state of matter oor Baskies

state of matter

(physics) Any of the different phases of matter whose properties are dependent on the motions and forces of the molecules of which they are composed

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materiaren egoera

distinct forms that different phases of matter take on


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fundamental state of matter
materiaren funtsezko egoera


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State of Matter
— Ez nintzen gerrillariez ari. Erradiakzioak eragindako eskualdeko familia guztiez ari naiz. Haurrez, neskatxez, amonatxoez...KDE40.1 KDE40.1
& State of Matter
— Tiroa entzungo dute — esan zuen Castlek. — Sotora jaitsiko gara. Inork ez du jaramonik egiten, tiro bakar bat entzunez gero. Ihes-tuturen bat izan dela uste izango dute.KDE40.1 KDE40.1
State of matter
Kirrinka bat entzunda, Castlek di-da begiratu zuen aterantz: handik azaldu zen Bullerren lauki itxurako mutur beltza atea aldenik alde irekitzen ari zela. Orduan, txakurrak, patata-zaku baten antzera jaurtiki zuen bere gorputza Castleren hankatartearen kontra. Castlek, ordea, saihestu egin zuen oldarra.KDE40.1 KDE40.1
Move the slider to find out about the state of matter
Arratsean, handik itzultzean, Charlesek banaka-banaka errepikatu zituen hark ahoskatu zituen esaldiak, hauek gogoratzen, hauen zentzua osatzen saiatuz, berak ezagutzen ez zuen garaian hark bizi izana zuen bizialdiaren zatiaz jabetzearren.KDE40.1 KDE40.1
These elements form chemical compounds and mixtures, and under different temperatures and pressures, these substances can adopt different states of matter.
Neba gazteari dagokionez, akatsik gabea izan zen haren hilezkortasuna, legendarik gabea, gorabeherarik gabea, purua, eskumen bakarrekoa. Neba gazteak ez zuen desertuan zer aldarrikaturik, ez zuen zer esanik, ez hemen ez beste inon, deus ez.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Some modern scientists see a parallel between the classical elements and the four states of matter: solid, liquid, gas and weakly ionized plasma.
Izen bat eman behar duzu bederenWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
In Hinduism, particularly in an esoteric context, the four states-of-matter describe matter, and a fifth element describes that which was beyond the material world.
Urdin aspergarriaWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
In chemistry and physics, atomic theory is a scientific theory of the nature of matter, which states that matter is composed of discrete units called atoms.
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As part of the Hyōjōsho, the Rōjū sometimes served a role similar to that of a supreme court, deciding succession disputes and other such disputed matters of state.
Inportatu testu fitxategiaWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
This is a matter of the state's national security".
DesmuntatzenWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
facilitate cooperation between judicial or equivalent authorities of the Member States in relation to proceedings in criminal matters and the enforcement of decisions.
Zerbitzariak % # behar du, baina ez dago eskuragarriLagun Lagun
Constitutionally, the number of Senators per state is two, no matter the population.
Markoaren tamaina aldatuWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
He's attending to state matters, but surely he's thinking only of you.
III-325. artikuluan xedatuta dagoena xedaturik egonik ere, Kontseiluak, Europako Banku Zentralak gomendaturik edo Batzordeak gomendaturik, eta Europako Banku Zentralaren iritzia eskatu ondoren, bere esku du, prezioen egonkortasuna lortzeko helburuarekin bat etortzeko moduko kontsentsua iritsi nahian, beste herrialde batzuetako diruaren eta euroaren arteko trukerako tasa-sistema baterako akordio formalak izenpetzea. Kontseiluak aho batez hartuko ditu erabakiak, Europako Parlamentuaren iritzia eskatu ondoren, eta 3. paragrafoan zehazturiko prozeduraren arabera.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
The Court of Justice shall have jurisdiction in any dispute between Member States which relates to the subject-matter of the Constitution if the dispute is submitted to it under a special agreement between the parties.
Tresna-barraLagun Lagun
The Cortes Generales, in matters of State jurisdiction, may confer upon all or any of the Self-governing Communities the power to pass legislation for themselves within the framework of the principles, bases and guidelines laid down by a State act.
Gaztelania da Espainiako Estatuaren hizkuntza ofiziala. Espainol guztiek jakin behar dute eta erabiltzeko eskubidea dute.Lagun Lagun
Member States shall regard their economic policies as a matter of common concern and shall coordinate them within the Council, in accordance with Article III-178.
Behin behineko autonomia errejimena duten lurraldeetan, haien goiko organo kolejiatuek, beren kideen arteko gehiengo absolutua jasoz, hurrengo iniziatiba hau alda dezakete, hots, 143. artikuluko 2. apartatuak Diputazio Probintziak edo dagozkien organo Intsular artekoei ematen die.Lagun Lagun
Good laws lead to the making of better ones; bad ones bring about worse. As soon as any man says of the affairs of the State What does it matter to me? the State may be given up for lost.
Irristatze abiaduraLagun Lagun
Jurisdiction on matters not claimed by Statutes of Autonomy shall fall with the State, whose laws shall prevail, in case of conflict, over those of the Self-governing Communities regarding all matters in which exclusive jurisdiction has not been conferred upon the latter.
- Izan zaitezte nere lagun, bakarrik nago, esan zuen. - Bakarrik nago! bakarrik nago! bakarrik nago! erantzun zuen oihartzunak.Lagun Lagun
Likewise, representatives of Basque Institutions shall form part of the delegations of the State in the Council of Ministers of the European Union in all matters that affect the contents of the public policies for which they have exclusive authority.
Comment=KDE-ren argazki-kudeatzaileaLagun Lagun
In cases of imperative need arising from changes in the situation and failing a review of the European decision pursuant to the second subparagraph of paragraph 1, Member States may take the necessary measures as a matter of urgency, having regard to the general objectives of that decision.
Modemaren & denboramugaLagun Lagun
Effective implementation of Union law by the Member States, which is essential for the proper functioning of the Union, shall be regarded as a matter of common interest.
Joan gelaxkaraLagun Lagun
By way of derogation from the procedure laid down in Articles III-360 and III-361, the Commission and any Member State may bring the matter directly before the Court of Justice of the European Union if it considers that another Member State is making improper use of the powers provided for in this Article.
Badu monarkiaren gobernamenduak akats funtsezko eta ezin kenduzko bat, gobernamendu errepublikanoa hura baino egokiagotzat beti joaraziko duena. Honetan, boz publikoak gizon argi eta gai direnak altxatzen ditu, ia beti, lehen tokietara, eta ohorezki betetzen dituzte beren karguak;Lagun Lagun
By way of derogation from the procedure laid down in Articles III-360 and III-361, the Commission or any Member State may bring the matter directly before the Court of Justice if the Commission or Member State considers that another Member State is making improper use of the powers provided for in Articles III-131 and III-436. The Court of Justice shall give its ruling in camera.
Ziur asko, gauerdian inguratuko ziren berriro izekitzeko; dena dela, hotzak ere ez digu uzten lo askorik egiten, pentsatu nuen bokiak nire argia amatatu zuenean.Lagun Lagun
As a rule women did not perform animal sacrifice, the central rite of most major public ceremonies, though this was less a matter of prohibition than the fact that most priests presiding over state religion were men.
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Member States shall have a right of initiative in the field of police and judicial cooperation in criminal matters, in accordance with Article III-264.
Transakzio sinpleakLagun Lagun
54 sinne gevind in 31 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.