socialist oor Baskies


adjektief, naamwoord
Of, promoting, practicing, or characteristic of socialism.

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adjektief, naamwoord
Of, belonging to, or constituting a party or political group that advocates socialism.

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Voorbeelde moet herlaai word.
They spoke in the village about the socialists who distributed broadcast leaflets in blue ink.
Estatubatuarra barra biribilaren ondoan eseri eta zerbait eskatu zuen. Bai, Planter’s Punch bat zen: zerbitzaria laranja-xerra bat eta geriza paratzen ari zen edalontzian.Literature Literature
And now she could not understand why her son and his comrades were socialists.
Ezteiliarrak garaiz iritsi ziren kotxez, zaldi bakarreko gurtarinez, bi gurpiletako zalgurdi eserlekudunez, kapota gabeko gurtitxi zaharrez, larruzko gortinadun landoz, eta hurbileneko herrietako gazte-jendea gurdietan zutik ilaratan, ez erortzeko eskuez gurtesiei helduz, trostan eta gogor astindurik.Literature Literature
Martha Beatrice Webb, Baroness Passfield, FBA (née Potter; 22 January 1858 – 30 April 1943), was an English sociologist, economist, socialist, labour historian and social reformer.
Zure lagun Carson arriskutsua zen,baina are arriskutsuagoa izango zen espioitzaz salatu izan bagenu.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Following the October Revolution in Russia, the Bolsheviks consolidated their power and sought to control and direct the social and economic affairs of the state and broader Russian society in order to safeguard against counterrevolutionary insurrection, foreign invasion and to promote socialist consciousness among the Russian population while simultaneously promoting economic development.
Gorde eskaneatze-parametroakWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Socialist Democracy (Spanish: Democracia Socialista, DS) was a Spanish political party of socialist ideology founded in 1990 by Ricardo García Damborenea, the ex-leader of the Spanish Socialist Workers' Party (PSOE) in the province of Biscay.
Etsaiak karikatura bat izan behar zuen aurrerantzean ere, urrun edukiko bazuen; etsaiari ez zaio suspertzen utzi behar.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The Socialist Party only got 18% of the votes.
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The preamble to the 1976 Constitution of Portugal states that the Portuguese state has as one of its goals opening "the way to socialist society".
Errorea mezuak zerbitzarian ezabatzeanWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Michel Aflaq, the principal founder of ba'athism and the Ba'ath Party, coined the term in order to distinguish his version of socialist ideology from the Marxist socialism in Eastern Europe and Eastern Asia, and social democracy in Western Europe.
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Following the Slovenian and Croatian secessions from the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia in 1991, the multi-ethnic Socialist Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina – which was inhabited by mainly Muslim Bosniaks (44 percent), as well as Orthodox Serbs (32.5 percent) and Catholic Croats (17 percent) – passed a referendum for independence on 29 February 1992.
Sen komunez, zientziaz, osasun psikikoz, normaltasunez, eritzi publikoz mozorrotzen da. Berez begibistakoa dena besterik ez du eskatzen. Ezein presioz ere ez dela baliatzen dirudi, izatekotan ere, pertsuasio moduren batez.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Launched by parliamentarians Jean-Luc Mélenchon and Marc Dolez on 12 November 2008, after their departure from the Socialist Party (PS) 8 Following the Congress of Reims, the PG brings together personalities and groups from different political traditions, and claims a socialist, ecologist and republican orientation.
Sinboloen zerrendaWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Mayer was finally pardoned at the end of the summer by Governor Dix after a campaign led by a socialist newspaper.
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He worked as a trader, and became an active socialist.
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USSR stands for Union of Soviet Socialist Republics.
Kolorea ez-aktiboaTatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
India, Algeria, Congo Brazaville and Sri Lanka have directly used the term "socialist" in their official constitution and name, respectively.
Atea hertsia eta estua zen. Pixa apurka-apurka ateratzen zihoan. Hegalean isurketak segitzen zuen. Galdara kalaka zebilen, arriskua barreiatuz.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
A majority of the socialists and the radicals firmly opposed this annexation and reaped electoral benefits from their anti-colonialist campaign.
Goi-paseko iragazkiaren beheko mugaWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
In the case of many Middle Eastern states, "socialism" was often used in reference to an Arab socialist/nationalist philosophy adopted by specific regimes, such as that of Gamal Abdel Nasser and that of the various Ba'ath Parties.
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The term was coined in 1887 by Joseph Dietzgen, a socialist who corresponded with Marx, during and after the failed 1848 German Revolution.
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From 1922 to 1925, the Fascist movement led by Benito Mussolini seized power in Italy with a nationalist, totalitarian, and class collaborationist agenda that abolished representative democracy, repressed socialist, left-wing and liberal forces, and pursued an aggressive expansionist foreign policy aimed at making Italy a world power, promising the creation of a "New Roman Empire".
Bat egin ondorengo edozeinekin (ORWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
According to Colonel Green the "trouble was incited by a Socialistic organization that has been formed by malcontents opposed to the Díaz government."
Lehen paragrafoa Europako lege edo esparru-lege bidez aplikatu beharko da, garraio-arloaren berezitasunak ahaztu gabe.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
However, some socialists believed that the country should annex the Congo and play a humanitarian role with regard to the Congolese population.
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A socialist?
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The general strike was the first called in Belgium and a decisive moment for the nascent socialist movement in Belgium.
Kontseiluko kide bakoitzak, bozketan, beste kideetako bakar baten ordezkotzan jardun ahal izango du.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
In September 2002, new legislative elections were held, and the Socialist Union of Popular Forces (USFP) won a plurality.
Beraz, bere burua txeraz hartu zuen, losindu egin zuen eta ematen zizkioten kontsolamenduak onartu egin zituen.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
"When they had all departed, she asked Pavel: ""Pavlusha, are you a socialist?"""
Sintaxi-erroreaLiterature Literature
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