social welfare oor Baskies

social welfare

The prosperity, well-being or convenience of a community. It embraces the primary social interests of safety, order, morals, economic interest, and non material and political interests.

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Gizarte ongizate

statutory means-oriented social benefit


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gizarte-ongizate; ongizate sozial

The prosperity, well-being or convenience of a community. It embraces the primary social interests of safety, order, morals, economic interest, and non material and political interests.

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Hence, Pareto efficiency is a necessary, but not a sufficient condition for social welfare.
Ondorioz, Paretoren efizientzia ongizate sozialerako beharrezko baldintza (baina ez nahikoa) dela argudiatu da.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
In neo-classical welfare economics, this means the maximization of a social welfare function.
Ongizate-ekonomiaren arazo nagusiena, ongizate sozial baten funtzioaren maximo teorikoa aurkitzea da.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Social welfare.
Gizarte-laguntza.Lagun Lagun
LAGUNTZA SOZIALA ESKATZEKOOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
This Act brings into effect many of the social welfare changes announced in Budget 2018.
2018an Sarako Idazleen Biltzarrak ematen dituen sarietako bat irabazi zuen.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
According to this measure of social welfare, a situation is optimal only if no individuals can be made better off without making someone else worse off.
Ongizate sozialeko neurri honen arabera, egoera bat optimoa izango da inoren egoera okertu gabe ezin daitekeenean inorena hobetu.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Some, such as economists in the tradition of the Austrian School, doubt whether a cardinal utility function, or cardinal social welfare function, is of any value.
Ekonomialari edo politologo batzuk, hala nola, Austriar eskolakoak, utilitate funtzio kardinal bat eta/edo ongizate sozial kardinal baten funtzioa zehaztea posible den zalantzan jartzen dute.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Basque institutions shall have powers to develop the legislation and the State in matters relating to social welfare, as well as the management of the public social security system within their territory, which shall be exercised with their own budget and shall include the collection of social security quotas accrued in the Community of the Basque Country and the management of the patrimony located within its territory affected by the system.
Euskal instituzioen eginkizuna izango da Estatuak gizarte-aurreikuspenaren eta gizarte-segurantzaren arloan duen legeria garatzea, eta baita gizarte-segurantzako sistema publikoa kudeatzea ere erkidegoan; hori guztia aurrekontu propioa izanda egingo da, eta Euskadiko Erkidegoan sorrarazitako kotizazioak eskuratzeko eginkizuna eta bertan egon eta sistemari atxikita dagoen ondarea kudeatzeko eginkizuna ere izango dute euskal instituzioek.Lagun Lagun
Likewise, and without prejudice to the obligations of the families, they shall promote their welfare through a system of social services that provides for their specific problems of health, housing, culture and leisure.
Era berean, eta familiako betebeharretatik kanpo, haien ongitasuna bultzatuko dute zerbitzu sozialen bidez beraien arazo bereziei kasu eginez, hots, osasun, bizileku, kultura eta aisiari.Lagun Lagun
The law shall establish the forms of participation of the persons concerned in Social Security and in the activities of those public bodies whose operation directly affects quality of life or general welfare.
Legeak ezarriko ditu Giza Asegurantzan eta organismo publikoen ekintzan interesaturik parte hartze erak, hauen eginbeharrak bizitza kalitate edo ongitasun orokorrari zuzenki ikusten (ikutzen) baitio.Lagun Lagun
He is perhaps best known for his 1942 report Social Insurance and Allied Services (known as the Beveridge Report) which served as the basis for the post-World War II Labour government's Welfare State, including especially the National Health Service.
Beharbada ezaguna da batez ere 1942an idatzitako txostenagatik, "Social Insurance and Allied Services" izenekoa (edo zuzenean "Beveridge Report") Bigarren Mundu Gerraren ostean Erresuma Batuko Alderdi Laboristak garatuko zuen "Ongizatearen gizartea" delakoaren oinarriak ezarri zituena, tartean "National Health Service" osasun zerbitzu publikoa 1948an.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
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