straits oor Baskies


Plural form of strait.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Baskies


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Dire Straits

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Baskies

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Soortgelyke frases

Palk Strait
Palkeko itsasartea
Dampier Strait
Dampier itsasartea
Strait of Malacca
Malakako itsasartea
dire straits
Davis Strait
Davis itsasartea
Bass Strait
Bass itsasartea
Strait of Magellan
Magallanes itsasartea
Cook Strait
Cook itsasartea
Strait of Sicily
Siziliako itsasartea


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The limits of the estuary have been defined in several ways: Although physically the head of Sea Reach or the Kent / Essex Strait, south of Canvey Island on the northern (Essex) shore presents a western boundary, the Tideway itself can be considered estuarine; it starts in south-west London at Teddington/Ham.
Nahiz eta fisikoki Sea Reach itsasmuturra edo Kent/Essex Itsasartea, Canvey uhartearen hegoaldean, iparraldeko (Essex) kostaldean, mendebaldeko muga adierazten duen, itsasgoraren marka osoa ere estuarioaren barruan har daiteke; hego-mendebaldeko Londresen hasten da, Teddington/Ham-en.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The Furneaux Group (indigenous name: Tayaritja) is a group of approximately 100 islands located at the eastern end of Bass Strait, between Victoria and Tasmania, Australia.
Furneaux uhartedia (izen indigena: Tayaritja), gutxi gorabehera 100 uhartek osatzen dute, Bass itsasartearen ekialdeko muturrean, Victoria eta Tasmaniaren artean, Australian.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The first European to reach the Bering Strait was the Russian explorer Semyon Dezhnev in 1648.
Bering itsasartean zehar itsastatu zuen lehenbiziko europarra Semion Dezhniov, errusiar esploratzailea, izan zen, 1648an.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Most of his names here survive; Cook, visiting the shore-line on his third voyage, confirmed Furneaux's account and delineation of it, with certain minor criticisms and emendations, and named after him the Furneaux Group at the eastern entrance to Bass Strait, and the group now known as the Low Archipelago.
Bere izenak hemen bizirik diraute; Cookek, bere hirugarren bidaian, kostaldeko linea bisitatu zuenean, Furneaux-ren kontaketa eta haren delineazioa berretsi zituen, zenbait kritika eta aldaketa txikirekin, eta Furneaux uhartedia izenaz beragatik izendatu zuen Bass itsasarteko ekialdeko sarreran, eta gaur egun Tuamotu izenaz ezagutzen den uhartedia.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The name is derived from the Greek words for "islands of the fortunate" (μακάρων νῆσοι, makárōn nêsoi), a term used by Ancient Greek geographers for islands to the west of the Straits of Gibraltar.
Izena grezierazko μακάρων νῆσοι makárōn nêsoi (zorionekoen uharteak) esalditik datorkie, greziar geografoek Gibraltarko itsasartearen mendebaldean zeuden uharteak izendatzeko erabili zuten izena, hain zuzen ere.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
A comune of its Metropolitan City, located at the southern entrance of the Strait of Messina, is to this day called 'Scaletta Zanclea'.
Gaur egungo probintzia honetako komuna bat, Messinako itsasartearen hegoaldeko sarreran dagoena, Scaletta Zanklea deitzen da.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Napoleon was concerned about Russia's intentions in the strategically vital Bosphorus and Dardanelles straits.
Napoleonek, Errusiak, funtsezko itsasarte estrategikoak ziren Bosforo eta Dardaneloetan Errusiak zituen asmoen berri izan zuen.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
I heard you're in dire straits.
Estualdian zabiltzala entzun dut.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
The two ships were parted shortly after sailing through the Strait of Magellan, Carteret discovering Pitcairn Island and the Carteret Islands, which were subsequently named after him.
Bi itsasontziak banandu ziren Magallanes itsasartean zehar nabigatzen hasi zirenen gutxi ondoren, Carteretek Pitcairn uharteak eta Carteret uharteak aurkitu zituen, gero bere izena jarri zizkien.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Count Waldner, in dire straits, has written to all his friends for financial help, to no avail.
Waldner kondeak, sosik gabe, bere lagun guztiei idatzi die, diruz lagun diezaioten, baina arrakastarik gabe.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
"Sultans of Swing" is a song by British rock band Dire Straits from their eponymous debut album, which band frontman Mark Knopfler wrote and composed.
"Sultans of Swing" Dire Straits britainiar rock taldearen abesti bat da, taldearen izen bera duen lehenengo diskoan argitaratua. Mark Knopflerrek idatzi eta konposatu zuen.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Japan's territorial waters extend to three nautical miles into La Pérouse Strait instead of the usual twelve, reportedly to allow nuclear-armed United States Navy warships and submarines to transit the strait without violating Japan's prohibition against nuclear weapons in its territory.
Itsasartean Japoniarrek hiru itsas miliako uren jabetza dauka, ez ohiko 12 miliak, Estatu Batuetako Armadaren gerra untzi nuklearrak pasa ahal izateko, Japoniako nuklearren debekuarekin topo egin gabe.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
There are over 50 islands in Bass Strait.
Bass itsasartean 50 uharte baino gehiago daude.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Clerke assumed leadership of the expedition and made a final attempt to pass through the Bering Strait.
Clerkek hartu zuen espedizioaren ardura eta Bering itsasartea zeharkatzeko azken ahalegin egin zuen.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The Strait of Gibraltar, which links these seas and separates Europe from Africa, is a stopping point for migratory birds and marine mammals.
Gibraltarko itsasartea, itsaso hauek elkartu eta Europa eta Afrika banatzen dituena hegazti migratzaileen eta itsas ugaztunen igarobidea da.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
When migrating between Europe and Africa, it avoids crossing the Mediterranean Sea and detours via the Levant in the east or the Strait of Gibraltar in the west, because the air thermals on which it depends for soaring do not form over water.
Europa eta Afrika artean bidaiatzean, Itsaso Mediterraneoa zeharkatzea saihesten du, arinago hegan egiteko darabiltzan korronte termalik ez baitago itsasoan, eta Gibraltarko itsasartetik edo Levantetik igarotzen da.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
In 1903, Norwegian explorer Roald Amundsen, looking for the Northwest Passage, sailed through the James Ross Strait and stopped at a natural harbour on the island's south coast.
1903an, Roald Amundsen norvegiar esploratzaileak, Ipar-mendebaldeko pasaia aurkitu guran, James Ross estugunean zehar nabigatu zuen, eta geratu zen portu natural batean, uhartearen hegoaldeko kostaldean.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Although rivers and canals often provide passage between two large lakes or a lake and a sea, and these seem to suit the formal definition of strait, they are not usually referred to as such.
Nahiz eta ibaiak eta kanalak ere lur multzo bien artean dauden eta aintzira bien edo aintzira eta itsaso baten ibilbidea diren, ezin dira itsasarteen kategorian sailkatu, itsasarteak normalean zabalagoak direlako eta bere korronteak ez direlako norabide bakarrekoak izan.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The goal this time was the mouth of the Mackenzie River from which he would follow the coast westward and possibly meet Frederick William Beechey who would try to sail northeast from the Bering Strait.
Orduko hartan, helburua zen Mackenzie ibaiaren ahoa, nondik abiatuko baitzen mendebaleko kostalderantz, eta, ahal izanez gero, bat egin Frederick William Beechey esploratzailearekin, zeinak iparrekialderantz egingo baitzuen Bering estugunetik abiatuta.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
It is bounded on the west by the Beaufort Sea; on the northwest by the Arctic Ocean; on the east by Greenland, Baffin Bay and Davis Strait; and on the south by Hudson Bay and the Canadian mainland.
Uhartediak mendebaldean Beaufort itsasoa; iparraldean Ozeano Artikoa; ekialdean Groenlandia, Baffin Badia eta Davis itsasartea; eta hegoaldean Hudsoneko badia eta Kanadako kontienentea ditu.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Just before midnight, Scott's warships detected Gotō's force on radar near the entrance to the strait between Savo Island and Guadalcanal.
Gauerdian, Scotten ontzien radarrak Gotōren taldea antzeman zuten Savo uharteren eta Guadalcanalaren arteko itsasartearen sarreran.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The two ships were parted by a storm shortly after sailing through the Strait of Magellan, Wallis continuing to Tahiti, which he named "King George the Third's Island" in honour of the King (June 1767).
Bi ontziak ekaitz batek banandu zituen handik gutxira, Magallanes itsasartean zehar nabigatzen, Wallis Tahitira jarraituz, "King George the Third's Island" izenaz izendatuz, erregearen omenez (1767ko ekaina).WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
We have report a small advance force of Persian ships have taken refuge from the storm across the strait.
Persiako ontzi batzuk ekaitzetik... babestu dira itsasarteaz bestaldean.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Two months later, Dire Straits signed a recording contract with Phonogram Records.
Bi hilabete beranduago Dire Straits-ek Phonogram Records-ekin grabaketa kontratu bat sinatu zuen.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
In 1972, a team consisting of personnel from the Canadian Hydrographic Service and Danish personnel working in the Nares Strait determined the geographic coordinates for Hans Island.
1972an Kanadako Zerbitzu Hidrografikoak eta Nares itsasartean lanean ari ziren ikerlari daniarrek Hans uhartearen koordenatu geografikoak zehaztu zituzten.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
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