social work oor Baskies

social work

Any of several professions concerned with providing social services to those members of the community that need it.

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In addition, they fought for the professional status of social work.
Atxilotu ere ezin dugu egin. 6. Sailean dagoela ziurtzat jotzen badugu, besteei helaraz diezaiekeen informazioak kalte gutxiago eragingo du epaiketak berak piztuko duen eskandaluak baino.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
I have a Master's in social work.
Jordaniako dinarraOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
However, he continues to do social work.
Berrespena behar daWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
“I’m going back to social work.
POWER(balioa; balioaLiterature Literature
Abbott derived a curriculum for students that desired a career in social work.
Jatorrizo irudiaren koadro-tikia ikus daiteke, aurrebista kalkulatzko erabiliko dena. Egin klik eta arrastatu saguaren kurtsorea irudian koadro txikiaren fokua aldatzekoWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Abbott was also in charge of implementing social work studies to the graduate level.
Sorburu horretarik datozen tradizioak, itzal handieneko autoreak berme dituztenak, eta are arrazoin sendoago batzuek konfirmatzen dituztenak, arras segurtzat jo behar dira.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
It was the first graduate school of social work in the country affiliated with a major research university.
— Zer esan nahi zenuen zehazki Goian Bego esan duzunean? — jakin nahi izan zuen sir John Hargreavesek, elizatik irtetea lortu zutenean. — Erretoreak esandakoari erantzuteko, < amen > baino egokiagoa iruditu zait.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
"""I'm going back to social work."
Puntuazio altuenakLiterature Literature
Edith Abbott was a pioneer in the profession of social work with an educational background in economics.
Hau hautemateko gai ez izateraino hilda ez dagoen edonor erakartzen du sakonki.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Abbott, along with Breckinridge, transformed the field of social work by emphasizing the importance of formal education in social work and the need to include field experience as part of the training.
Baietz esan eta zelan jakin duen galdetzeko gogoa barruan isilarazi behar izan du. Badaki zelan egoten diren txapelokerrak beti posta- bulegoan bertatik urten ezinik. Chesterrari azken tirakadak jotzen aldendu da postaria. Zorioneko momentuan. Anitak beste orritxo bat ekarri do..WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
In 1927, in dedication to the "scientific and professional interests of social work", Abbott and Breckinridge jointly established the distinguished academic journal, Social Service Review, published by the University of Chicago Press.
Jokatu berriroWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
She was the recipient of nineteen honorary degrees and by July 1982 had taught, in her estimation, 125,000 students in death and dying courses in colleges, seminaries, medical schools, hospitals, and social-work institutions.
Hautapena arbelera kopiatzenWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Low social support at work and job insecurity can also increase occupational stress.
Bonnen dena ongi aterako zen, ezta? Ahal bezain ongi, jakina. Baina uste dut dagoeneko horretaz hitz egin duzula gure lagun Castlerekin.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
– The existing social order is founded on the economic, political and social enslavement of working people.
Erakutsi gatazka konponketa elkarrizketa-koadroa emandako fitxategiarentzatLiterature Literature
working conditions; social security and social protection of workers;
& Jotzeko SoinuaLagun Lagun
The British economist Guy Standing has analysed the precariat as a new emerging social class in work done for the think tank Policy Network and the World Economic Forum.
— Hemen afalduko duzu? — jakin nahi izan zuen Blitek. — Ez nago ziur. Ikusi behar dut ea... — Zu beti sekretuetan zabiltza. Maurice, ez zara aldatu!WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Through this work invites the social analysis, criticism and reflection of quotidian -fashion, consumerism, etc..
Atomo bate positiboki kargatutako zentru txikia. Bertan protoiak eta neutroiak daudeWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
He is best known for his work in social network theory and in economic sociology, particularly his theory on the spread of information in social networks known as "The Strength of Weak Ties" (1973).
< Eta hori askoz hobeto egina dute lehenago ere Zipre, Aden eta Palestinako lurraldeetan. Bai, seguruenik hori egingo dute berriro >, gaineratu nuen doi-doi ebaztearren; furgoia bat-batean geratu zen.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Grace Abbott had many accomplishments working as a social worker, child labor legislation reformer, and chief of the United States Children's Bureau (1921–1934), also working with Edith on many different professional projects during their careers.
Hautatu kamararen gailuaWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Furthermore, these "Communist states" often do not claim to have achieved socialism in their countries; on the contrary, they claim to be building and working toward the establishment of socialism in their countries.
GaratzaileaWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Though she was met with resistance on her work with social reform at the University of Chicago, she ultimately was successful and was elected as the school's dean in 1924, making her the first female dean in the United States.
Ezin bidali zerbitzariraWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
labour law and working conditions; basic and advanced vocational training; social security;
Ezarpen orokorrakLagun Lagun
More recently her work has also studied accessible control of multimedia content, technological and social changes that would allow elderly people to work for more years before retiring, and the development of technology that would make the physical world more accessible to blind people.
DeklarazioaWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
In any case, he or she shall be entitled to paid work and to the appropriate Social Security benefits, as well as to access to cultural opportunities and the overall development of his or her personality.
— Artemise! egiten zuen garrasi ostalersak, txikitu egurra, bete pitxarrak, ekarri pattarra, mugi zaitez! Gutxienik ere jakingo banu behintzat, zuk espero duzun jende horri zer postre eskaini!Lagun Lagun
If that is done, public enlightenment leads to the union of understanding and will in the social body: the parts are made to work exactly together, and the whole is raised to its highest power. This makes a legislator necessary.
Bere amodio-ohituren eragin hutsez, Madame Bovary aldatu egin zen gisaz. Bere begiradak ausartagoak bilakatu ziren, bere diskurtsoak libreagoak; egin ere, zigarro bat ahoan, Rodolpherekin pasiatzeko arrunkeria egin zuen, munduaz nausatzeko bezala;Lagun Lagun
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