sea state oor Baskies

sea state

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Baskies


general condition of the free surface on a large body of water
Haizearen eraginez itsas azalean sortzen diren uhinen ezaugarrien deskribapena; edo, itsas azalaren zimurtasunaren deskribapena.

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In 1985, Mowat started a book tour of the United States to promote Sea of Slaughter.
Ordura arte ahoa ia ireki ere ez bazuen ere, hirugarren gizon bat lotu zitzaion solasaldiari: — Ez duzu pentsatu behar besteok baino gehiago zarenik, Buffy. Beste garai batean, ni neu horietako bat izan nintzen, gaur egun hori antzinako istorioa iruditzen bazait ere.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Sweden and Denmark-Norway were interested in gaining control over northern German states bordering the Baltic Sea.
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Sicily is both the largest region of the modern state of Italy and the largest island in the Mediterranean Sea.
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Madame de Bourboulon states that, according to the boatmen, it likes to be spoken of as “Madam Sea.”
Material-mapaLiterature Literature
Kipling then travelled through the United States, writing articles for The Pioneer that were later published in From Sea to Sea and Other Sketches, Letters of Travel.
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After the occupation of Korea and Taiwan in the 20th century, and the establishment of the Manchukuo puppet state in 1932, Tottori's harbors on the Japan Sea served as an active transit point for goods between Japan and the colonial areas.
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To prevent this unphysical situation from happening, Dirac proposed that a "sea" of negative-energy electrons fills the universe, already occupying all of the lower-energy states so that, due to the Pauli exclusion principle, no other electron could fall into them.
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