social democrat oor Baskies

social democrat

(politics) A supporter of social democracy, a political ideology which in its contemporary form aims to reform capitalism democratically through state regulation and state sponsored programs which work to ameliorate injustices inflicted by the market economy.

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Social Democratic and Labour Party
Social Democratic and Labour Party
Social Democratic Party of Germany
Alemaniako Alderdi Sozialdemokrata
Democratic and Social Centre
Zentro Demokratiko eta Soziala
Social Democratic Party
Alderdi Sozialdemokrata


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“Long live the social-democratic workers’ party, our party, comrades, our spiritual home!”
Errepikatu j astearen i. eguneanLiterature Literature
In 1912, Weber tried to organise a left-wing political party to combine social-democrats and liberals.
Markatu deskarga partzialakWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The Social Democrats first approached Kun on the subject of a coalition government.
Horrela prestaturiko haurra lehen eskolara edo goragokora hasten da. Pentsamendu originala eragozten duten hezkuntz metodo batzuk aipatu nahi ditut.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Flynn has described himself as an "atheist, a scientific realist, a social democrat".
Aterpean bi gurdi handi eta lau golde zeuden, beren zaharo, beren goilare, beren zaltresna guztiekin, hauen artile urdinezko mototsak bihitegietatik erortzen zen hauts finaz zikintzen zirelarik.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
There was no resistance when the Social Democrat Philipp Scheidemann on 9 November declared Germany to be a republic.
Ehorzketak askoz errazagoak ziren astebete lehenago baino, zulagailu elektrikoak behar zirenean lur izoztua zartatzeko. Udaberriko egun batean bezain bero zegoen ia-ia Harry Limek bigarren hileta izan zuenean.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
During the Second World War, Hamelin prison was used for the detention of Social Democrats, Communists, and other political prisoners.
— Baliteke, beraz, Mr. Castlek zerbait zentzurik gabea edo gehiegi pentsatu gabea egitea. Zoritxarreko sentitzen bazen, eta errebolber bat bazeukan... —WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
In January 2007 the People's Party and SPÖ formed a grand coalition with the social democrat Alfred Gusenbauer as Chancellor.
Azpimarratu & esteka guztiakWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Popp entered the 20th century creating the Union of Homeworkers in 1902, followed by the Association of Social Democratic Women and Girls in 1907.
Erakutsi lerroakWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
In 1905, a social-democratic organization emerged at the University and called for the overthrow of the Czarist government and the establishment of a republic in Russia.
Begiztatu uneko karpetanWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The young Hjalmar Branting, later the first social democratic prime minister of Sweden, was employed as a mathematics assistant at the Stockholm Observatory 1879–1880 and 1882–1883.
Horretarako, beharrezkoa da oinarrizko eskubideen babesa indartzea, gizartearen bilakaera, garapen soziala eta zientzia-teknologietako aurrerapenak aintzakotzat hartuta, eta Gutun batean jasota uztea.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Friedrich Ebert's majority Social Democratic government crushed the revolt and the Spartakusbund by sending in the Freikorps (government-sponsored paramilitary groups consisting mostly of World War I veterans).
Paper zimurtuaWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
An article in Z Communications criticized The Take for its portrayal of the Argentine general and politician Juan Domingo Perón arguing that he was falsely portrayed as a social democrat.
Goiburuko lerroaWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Strikes and working class networks, particularly relating to the old Social Democratic Party of Germany, anti-fascist resistance networks and trade unions played a key role in the unfolding of the uprising.
Mugitu saioa eskuinetaraWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
As she saw it, at the outset of the First World War the Social Democratic Parties around the world betrayed the world's working class by supporting their own individual bourgeoisies in the war.
AutozenbaketaWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
On his first appointment in 1976, he was the first non-Social Democrat Prime Minister for 40 years and the first since the 1930s not to have worked as a professional politician since his teens.
Ohiko inspekzio bat, Daintryk egin zuena bezalakoa? Zuk jakin beharko zenuke zer egin, saltsa madarikatu honetan gutako beste inork baino denbora gehiago daramazulako.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The Social liberal Democrats has 2 ministers.
Bidali orain e-posta zehaztutako helbideetara' From ' email addressWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Politically, he moved from the Social Democratic Party of Germany to the Italian Socialist Party, adhering to the Italian revolutionary syndicalist wing and later to Italian Fascism, which he saw as a more democratic form of socialism.
Jokoaren izenaWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
When Finland granted women's suffrage in 1906 Gripenberg was one of the ten female conservatives elected, along with nine other women belonging to the Social Democratic Party, making her one of the first women to get elected into the Parliament of Finland.
Apaiz batek hitz egiteari utzi zion; bere hitzak isil-misilean iristen ziren elur xehe eta geldoan zehar, eta zerraldo bat lurrazpira eraitsia izateko gertu zegoen.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
It also reached a consensus on certain policies that tended towards a progressive, secular and highly democratic social democracy.
Horretarako oinarrizko funts bat ezarri behar dugu, bertoko herritar guztiak definitzen dituena, nazionalismoa eta ez-nazionalismoa gainditzen dituena.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Spain is hereby established as a social and democratic State, subject to the rule of law, which advocates freedom, justice, equality and political pluralism as highest values of its legal system.
Editatu identitateaLagun Lagun
The nation declares itself to be an "indivisible, secular, democratic, and social Republic".
Hautatutako histogramaren zatiarekin kalkulatutako estatistikak ikus ditzakezu. Balio hauek kanal guztientzat daude eskuragarriWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Every line of serious work that I have written since 1936 has been written, directly or indirectly, against totalitarianism and for democratic socialism, as I understand it".
Izena AbizenaWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Guarantee democratic coexistence within the Constitution and the laws, in accordance with a fair economic and social order.
% # fitxategia kargatzenLagun Lagun
Belieing that Europe, reunited after bitter experiences, intends to continue along the path of civilisation, progress and prosperity, for the good of all its inhabitants, including the weakest and most deprived; that it wishes to remain a continent open to culture, learning and social progress; and that it wishes to deepen the democratic and transparent nature of its public life, and to strive for peace, justice and solidarity throughout the world,
– Jakinaren gainean jarri – esan zuen – eta laguntzarik behar izanez gero... baina oraindik ere uste dut zentzugabekeria dela – Zaldun Bakartia ukitu zuen – . Pozarren nago zu ezagutu izanaz.Lagun Lagun
Examples of countries directly using the word "socialist" in their names include the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka and the Socialist Republic of Vietnam while a number of countries make references to socialism in their constitutions, but not in their names.
Ertzaintza, polizia judizial gisa diharduenean, Aginte Judizialaren zerbitzura izango da, lege prozesalek xedatu dezaten moduan.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
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