untrue oor Baskies


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False; not true.

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The story was probably untrue, but whenever a historic wine came up at a Christie auction, Davis would say with gloom, < That was one of ours. >
Ez al zuen ba nahikoa sufritu! Baina orain garaile zen, eta maitasuna, hain luzaro hertsatua, oso-osorik jalgitzen zen burbulu bozkariotsuka. Aladurarik gabe dastatzen zuen, kezkarik gabe, asaldarik gabe.Lagun Lagun
When these distinctions have once been admitted, it is seen to be so untrue that there is, in the social contract, any real renunciation on the part of the individuals, that the position in which they find themselves as a result of the contract is really preferable to that in which they were before. Instead of a renunciation, they have made an advantageous exchange: instead of an uncertain and precarious way of living they have got one that is better and more secure; instead of natural independence they have got liberty, instead of the power to harm others security for themselves, and instead of their strength, which others might overcome, a right which social union makes invincible.
Ez inportatuakLagun Lagun
They may not have seemed untrue to her.
Gizarajoa Crabbin. Gizarajoak gu denok, ondo pentsatzen baduzu.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
It’s as untrue to say it’s without beginning or end as to say it begins and ends with the life of the spirit, since it partakes both of the spirit and of the pursuit of the void.
Botoi hau sakatzean elkarrizketa-koadroan egin diren aldaketa guztiak baztertuko diraLagun Lagun
So now she's accusing us of skimping on training for the new guards, which, let's be honest, isn't exactly untrue.
Errespetatu beharreko arau asko dauzkaOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Karl Marx later takes up that theory in the first volume of Capital, while indicating that he is quite aware that the theory is untrue at lower levels of abstraction.
Lana lan konkretua da beti, hau da, lan-mota espezifiko bat ekonomi sistema-mota espezifiko baten barruan.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
It was long claimed that the Library opened in 1701, but this is untrue.
Poliziaren fitxa bat, dakizunez, inoiz ez da erabat osatzen; auzi bat inoiz ez da bukatutzat ematen, ez eta ehun urteren buruan ere, partaide guztiak hilik daudenean.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The best kings desire to be in a position to be wicked, if they please, without forfeiting their mastery: political sermonisers may tell them to their hearts’ content that, the people’s strength being their own, their first interest is that the people should be prosperous, numerous and formidable; they are well aware that this is untrue.
Liburua Laugarren Moduluan egindako erregistro batean eskuratu zuen, hankaz gora utzi zuten ziegetako batean. A. J. C.-k ez du gogoan ziegan zegoen presoaren izena eta aurpegia, ezta zer edo zer aurkitu ote zioten ere. Soilik nobela hura ikusi zuela apalean, eta, egilea ezagutzen zuenez, eramatea erabaki zuela. Ez da damutzen: idazle horren lanik onena da, ezbairik gabe.Lagun Lagun
In the forest there are wolves, but wolves do not scare me, and my axe has never been untrue to me.
Aukera hau gaituz gero, KDE aplikazioek ikono txikiak erakutsiko dituzte botoi garrantzitsu batzuen alboanLiterature Literature
< What are you doing here, Daintry? > < I happened to be driving through and I thought I’d look you up. > The excuse was so palpably untrue that Castle felt sorry for Daintry.
— Zer moduz? — galdetu zion, besterik ez zitzaiolako bururatzen, baina Samek ez zuen erantzun: berak ere bere sekretuak zeuzkan — . Zer moduz eskolan? — Ondo.Lagun Lagun
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