tattered oor Baskies


adjektief, werkwoord
rent in tatters, torn, hanging in rags; ragged

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With his fairy tale story in tatters,
Egun hartan halakoa izan behar zuen neskato zuriarenganako desioak, hain eramanezina, non berriro aurkitu ahal izango baitzuen haren irudi erabatekoa, halako sukar sakon eta indartsu batek hartuta bezala, eta neskatilaren, neskato zuriaren desioz beste emakumean sartu.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Its decorations were rich, yet tattered and antique.
Desautatu denaLiterature Literature
She’s dressed in old European clothes, scraps of brocade, out-of-date old suits, old curtains, old oddments, old models, moth-eaten old fox furs, old otterskins, that’s her kind of beauty, tattered, chilly, plaintive and in exile, nothing suits her, everything’s too big, and yet it looks marvelous. Her clothes are loose, she’s too thin, nothing fits, yet it looks marvelous.
Begiratuko den gakoaLagun Lagun
In tatters now.
Zure begiak biribilduko diraOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
There were no less than six carriages waiting, one for each of the tattered and miserable band.
Menekoak edo auzoak dituen tartariarrak nagusituko zaizkio, bai eta guri ere. Iraulmendu hori huts eginezina zait. Europako errege guztiek batean lanean dihardute lasterrago gerta dadin.Literature Literature
In Africa he had lived with intuition, he was accustomed to choose his boys by intuition — not by the tattered notebooks they carried with illegible references. Once his life had been saved by an intuition.
Egutegia, hasiera: % #, amaiera: %Lagun Lagun
I made an immediate and brave attempt to rise out of the freezing, stinging water but the screws held me down while one of them began to scrub my already tattered back with a heavy scrubbing brush.
— Orain, jauna, axola ez bazaizu, emadazu errebolberra... Orduan, katuak hiltzen dituzu... txakur gaizto horrek!Lagun Lagun
The shock of the ice-cold water engulfing my tattered body almost stopped my breath.
Klikatu kolore bat hautatzekoLagun Lagun
In 1864, Sir Edwin Landseer's Man Proposes, God Disposes caused a stir at the annual Royal Academy exhibition; its depiction of two polar bears, one chewing on a tattered ship's ensign, the other gnawing on a human ribcage, was seen at the time as in poor taste, but has remained one of the most powerful imaginings of the expedition's final fate.
Europako herriek, zein bere nortasunaz eta nazio-historiaz harro egonda ere, antzinako zatiketak gainditzeko erabakia hartuta dutela, eta, gero eta bat eginago, elkarrekin etorkizun bateratua jorratu nahi duten ziurtasunaz,WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
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