shelf oor Baskies


/ʃɛlf/ naamwoord
A flat, rigid, rectangular structure, fixed at right angles to a wall, and used to support, store or display objects.

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The Argentine Sea (Spanish: Mar Argentino) is the sea within the continental shelf off the Argentine mainland.
Gizakume modernoak jokatzean intereseko duen nia ni < soziala > da, gizabanakoak jokatu behar duela espero den paperak sortua funtsean, eta izatez, gizakumeari gizartearen baitan esleituriko funtzio objektiboaren mozorro subjektiboa besterik ez dena.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Several dictionaries lay on a shelf and a pointer leaned against a blackboard on which was written a half-obliterated word in a language he couldn’t identify.
& Tresna-barraLagun Lagun
A.J.C. acquired the book in a search of the 4th cellblock, in a cell they turned inside out. He doesn’t remember the name or face of the prisoner whose cell it was, nor whether they found anything there. He just saw the book on a shelf, and since he recognized the author’s name, he decided to take it. He doesn’t regret it; it’s this author’s best work, without a doubt.
Ingurumena eta ekologia.Lagun Lagun
Castle for a moment was at a loss. He looked along the single shelf of battered volumes which were held in place by two china dogs that bore a likeness to Buller.
Doi-doi zebiltzan kurloi batzuk elurraren gainetik janari bila, eta berriro etorri zitzaidan gogora hartu ez nuen arraina, ezta hartuko ere!Lagun Lagun
Marie Byrd Land is the portion of West Antarctica lying east of the Ross Ice Shelf and the Ross Sea and south of the Pacific Ocean, extending eastward approximately to a line between the head of the Ross Ice Shelf and Eights Coast.
Komizioak legitimoki bilduak izan zitezen, eta han hartu erabakiek legearen indarra izan zezaten, hiru baldintza bete behar ziren: lehenak zioen, komizioa deitzen zuen gorputzak edo magistratuak horretarako ahalmena izan behar zuela; bigarrenak, legearen arabera horrelako biltzarrak haizu ziren egun batean egin behar zirela; hirugarrenak, augurek alde agertu behar zutela.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
< I thought you had - > said Emma. < Presently! Do you know to what you exposed yourself? Didn’t you see anything in the corner, on the left, on the third shelf? Speak, answer, articulate something. > < I - don’t - know, > stammered the young fellow.
Gaitu aukera hau urrezko espiralen gida erakustekoLagun Lagun
Up on the shelf, can you hear me?
Zenbatenaz hobeki eratua baita Estatua, hainbatenaz egiteko pribatuekbaino toki handiago dute egiteko publikoek hiritarren izpirituan. Areago dena, egiteko pribatu anitzez gutiago ohi da orduan, zorion komuna handiago izanik, gizabanakoak hartarik zati handiagoa hartzen baitu,eta ez baitu, beraz, hainbeste ihardunbide partikularretan ibili beharrik zorion bila.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
He takes his cigar out of his mouth, lays it on a shelf on the wall, takes a long hatchet from out the corner.
Irmoki indartsu, betiereko eta liluragarri ikusi eta sentitzen den botere baten zati bilakatzean, gizabanakoa haren indar eta aintzaren partaide da.Literature Literature
Look... you know that shelf your daddy built above the tub?
< Eta zu zer moduz, Seán? >, oihukatu nion atzera. < Sudurra apurtuta daukadala uste dut, Bobby. Eta zu? >.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
He looked around the room, and at once, slowly, as though stealing up on it, he went towards the shelf of books.
Kolore hautatzaileaLiterature Literature
He's not going back on the shelf ever again.
Gehitu erreprodukzio-zerrendariOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
This shelf enabled me to reach the window.
& Erakutsi mezuaOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
You stuck me on a shelf for years and years.
Ene pistola ateratzeko sakela miatuz, lasterka hasi nintzen; bainan zarata egin nuenenz, sugea ondarrean ixuritu eta hondatu zen, emeki ahitzen den ur txirrio bezala, presarik gabe, metalezko zarata arin batez, eta harrien artean abilki izkutatu zen.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
In some places, namely its southern areas, the ice shelf can be almost 750 m (2,450 ft) thick.
Errorea albuma berrizendatzeanWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
La china found it on the bottom shelf in commissary.
Esportatu egileari buruzko informazioakOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Τhose pamphlets on the shelf, they hand them out everywhere.
Hel. elek ezizenaOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
I'm actually wearing the device right now and we've sort of cobbled it together with components that are off the shelf -- and that, by the way, only cost 350 dollars at this point in time.
Berrabiarazi ordenagailuated2019 ted2019
When my old friend Popov went away, I put the folder on the shelf.
Helbide elektronikoa arbelean kopiatutaOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Did you not see anything, in the corner, on the left, on the third shelf?
TCP/IP helbideaLiterature Literature
Continental shelves play an important role in marine ecosystems since most marine organisms live or are spawned there, and though the study only dealt with the area from Vancouver to Northern California, the authors suggest that other shelf areas may be experiencing similar effects.
% # azpi-irudiaWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The island was connected to the Antarctic mainland by an ice shelf until 1995, when the ice shelf collapsed, making the Prince Gustav Channel passable for the first time.
Sarbide kontrolaWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Erebus and Terror returned in 1843, having made the most significant penetration of the Antarctic pack ice and discovered large parts of the continent—including the Ross Sea and Ross Island, Mount Erebus and the Ross Ice Shelf.
Hiperbola foku eta puntutikWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The goods of the State’s public property shall be that established by law and shall, in any case, include the foreshore beaches, territorial waters and the natural resources of the exclusive economic zone and the continental shelf.
— Beraz, gure nagusia ere ez da libratu zure inspekziotik... — Bai. Hori da nire lana — erantzun zuen Daintryk.Lagun Lagun
And he at once took down from the shelf Emma’s boots, all coated with mud, the mud of the rendezvous, that crumbled into powder beneath his fingers, and that he watched as it gently rose in a ray of sunlight.
SoinuaCommentLagun Lagun
He had looked at every book on every shelf — there was not one he had ever used for coding: War and Peace was safely destroyed.
Goiburuak bakarrikLagun Lagun
53 sinne gevind in 15 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.