social system oor Baskies

social system

The concept of system appears throughout the social and natural sciences and has generated a body of literature of its own (general systems theory). A system is any pattern of relationships between elements, and is regarded as having emergent properties on its own over and above the properties of its elements.

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The concept of system appears throughout the social and natural sciences and has generated a body of literature of its own (general systems theory). A system is any pattern of relationships between elements, and is regarded as having emergent properties on its own over and above the properties of its elements.

sistema sozial

The concept of system appears throughout the social and natural sciences and has generated a body of literature of its own (general systems theory). A system is any pattern of relationships between elements, and is regarded as having emergent properties on its own over and above the properties of its elements.


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gizarte-sistema; sistema sozial

The concept of system appears throughout the social and natural sciences and has generated a body of literature of its own (general systems theory). A system is any pattern of relationships between elements, and is regarded as having emergent properties on its own over and above the properties of its elements.

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A 2008 book titled Gender and Information Technology: Moving Beyond Access to Co-Create Global Partnership uses Riane Eisler's cultural transformation theory to offer an interdisciplinary, social systems perspective on issues of access to technology.
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Guarantee of access of all persons to an adequate and quality education, health and social protection system.
Erbestaldi luze batera abiatu berri den gizonaren modura sentitzen zen, untzi baten bizkarretik itsasertzak osatzen zuen marra lausotuari begira zegoela, marra hura zeruertzean ezari-ezarian hondoratzen ari zen bitartean.Lagun Lagun
Since 1982, much of the costs of abortions are taken in charge by the French social security system.
Hau hautatzen baduzu, hiztegi berri bat sortuko da hiztegi-fitxategi bat kargatuz edo testuko hitzak zenbatuzWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
the modernisation of social protection systems without prejudice to point (c).
Bera ere irudipen hauen benetako parte gisa bilakatzen ari zen eta gaztaroko amets luze hura egikaritzen, hainbat irrikatua zuen maitale-molde hartan bere burua hautemanez. Bestalde, Emmak mendekuaren atsegina nabaritzen zuen.Lagun Lagun
Cooperatives and friendly societies not forming a part of the Social Security system.
Gauzen arteko harremanek, ez gizonen artekoek, dute gerla ekartzen. Eta gerla ez baita pertsonen arteko harreman soiletarik sortzen ahal, baina gauzen arteko erlazioetarik bakarrik, ezin izan daiteke gerla pribaturik edo buruz burukakorik, ez jendeek jabego iraunkorraren berririk ez dakiten naturalezako egoeran, ez eta oro legeen eskupean emana den gizarte egoeran ere.Lagun Lagun
Basque Authorities shall maintain a public social security system for all citizens, guaranteeing sufficient social care and services in the case of need.
Aukeramenari buruz Aquinotarrak dio Jainkoaren esentziarekin eta gizakumearen izaerarekin kontraesankorra litzatekeela gizakumea ez dela erabakitzeko aske eta gizakumeak Jainkoak eskainitako grazia errefusatzeko ere askatasuna baduela onartzea.Lagun Lagun
Their central concept is that people and groups interacting in a social system create, over time, concepts or mental representations of each other's actions, and that these concepts eventually become habituated into reciprocal roles played by the actors in relation to each other.
Baziren zenbait faktore azpian zeukan segurtasunik ezaren agerkizun nabarmenak gainditzen lagun ziezaioketenak. Lehenik eta behin bere niak ondasunen jabegoaren euskarria zuen. < Bera >, pertsona zenez, eta bereak zituen ondasunak ezin ziren bereizi.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Basque institutions shall guarantee the principle of unity in the ownership of resources of the social security system of the State as a whole.
Baldintza sorta batek zehazten duen datu-baseko zutabeko balio numeriko guztiak erabiliz populazioaren bariantzaren estimazioa itzultzen duLagun Lagun
Thus, the general will is always the weakest, the corporate will second, and the individual will strongest of all: so that, in the government, each member is first of all himself, then a magistrate, and then a citizen -- in an order exactly the reverse of what the social system requires.
& Atzeko planoaren koloreaLagun Lagun
They believe that such a development will ensue not only from the functioning of the internal market, which will favour the harmonisation of social systems, but also from the procedures provided for in the Constitution and from the approximation of provisions laid down by law, regulation or administrative action of the Member States.
Erretorea korintoarrentzako lehenengo epistolaren zati bat irakurtzen hasi zen: — Haragi guztiak ez dira berdinak; gizakiena da bat, animaliena beste bat, arrainena beste bat, eta hegaztiena beste bat.Lagun Lagun
Penitentiary and social re-insertion systems and institutions.
Postontzi birtuala (# erabiltzaileaLagun Lagun
The yield obtained from this fund is used to cover long-term retirement, widowhood, and invalidity benefits, complementary to those offered by the Spanish social security system.
Abiatu morroiaWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The public authorities shall maintain a public Social Security system for all citizens guaranteeing adequate social assistance and benefits in situations of hardship, especially in case of unemployment. Supplementary assistance and benefits shall be optional.
Sareko karpetakLagun Lagun
On November 6, 2007, Zuckerberg announced Beacon, a social advertising system that enabled people to share information with their Facebook friends based on their browsing activities on other sites.
Urrunago eraman zuen urmahel txiki baten ondora, non ur-dilista batzuk berdegunea egiten baitzuten uhinen gainean. Igebelar histu batzuk ekuru zeuden ihien artean. Belarretako haien urratsen abarrotsera, igel batzuk jauzi ziren ezkutatzera.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
I shall end this chapter and this book by remarking on a fact on which the whole social system should rest: i.e., that, instead of destroying natural inequality, the fundamental compact substitutes, for such physical inequality as nature may have set up between men, an equality that is moral and legitimate, and that men, who may be unequal in strength or intelligence, become every one equal by convention and legal right.
& HartzaileaLagun Lagun
The Maternity package (Finnish: äitiyspakkaus, Swedish: moderskapsförpackning) is a kit granted by the Finnish social security institution Kela, to all expectant or adoptive parents who live in Finland or are covered by the Finnish social security system.
Arbel-gris iluna #colorWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The European laws and framework laws adopted pursuant to this Article: shall not affect the right of Member States to define the fundamental principles of their social security systems and must not significantly affect the financial equilibrium of such systems;
Sokazko taldeaLagun Lagun
Basic legislation and financial system of Social Security, without prejudice to implementation of its services by the Self-governing Communities.
Pista ez da erreproduzigarria multimediako gailuan: %Lagun Lagun
The Space provided the common ground from which the participating parties could work together on issues such as: Against the neoliberal reform of the pension and social security systems Opposition to new anti-terrorism legislation The preparation of the Greek participation at the 2001 international demonstration in Genoa.
Lehenetsia & egiteko berrientzatWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Basque institutions shall have powers to develop the legislation and the State in matters relating to social welfare, as well as the management of the public social security system within their territory, which shall be exercised with their own budget and shall include the collection of social security quotas accrued in the Community of the Basque Country and the management of the patrimony located within its territory affected by the system.
Aukera hau gaitzen denean, bidalitako mezu guztiak lehenespenez sinatuko dira. Noski, mezu bakoitzaren sinadura desgaitu dezakezuLagun Lagun
A calendar is a system of organizing days for social, religious, commercial or administrative purposes.
Itxi applet zerbitzaria aktibo ez dagoeneanWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Likewise, and without prejudice to the obligations of the families, they shall promote their welfare through a system of social services that provides for their specific problems of health, housing, culture and leisure.
Letra-tipoaLagun Lagun
Where a member of the Council considers that a draft European law or framework law referred to in paragraph 1 would affect fundamental aspects of its social security system, including its scope, cost or financial structure, or would affect the financial balance of that system, it may request that the matter be referred to the European Council. In that case, the procedure referred to in Article III-396 shall be suspended.
Marraztu kurbakLagun Lagun
If you seek social justice and human dignity, the free market system is the way to go.
Hautatu helbideaOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
The Union recognises and promotes the role of the social partners at its level, taking into account the diversity of national systems. It shall facilitate dialogue between the social partners, respecting their autonomy.
Sakelatik nere marraztekoak atera nituen. Printze txikiak somatu zituen eta irriz esan zuen:Lagun Lagun
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