardly not have seen it, thus implicating you in the robbery.
Ezin da OCR prozesua abiatu. Seguruenik bat dagoeneko matxan dagoOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
By the mid-1980s, the image of the people's militsiya was largely compromised by the corruption and disorderly behaviour of both enlisted and officer staff (the most shocking case was the robbery and murder of a KGB operative by a group of militsiya officers stationed in the Moscow Metro in 1980).
Tesi hau, halabaina, kontraesanean dago gizakume modernoa, ez sakrifizio eta aszetismorako joerak, baizik eta, aitzitik, norberekoitasun-gradu gorenak eta interes pertsonalaren bilaketak motibaturik dagoela, itxuraz bederen, egiaztatzearekin.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
That was the night of the first robbery.
Telegrama jaso aurretik jakin zuen, bezperatik, berak beste inork ikusten eta ulertzen jakin ez zuen zeinu baten bidez, txori baten bidez, zeinek oihu egin baitzuen gauaren erdian eroturik, galdurik, nire aitaren jauregiaren iparraldeko bulegoan.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
In the late 19th century the castle was almost completely abandoned, and was the victim of robberies.
Jauzi hurrengo orriraWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Julia returns to Los Angeles when Matt is arrested for a series of robberies.
Arkipielagotan irla bakoitzak gainera bere administralgoa izango du Kabildu edo Kontseilu eran.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Robberies, narcotics, homicide.
Inor ezin izango da kondenatu ekintza edo ez-egite bategatik, egiterako orduan barne-zuzenbidean zein nazioarteko zuzenbidean kasu hori arau-haustea ez bada.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
It wasn't a robbery, Peggy.
Dentsitate-mapaOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Middle-German stand-off continues, Arbitration committee to be appointed, Robbery on Tempelherrenstrasse.
Plantila izena ez da bakarraLiterature Literature
Season Two: The Great Train Robbery.
Honaino, Estatuko potentzia exekutiboa jasorik daukan, eta legeen indarrak batu duen pertsona moral eta kolektibotzat jo dugu printzea.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
That was home invasion, breaking and entering, robbery...
Fitxategi-izenaOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
These men could often be found roaming the countryside looking for work or engaging in highway robbery.
Lerro arrunt batWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Tom is suspected of being involved in the bank robbery.
Ordenatu datuak orden beherakorrean (Z-tik A-ra eta #-tik #-ra). Hautatutako zutabearen datuak erabiliko dira ordenatzekolangbot langbot
So I want you to go through everybody in Milwaukee... with a history of armed robbery and put a name to the face.
Eta bat-batean ziur naiz baten bat datorrela niri segika, nire atzetik. Korrika jarraitzen dudalarik atzera begiratzen dut. Emakume luze bat da, argala oso, heriotza bezalakoa, barre egiten du eta korrika dator. Oinutsik dabil, eta korrika dator ni harrapatu nahian.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
I said this is a robbery.
Hainbat urte pasata, hantxe zeuden biak, etzanda, isil-isilik, sorbaldaz ozta-ozta elkar ukitzen zutela.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
A robbery.
Kendu atributuakOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Then show us what you have learned about robbery and plundering.
— Hik heure buruari entzuten diok gehitxo! altxa hadi ba! errege baten gisa habil axanparaz! Ah! ez ziok axolarik, adarjole arraioa! ez duk ondo usantzen!OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
But, you see, they can’t rule out a robbery ... There might have been something valuable which they couldn’t tell was missing. A piece of jewelry? > < I’ve never gone in for jewelry. We weren’t rich people, Inspector. > < Or a picture? > < No. >
Maneiatu ahal duzuLagun Lagun
A murder and a robbery take place in the bank.
Estatu kideek beharrezko diren xedapenak onartuko dituzte Batasunaz kanpoko herrialdeetan Batasuneko herritarrei babes diplomatikoa eta kontsularra bermatzearren, I-10. artikuluaren 2. paragrafoaren c) idatz-zatian aurreikusitako babesa, alegia.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
I've always believed that done properly armed robbery doesn't have to be a totally unpleasant experience.
Mundu hau mespretxatzen duena bakarrik has daiteke geroko mundurako prestatzen.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
He was the prime suspect for two of the biggest armed robberies in Irish history.
Gizarte paktuaren bidez, izatea eta bizia eman diogu gorputz politikoari; orain, legeen bidez, mugikortasuna eta nahimena eman behar dizkiogu.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The main character, Katharina Blum, is an innocent housekeeper whose life is ruined by an invasive tabloid reporter and a police investigation when the man with whom she has just fallen in love turns out to be wanted by the police because of a bank robbery.
Ez duzu fitxategirik hautatuWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
"""Nothing only robbery and murder,"" Tom said."
Hartu iturburuko datu-basearen motaLiterature Literature
In the 10 years from 1994 to 2004, Norwegian police fired some 79 shots; 48 of these were fired during the Nokas Robbery in 2004.
— Maurice, Maurice, mesedez, eutsi, ez etsi. Horren ondoren, isilune luze bat gertatu zen, eta Sarah ohartu zen Moskurekiko linea etena zela.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
47 sinne gevind in 13 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.