veiling oor Baskies


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Present participle of veil.

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Voorbeelde moet herlaai word.
The veiling shadow that glowers in the east takes shape.
desaktibatutaOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
'Here they come'with my gown and the veil.
& Gordezirriborro gisaOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
I just wanted to return your veil.
— Tiroa entzungo dute — esan zuen Castlek. — Sotora jaitsiko gara. Inork ez du jaramonik egiten, tiro bakar bat entzunez gero. Ihes-tuturen bat izan dela uste izango dute.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
She would have liked to be once more lost in the long line of white veils, marked off here and there by the stuff black hoods of the good sisters bending over their prie-Dieu. At mass on Sundays, when she looked up, she saw the gentle face of the Virgin amid the blue smoke of the rising incense.
Errepikatu hilabetearen n. eguneanLagun Lagun
Farther on, at a spot where the building narrows, the confessional forms a pendant to a statuette of the Virgin, clothed in a satin robe, coifed with a tulle veil sprinkled with silver stars, and with red cheeks, like an idol of the Sandwich Islands;
Etxe hura non dagoen gogoratuko ote dudan galdetu diot. Hark erantzun: begira ezazu ongi. Begiratu dut. Beste guztiak bezalakoa dela esan diot. Baietz, hala lela esan dit, beti bezala. Oraindik ere ikus dezaket aurpegi hura, eta gogoan dut izena ere.Lagun Lagun
Let us, my dear brethren and sustren, spread a charitable veil ten metres square over the intervening time.
— Zu txantxetan ari zara!Literature Literature
Why do you wear a veil, Cassiopea?
Pantaila-babeslearen denbora-mugaOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
I wanted to do it to remove from my mother’s sight the object of her love, that son of hers, to punish her for loving him so much, so badly, and above all – as I told myself, too – to save my younger brother, my younger brother, my child, save him from the living life of that elder brother superimposed on his own, from that black veil over the light, from the law which was decreed and represented by the elder brother, a human being, and yet which was an animal law, filling every moment of every day of the younger brother’s life with fear, a fear that one day reached his heart and killed him.
Erlantz disdira erradialaLagun Lagun
The plot follows Zak (full name Francis Zachary McKracken), a writer for the National Inquisitor, a tabloid newspaper (the name is a thinly veiled allusion to the National Enquirer); Annie Larris, a freelance scientist; along with Melissa China and Leslie Bennett, two Yale University coed students, in their attempt to prevent the nefarious alien Caponians (who have taken over "The Phone Company", an amalgamation of various telecommunication companies around the world) from slowly reducing the intelligence of everybody on Earth by emitting a 60 Hz "hum" from their "Mind Bending Machine".
Biziaren eta heriotzearen gaineko eskubidea esklaboen egiteko eskubidean finkatzen denean, eta esklaboen egiteko eskubidea, biziaren eta heriotzearen gaineko eskubidean, ez ote da argi buru-buztanik gabeko arrazoinabide zirkularra dela hori?WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The trouble was too that it really only had one drink – a sweet chocolate liqueur that the waiter improved at a price with cognac – but I got the impression that Martins had no objection to any drink so long as it cast a veil over the present, and the past.
Gogoratu pasahitzaLagun Lagun
The crime of the veiled lady 11.
Irekiko den fitxategiaWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
If I should succeed... you will remove your veil.
— Bai bortizki hartzen duzula arnasa! esan zion madame Homaisek. — Ah! Beroegiten baitu, erantzun zuen Emmak.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
At the bottom of the hill Rodolphe gave his horse its head; they started together at a bound, then at the top suddenly the horses stopped, and her large blue veil fell about her.
Bataz-besteko altueraren azpiko espazio kopuruaLagun Lagun
So since then, I have worn this veil.
LehentasunaOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
It's like drinking coffee through a veil.
< Ondo, Bobby? >, oihu egin zuen mutiletako batek. Nik ezin erantzun nezakeen, beraz eskuaz ihardetsi nion, zozo samar sentituz.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
¶ Through the veil of pale moonlight ¶
Eta pentsatzen nuenean, beste batzuk momentu horretan bertan beren emaztetxoekin zeudela elkarren kontra besarkadan loturik, nire makilaz lurrean egundoko danbatekoak jotzen nituen; ia-ia eroturik bainengoen, ez nuen jan ere egiten; tabernara joatea pentsatze hutsak nazka ematen zidan, ez zenuke sinetsi ere egingo.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
She did not answer. He continued - < I sometimes fancied that some chance would bring you. I thought I recognised you at street-corners, and I ran after all the carriages through whose windows I saw a shawl fluttering, a veil like yours. >
Biratu irudia # graduLagun Lagun
I've got a wedding dress... and a white veil.
Ezin izan da fitxategia irekiOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
At about six o‘clock the carriage stopped in a back street of the Beauvoisine Quarter, and a woman got out, who walked with her veil down, and without turning her head.
Kasurik ertzekoenetan, pertsona baten bizitza guztia < hura > maneiatzen saiatzera mugatzen da ia soilik; jendeak bitartekoezberdinak erabiltzen ditu: batzuek, obedientzia; beste batzuek < ontasuna >, eta, azkenez, zenbait pertsonak, sufrimendua du hau lortzeko bitarteko nagusia.Lagun Lagun
Her will, like the veil of her bonnet, held by a string, flutters in every wind; there is always some desire that draws her, some conventionality that restrains.
Zerrendatu saio mota eskuragarriakLagun Lagun
Why don't you draw into the magnitude of my love and pull it... all over your life, like a veil?
Ez inportatuakOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
His characters Titania and Oberon... are veiled facsimiles... of the ancient Egyptian gods...
Ez galdetu berriroOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Then some hundred paces farther on she again stopped, and through her veil, that fell sideways from her man’s hat over her hips, her face appeared in a bluish transparency as if she were floating under azure waves.
Pariseko ikuskariak, zenbait nobelaren izenburuak, dantza berriak, eta ezagutzen ez zuten mundua, dama bizi izana zen Tostesko herria, orain biak zeuden Yonville, dena arakatu zuten, orori buruz hitz egin zuten afariaren bukaera arte.Lagun Lagun
But what if I were to start asking you — who have a heart and are not veiled to my sight?”
Orduak: MinutuakLiterature Literature
David Copperfield is regarded by many as a veiled autobiography of Dickens.
Ezkondu zen aurrez, maitemindurik zegoela uste izan zuen; baina maitasun horretatik eratorri behar izango zukeen zoriona etorri ez zenez, nonbait herraturik egon behar zuen inolaz ere, pentsatzen zuen bere artean.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
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