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This not only helps to improve feminine hygiene by providing access to basic products, but also supports and empowers the women to shed the taboos in India surrounding menstruation – all while contributing to the economic future of their community.
شب بخير از سه شنبه نيم كيلو كم كردمWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Resource goes into a product and then can basically go into another product.
مثل من ، خوشش بيادted2019 ted2019
Revenue passenger miles can be considered the basic amount of "production" that an airline creates.
خب. ميدونم اگر به اندازه کافي خوش شانس بودم و همسري مثل آليس داشتم خيلي بهتر از تو باهاش رفتار ميکردم. دنWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
RBDPO is the basic palm oil product sold on the world's commodity markets.
بحثي باقي نمونه.‏WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
There are three basic resources or factors of production: land, labor, and capital.
چه کسي اين را گفته؟WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
I take a bottle or a chair or some other plastic product, I basically put it in with a few enzymes, they break it apart, they basically put it back into its original molecules.
اون فقط دنبال تفنگهted2019 ted2019
There are two basic types of oil tankers: crude tankers and product tankers.
اگه يک روز از خواب بيدار شديد و ديدي که اون روز ، روز قشنگيهWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The other, Judge Moore, said she basically agreed with us that isolated DNA is a product of nature.
!نه نميريد-نه نمي ريمted2019 ted2019
That repeats for 10 years, and at the end of the 10 years, your product goes generic, so you basically lose any further income from it.
آيااز وقتي كه پدرت مرد ، اونو ديدي ، آقاي لاك ؟ted2019 ted2019
We will get where we're going faster and society will recapture vast amounts of lost productivity now spent sitting in traffic basically polluting.
از چي حرف مي زنيد؟ted2019 ted2019
Basically, two or more desalination processes are combined along with power production.
وقتي که بار ساعت # تعطيل ميشهWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
So now, this has a whole bunch of applications, but basically the idea is, wherever you put this product, you're able to reassemble into it immediately.
چون اون در اكتبر سال # كشته شدted2019 ted2019
The concept of a social dividend overlaps with the concept of a universal basic income guarantee, but is distinguished from basic income in that a social dividend implies social ownership of productive assets whereas a basic income does not necessarily imply social ownership and can be financed through a much broader range of sources.
دم رفيقمون بيوو مينزتو روزنامه ايکزمينر گرمWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
And third, most importantly, because of the growing income disparity between the rich and the middle class in the West, there is a big disconnect between existing products and services and basic needs of customers.
پرسيدم تو مدير هستي ؟ted2019 ted2019
Turret lathes and special purpose lathes are usually used in production or job shops for mass production or specialized parts, while basic engine lathes are usually used for any type of lathe work.
چه مدته که تو راهيدWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
In fact, since any matrix may be written as the product of unitary and positive Hermitian matrices, light propagation through any sequence of polarization-dependent optical components can be written as the product of these two basic types of transformations.
ناپاکيها و شرارتها بايد ساکت و خاموش باشندWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
That is, when the actual or relative supply of basic materials (fossil fuels (energy), minerals, agricultural land in production, timber, etc.) decreases and/or cannot be increased fast enough in response to rising or continuing demand.
توهم به همون چيزي فکر ميکني که من فکر ميکنمWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
So in order to argue that what Myriad did was not an invention, and that isolated BRCA genes were products of nature, we had to explain a couple of basic concepts, like: What's a gene?
و من اولين نفرم که چوب ما هيگيري دارمted2019 ted2019
There's a mature and successful industry that deals with these old cars and basically recycles them and puts them back into use as new cars or other new products.
ـ حتي اگر منم جات را ميگرفتم باعث نااميدي بود ـ دنت کجاستted2019 ted2019
Short life-cycle products will not have any basis of evaluation because they are born and they die in between the two basic years.
داري درباره چي حرف ميزنيWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
But what is happening is that CRISPR is being used by thousands and thousands of scientists to do really, really important work, like making better models of diseases in animals, for example, or for taking pathways that produce valuable chemicals and getting them into industrial production in fermentation vats, or even doing really basic research on what genes do.
اساسا قرادادها اون زمان بسته ميشن قبلاted2019 ted2019
So in conclusion, I just want to have you think about -- if you make anything, if you're any part of a design firm, if you basically are refurbishing your house -- any aspect where you make something, think about how that product could potentially be used as a second life, or third life or fourth life.
تنشها و احساساتت رو داشتي... اونها رو چطوري بروز ميدادي ؟ted2019 ted2019
For example, the basic logic of Turchin's "fiscal-demographic" model can be outlined as follows: during the initial phase of a sociodemographic cycle we observe relatively high levels of per capita production and consumption, which leads not only to relatively high population growth rates, but also to relatively high rates of surplus production.
ولي نشنيدم ادي چيزي بهت بگه نگفتWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
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