thrust oor Baskies


/ˈθrʌst/, /θɹʌst/ werkwoord, naamwoord
(fencing) An attack made by moving the sword parallel to its length and landing with the point.

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< Just a moment, sir. I just want to show Mr. Barker ... > He wiped a little beer from his mouth with a handkerchief and thrust his face close to Daintry’s.
Berriro eseri eta bere lanari ekin zion, algodoi zurizko galtzerdi bat sareztatzen: bekokia apaldurik ari zen lanean; ez zuen hitz egiten. Charlesek ere ez.Lagun Lagun
She was robbed, without hope of recovery, of the only sight and sound she wanted, and she resented all that was charitably thrust on her like the poor substitute a butcher offers for the good cut which he has kept for a better customer.
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As the rope was put around his neck, Filipović defiantly thrust his hands out and shouted "Smrt fašizmu, sloboda narodu!" which translates as "Death to fascism, freedom to the people!".
Ur zikina jarioan zihoan belarartean zabalduz, eta inguru guztian pilda nahasi asko zeuden, puntuzko galtzerdiak, indiana gorrizko atorra bat eta oihal lodizko izara handi bat laparresi gainean luzetara hedaturik.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Except for a slight malfunction in the nulling of the roll axis, this jetpack is one prime piece of thrust.
Otsaila zen, eta enterradoreek nahitaez zulagailu elektrikoak erabili behar izan zituzten lur izoztua zarrakatzeko Vienako Hilerri Nagusian.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
But she thrust the picture under her coat and left the room quietly, without a word.
Nire ziegako atea zabaldu eta argia piztu zuten. Ordenantzak platerak jaso eta atea panpada batez itxi zen berriro. Bokiak ez nituen ikusi, ziegaren argiak une batez itsutu egin baininduen.Literature Literature
One thrust... < How much do you earn a year with your Westerns, old man? > < A thousand. > < Taxed. I earn thirty thousand free. It’s the fashion.
Obeditu PAM murriztapenakLagun Lagun
Other motor gliders have enough thrust to launch themselves before the engine is retracted and are known as "self-launching" gliders.
POLR () funtzioak kartesiar erreferentzia sistemako puntu bati dagokion erradioa itzultzen duWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
" The Admiral thrust his pork sword into her squish mitten "?
Ertzaintza, polizia judizial gisa diharduenean, Aginte Judizialaren zerbitzura izango da, lege prozesalek xedatu dezaten moduan.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
< You must, > he said, throwing a satisfied glance all round him, even to the very extremity of the landscape, < hold the bottle perpendicularly on the table, and after the strings are cut, press up the cork with little thrusts, gently, gently, as indeed they do seltzer-water at restaurants. >
Inprimatze modua beltzaLagun Lagun
A thaw set in that night, and all over Vienna the snow melted, and the ugly ruins came to light again; steel rods hanging like stalactites, and rusty girders thrusting like bones through the grey slush.
isogainzalaLagun Lagun
A well-timed thrust might just split you in two.
Bultzadura sadikoaren mota oldarkorrenak honako forma bi hauetan aurkitzen du arrazionaltze naharoena. < Zauririk asko egina didate, eta besteak zigortzeko dudan desira ordainezko mendekua besterik ez da >;OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
The mother stretched out her neck, thrust her whole body forward and froze in new expectation of something fearful.
Konstituzioan xedatutakoarekin bat etorriz, estatu kideren bateko lurraldean legezko egoitza daukaten beste herrialdeetako herritarrei askatasuna eman ahal izango zaie bertatik joan-etorrian ibiltzeko eta bertan egoitza finkatzeko.Literature Literature
He identified the four vector forces that influence an aircraft: thrust, lift, drag and weight and distinguished stability and control in his designs.
Hurrengo sekuentziaWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter discovered that similar small thrust faults exist on the Moon.
Makina bat seinale sekretu genuen, kodeak, zenbakiak... — Espioien moduan — azaldu zuen Samek. — Bai — aitortu zuen Castlek etsita — , baietz uste dut. Espioien moduan.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
This is what our whole economy is thrusting upon us, particularly illustrated in that left- hand corner: hockey sticks.
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He was constantly to be seen on the Place, jumping round the carts, thrusting his limping foot forwards. He seemed even stronger on that leg than the other.
Zinadura oin estandarraLagun Lagun
The greater the difference between the thrust and the drag, called the excess thrust, the faster the airplane will accelerate.
Leiho honetan zure adierazpen erregularrak garatuko dituzu. Hautatu ekintzetako bat goiko ekintza botoien artean, eta klikatu sagua leiho honetan dagokion ekintza eranstekoWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Play media A rocket or rocket vehicle is a missile, spacecraft, aircraft or other vehicle which obtains thrust from a rocket engine.
Orria lehortzeko denboraWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
This is what our whole economy is thrusting upon us, particularly illustrated in that left-hand corner: hockey sticks.
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For these airplanes, engine efficiency is not as important as very high thrust.
Intimitateak King’s Road-eko iluntasunaz eta kale-kantoiko komisaldegiko farol argiztatuaz babestuta egoteko modua ematen zion.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
This was the first thrust fault to be discovered.
Kontu zehatza eraman nuen Martinsen ibileren gainean itzulerako abioia hartu gabea zela jakin nuenez geroztik.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The conversation seemed to be over, when the pharmacist saw fit to make one last thrust.
Kalvinismoaren geroagoko bilakaeran, bizitza bertutetsuaren gorespenak eta etengabeko ahaleginaren esanahiak garrantzi handiagoa hartzen du, bereziki ahalegin horien ondorioz, munduko bizitzako arrakasta salbazio-seinale delako ideiak.Literature Literature
Therefore, Hyakutake decided that the main thrust of his planned attack would be from south of Henderson Field.
Zenbait intsekturen antolamendu sozial ospetsuak instintuak sortuak dira erabat.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The model of one on each leg and two on each arm, on paper, that was enough thrust.
Lineaz kanpoko cachearen politikated2019 ted2019
There are blind thrust faults associated with the Enriquillo-Plantain Garden fault system over which Haiti lies.
Baliteke txoria hegan hastea besterik gabe. Berehala ohartuko da zer gertatzen den... erruduna baldin bada, esan nahi dut.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
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