social engineering oor Baskies

social engineering

(computer security) The practice of tricking a user into giving, or giving access to, sensitive information, thereby bypassing most or all protection

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Baskies

Ingeniaritza sozial

psychological manipulation of people into performing actions or divulging confidential information

Geskatte vertalings

Vertoon algoritmies gegenereerde vertalings


Advanced filtering
Voorbeelde moet herlaai word.
Phishing is a type of social-engineering attack to obtain access credentials, such as user names and passwords.
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I'd like to discuss the fact that what this judge is doing is nothing short of social engineering by someone- - by someone who doesn't live anywhere near our neighborhood.
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Epidemiologists rely on other scientific disciplines like biology to better understand disease processes, statistics to make efficient use of the data and draw appropriate conclusions, social sciences to better understand proximate and distal causes, and engineering for exposure assessment.
Euren ardurapean Afrikako ekialdeko eta Hegoafrikako eskualde batzuk zeuden. Ingalaterrako orduaren eta Afrikako eremu zabal hartako orduaren arteko aldea (ordubete baino zertxobait gehiagokoa, Johannesburgoren kasuan bezala) aski handia zen zerbitzutik kanpoko inor ez larritzeko, mezua berandu iritsiagatik.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
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