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The best constituted State will have an end; but it will end later than any other, unless some unforeseen accident brings about its untimely destruction.
Hobekienik moldatuak ere akabantza segura du, baina besteri baino berantago helduko zaio, baldin ustegabeko ezbehar batek haren galtzea hartako denbora baino lehenago ez badakar.Lagun Lagun
But Leon hastily took some silver from his pocket and seized Emma’s arm. The beadle stood dumfounded, not able to understand this untimely munificence when there were still so many things for the stranger to see.
Baina Leonek atera zuen arin-arin bere patrikatik txanpon zuri bat eta Emmari besotik heldu zion. Klabera zeharo txunditurik geratu zen, garaiz kanpoko eskuzabaltasun hura ulertzen ez zuela, arrotzari artean hainbeste gauza geratzen zitzaiolarik ikusteko.Lagun Lagun
Galois showed just before his untimely death that these efforts were largely wasted.
Galoisek, hil aurretik, erakutsi zuen ahalegin horiek alferrikakoak izan zirela.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The Quest voyage is not greatly regarded in the histories of polar exploration, due to the event that defines it in public memory, overshadowing its other activities: Shackleton's untimely death.
Quest ontziaren bidaia ez da oso kontuan hartzen esplorazio polarren historian, eta oroimen publikoan geratu zen gertaera, beste jarduera batzuk estaliz: Shackletonen heriotza goiztiarra.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
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