urgency oor Baskies


The quality or condition of being urgent; insistence; pressure; as, the urgency of a demand or an occasion.

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It is at their fingertips with Urgence Québec.
Arazo politikoak ditu Québec probintziarekin.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
after consulting the European Parliament in other cases. The European Parliament shall deliver its opinion within a time-limit which the Council may set depending on the urgency of the matter. In the absence of an opinion within that time-limit, the Council may act.
Beste kasuetan, Europako Parlamentuaren irizpena eskatu ondoren. Europako Parlamentuak epe jakin bat izango du irizpena emateko, eta epe hori Kontseiluak zehaztuko du, dena delako gaia zein presazkoa den gorabeheran. Epe horretan ez badu irizpenik ematen, Kontseiluak aurrera egin dezake.Lagun Lagun
Why the urgency?
Zergatik horrenbeste premia?OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Likewise, within the same period mentioned above, these may be processed as bills by the urgency procedure.
Era berean, aipatutako epe horretan bertan, lege-proiektu bezala izapidetzeari ekin dakioke presako prozeduraren bidez.Lagun Lagun
This is a matter of some urgency, major.
Hau presazko gai bat da, maior.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
But I believe there is a second climate crisis, which is as severe, which has the same origins, and that we have to deal with with the same urgency.
Baina uste dut bigarren klima- krisialdi bat ere badela, aurrekoa bezain larria, sustrai berdinak dituena, eta urgentzia berdinarekin aurre egin beharrekoa.QED QED
She was trying to protect his peace better than Trollope had done, but all the same, owing to some urgency at the other end, she was forced to transfer the call.
Hura Trollope baino hobeto ari zen senarraren bakea babestu nahian; baina, hala ere, telefonoz beste aldetik adierazitako premiaren bat zela medio, deia pasatu behar izan zion.Lagun Lagun
During the period referred to in the foregoing subsection, the Cortes may process them as Government bills by means of the urgency procedure.
Goiko apartatuan ezarritako epe barruan, Gorteek premiatsu prozeduraz lege proiektu bezala tramita ditzakete.Lagun Lagun
Sangarre was not at all put out by the urgency with which Ogareff repeated his question.
Sangarre ez zen batere artegatu Ivan Ogareffek galdera berriro ere errepikatu ziolako.Literature Literature
In cases of imperative need arising from changes in the situation and failing a review of the European decision pursuant to the second subparagraph of paragraph 1, Member States may take the necessary measures as a matter of urgency, having regard to the general objectives of that decision.
Egoeraren bilakaeraren ondorioz premia gorrian badaude, eta Europako erabakiaren berrazterketarik ez badago (1. paragrafoan aipaturiko berrazterketaz ari gara), estatu kideek beharrezko neurriak hartzeko aukera izango dute berehala, erabakiaren helburu orokorrak gogoan harturik.Lagun Lagun
I was under great difficulties between urgency and shame.
Estualdi larrian nengoen premiaren eta lotsaren artean.Literature Literature
But why the urgency?
Baina, zergatik horrelako presak?OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
12 sinne gevind in 12 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.