urinate oor Baskies


/ˈjʊər.əˌneɪt/, /ˈjʊərɪˌneɪt/, /ˈjɚ.ɪn.et/ werkwoord
(medicine) To pass urine from the body.

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" Before your book, I thought a clitoris was something a woman urinated from.
Mugitu etiketa batOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Distilled from the urine of sacred cows fed only on mango leaves.
% #: % # gertaera ez da aurkitu, edo ez da editagarriaOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
He recalled the legend as "the boy who saved Brussels from fire by extinguishing it with his urine" (confusing the legend with an incident in Gulliver's Travels perhaps).
Errenaisantza ez zen merkatari txikieneta burjes txikien kultura izan, aiton seme edo hiritar aberatsena baizik. Zuten ekonomi iharduerak eta aberastasunak, askatasun-sentimendua eta gizabanakotasun-sena zemaioten.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The door was tight and narrow. The urine trickled out slowly. In the wing the slop out continued. The bucket rattled, spelling out danger.
Aldatu angeluaLagun Lagun
The stench from the reeking urine streamed in through the door flooding my eyes with tears and catching the back of my throat.
proxyrik ezLagun Lagun
They found out that in the highly contaminated area where 6Bq/ liter was detected in urine, there was a high frequency of mutation of p53 though 6Bq may sound minuscule.
Biharamunean, esnatzean, urgazlea hauteman zuen plazan. Bera gela-jantzitan zegoen. Mutilak burua altxatu eta agurtu egin zuen. Emmak presakako gur bat egin eta berriro leihoa itxi zuen.QED QED
The pools of urine rippled and waved, then settled into a calm pool just as the same noises built up again; the speedy build-up of feet gaining speed, the thuds, bangs and swish, as another mass of black figures soared past my line of vision dragging another blood-stained body by the feet.
- Oso presaka dabiltza horiek, esan zuen printze txikiak, zeren bila dabiltza? - Lokomotoreko gizonak berak ez daki ere. Orratzainak esan zuen. Eta bigarren tren arin diztiratsu batek burrunba egin zuen alderantzizko zentzuan.Lagun Lagun
Our brains are trained to see groups of letters as a word and visually that group of letters looks like urine.
Ez nintzateke harrituko Leninen Ordena emango balizute, edo seilu bat sortuko balute zure aurpegiarekin, Sorgerekin gertatu zen bezala. — Sorge komunista zen.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
He was asking if I’d mind a few more tests . . . blood, urine, radio of the kidneys, et cetera, et cetera. He said they had to be careful about the tropics. I liked him.
Agidanez, katua astebete baino gehiago ibili zen guztiz urduri. Ez zuen bere Friskies errazioa onartzen, eta esnea zen bere elikagai bakarra: halako gose-greba bat zen.Lagun Lagun
There's nothing quite like urinating out in the open air.
Urtze-puntua [ K ]OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Several screws came tearing down the wing from the opposite direction, their heavy boots squelching and splashing in the pools of reeking urine that lay on the corridor floor.
Izendun koloreakLagun Lagun
Because every day Jack Dempsey would soak his hands in horse urine.
Ordenazio-irizpideaOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
They are currently working on different projects, one of them being monitoring cancer using bodily fluids such as urine and blood samples which are easily accessible.
Europako Batasuneko Justizia Auzitegiak beharrezkoak diren behin-behineko neurriak har ditzake berari aurkeztutako arazoetan.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Most of the lads were lashing the contents of their pos under the doors using the empty po to push the urine that remained out into the wing. The bottom of my door was too tight.
' % # ' programak baimen mota bat behar duen area batean sartzen huts egin duLagun Lagun
You are hell of a lot smarter than your urinal case Danny.
Ezkutuko eskaileraOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
The orderly with the squeegee needed no signal. He stepped forward and brushed the pool of urine back into the cell again, all around John O’Brien’s mattress.
Erakutsi & alboko-barraLagun Lagun
Even in 1999, Lance came close to getting caught when steroids showed up in a urine test.
Segmentuaren koloreaOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
It looks like urine.
JakinarazpenaOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
An unwashed body, naked and wrecked with muscular pain, squatting in a corner, in a den of disease, amid piles of putrifying rubbish, forced to defecate upon the ground where the excreta would lie and the smell would mingle with the already sickening evil stench of urine and decaying waste food.
Baina urte gutxi baino ez ziren iragan, gizakumeak mendeetako burrukan eskuratutzat zeukan guztia ukatzen zuten sistema berriak sortu zirenerako.Lagun Lagun
A clever precaution — he had even stored up a reasonable amount of urine. When the torch turned and lit the way back toward the Ashridge road, Castle started home.
Ezin izan dira % #(r) en baimenak aldatuLagun Lagun
It had to be done. If they got a po of urine in your cell it would end up over you and your bedding.
Ezin duzu bektore bat kolore batekin batuLagun Lagun
Blood and urine.
& LeheneratuOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Harry, I really have to urinate.
— Alde hemendik! bota zuen emakume gazteak jauzi batean zutiturik. — Emma!... Ama!... Zioen ozenki Charlesek bakeak egin nahiez. Baina emakumeak itzuriak ziren biak ere beren suminduran.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
I lifted my mattress and began squeezing the urine out of the filthy foam on tc the floor. I then started to scrape and push the pool towards the bottom of the door. It was a long slow process.
Kendu une honetan atzeko planoko kolore hautatzailean erakusten den kolorea, kolore hautapen zerrendatikLagun Lagun
When I shout... point to the urinal and scream loudly.
Moda-aldizkari zahar bat irakurri zuen, irten zen, zigarro bat erre zuen, hiru kale gora joan zen, garaia bazela pentsatu zuen eta Notre-Dameko elizatarirantz abiatu zen astiro. Udako goiz eder batez zen.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
55 sinne gevind in 12 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.