urinal oor Baskies


/juːˈraɪnəl/, /ˈjuːrənəl/ naamwoord
A porcelain, china, or stainless steel appliance in male restrooms where males can stand up to urinate, often side-by-side.

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A place for males to urinate.


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Voorbeelde moet herlaai word.
" Before your book, I thought a clitoris was something a woman urinated from.
Aktibatu/Desaktibatu adierazpen erregularren egiaztapen automatikoaOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Distilled from the urine of sacred cows fed only on mango leaves.
Ordenagailua%OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
He recalled the legend as "the boy who saved Brussels from fire by extinguishing it with his urine" (confusing the legend with an incident in Gulliver's Travels perhaps).
Alarma zerrendaren hasierara iritsi da. Amaieratik jarraitu nahi duzu?WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The door was tight and narrow. The urine trickled out slowly. In the wing the slop out continued. The bucket rattled, spelling out danger.
Hau koloreen zuzenketa automatikorako tresnaren aurrebista daLagun Lagun
The stench from the reeking urine streamed in through the door flooding my eyes with tears and catching the back of my throat.
Ezin izan da % #-(r) en datu-base lokal edo serieko kanalik ireki. EkiditenLagun Lagun
They found out that in the highly contaminated area where 6Bq/ liter was detected in urine, there was a high frequency of mutation of p53 though 6Bq may sound minuscule.
Sartu gailuaren & muntatze-puntua, aplika badaitekeQED QED
The pools of urine rippled and waved, then settled into a calm pool just as the same noises built up again; the speedy build-up of feet gaining speed, the thuds, bangs and swish, as another mass of black figures soared past my line of vision dragging another blood-stained body by the feet.
Era honetan joera bortitzak sortzen dira, gizakumea horrelako askatasunari ihes egitera daramatenak, menekotasunean eta segurtasunik eza leuntzeko promesa eskainiko dion gizakiarekiko eta munduarekiko harreman-motaren batean aterpea bilatzeko, nahiz eta gizabanakoa askatasunez gabeturik utzi.Lagun Lagun
Our brains are trained to see groups of letters as a word and visually that group of letters looks like urine.
Aginpide anonimoa ageriko aginpidea baino askoz ere eraginkorragoa da, ez baita susmatu ere egiten bete beharreko agindurik eman lezakeenik ere.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
He was asking if I’d mind a few more tests . . . blood, urine, radio of the kidneys, et cetera, et cetera. He said they had to be careful about the tropics. I liked him.
Zenbaki osoaLagun Lagun
There's nothing quite like urinating out in the open air.
– Kontuz jauna! – esan zion Batesek. – Paretaren kontra jarri. Niri ez dit botako – esan zion Martinsek. Oihuka gero – : Harry, linterna piztu behar diat. Garbi jokatu eta atera hadi. Ez daukak irtenbiderik.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Several screws came tearing down the wing from the opposite direction, their heavy boots squelching and splashing in the pools of reeking urine that lay on the corridor floor.
— Butler inspektorea naiz. — Zer nahi duzu? — Londrestik telefono-dei bat jaso dut. Zurekin solasaldi labur bat egitera etortzeko eskatu didate... jakina, zu hemen egonez gero. — Zergatik?Lagun Lagun
Because every day Jack Dempsey would soak his hands in horse urine.
Apur bat kontsolaturik nago orain. Ez hainbeste... esan nahi dut. Bainan ba dakit bere planetara itzuli dela, zeren eta biharamun egunsentian bere gorpua ez bait nuen aurkitu. Ez zen hain gorpu astuna...OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
They are currently working on different projects, one of them being monitoring cancer using bodily fluids such as urine and blood samples which are easily accessible.
Atributu izena ez da bakarraWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Most of the lads were lashing the contents of their pos under the doors using the empty po to push the urine that remained out into the wing. The bottom of my door was too tight.
Bidali fitxategiakLagun Lagun
You are hell of a lot smarter than your urinal case Danny.
Jaulkitzailearen ziurtagiria ez da aurkitu (%OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
The orderly with the squeegee needed no signal. He stepped forward and brushed the pool of urine back into the cell again, all around John O’Brien’s mattress.
Ezin dugu zalantzan edo arriskutan jarri printzipio demokratiko berriago hau ere, alegia, ezin dela inor goseak hiltzen utzi, gizartea bere kide guztien erantzule dela, inor ez dela beldurrarazi eta menekotasunera ekarriko, ezta langabeziaren eta gosearen beldurrez bere giza harrotasunakendu ere, oinarrizko konkistok zaindu beharrekoak ez ezik, garatu eta indartu beharrekoak ere badira.Lagun Lagun
Even in 1999, Lance came close to getting caught when steroids showed up in a urine test.
Norabide bakarrekoaOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
It looks like urine.
Ahaztu zuen, teorian behintzat, diplomazialaria zela, menpeko enplegatua bazen ere.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
An unwashed body, naked and wrecked with muscular pain, squatting in a corner, in a den of disease, amid piles of putrifying rubbish, forced to defecate upon the ground where the excreta would lie and the smell would mingle with the already sickening evil stench of urine and decaying waste food.
& Desegin kolpeaLagun Lagun
A clever precaution — he had even stored up a reasonable amount of urine. When the torch turned and lit the way back toward the Ashridge road, Castle started home.
Iraungi/ezgaitutak gakoakLagun Lagun
It had to be done. If they got a po of urine in your cell it would end up over you and your bedding.
Eskalatu altueraraLagun Lagun
Blood and urine.
Pantaila-babesleaOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Harry, I really have to urinate.
Hautatu koloreaOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
I lifted my mattress and began squeezing the urine out of the filthy foam on tc the floor. I then started to scrape and push the pool towards the bottom of the door. It was a long slow process.
Kostua guztiraLagun Lagun
When I shout... point to the urinal and scream loudly.
Itxi objektuaOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
55 sinne gevind in 16 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.