dislikable oor Persies


Not capable or worthy of being liked; not liked; regarded with displeasure or aversion.

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Voorbeelde moet herlaai word.
I do not dislike that modesty
نظرت درباره اينکه پولي پيدا کني که تو روياهاتم نميديدي چيهMIZAN MIZAN
In common usage, they also form words that describe dislike or hatred of a particular thing or subject (e.g. homophobia).
اگه تو ماركوس را ميخواي ، به كمك الكساندر احتياج پيدا ميكنيWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Well, she'd have to bear it meekly, much as she disliked it, if she expected to snatch victory from this debacle.
که داری برای بنجامین لاینوس کار می کنی؟MIZAN MIZAN
Does she dislike your seeing me?
اين مسير معبد ايشينوكا ست اينطور نيستMIZAN MIZAN
And Rakitin does dislike God.
، من امشب مي‌رم چين من عملا نامزد دارم ، ‌يادت رفتهMIZAN MIZAN
Few scholars would have disliked teaching the alphabet under such circumstances.
داشتي ظبط ميكرديMIZAN MIZAN
Moody watched him until he was out of sight, his magical eye fixed upon his back, a look of intense dislike upon his mutilated face.
اگه انگيزه کافي داشته باشي. مي توني خودت رو آزاد کنيMIZAN MIZAN
Nance, why do I dislike it?
نظرت درباره اينکه پولي پيدا کني که تو روياهاتم نميديدي چيهOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
from shyness or from some atavistic inheritance of the cave dweller, he always disliked people on first acquaintance; and it was not till he became used to them that he got over his first impression.
در دانشگاه ايالتي اوهايو در دانشکده ووسترMIZAN MIZAN
The boy disliked this, and the more demonstrations of feeling were demanded of him the more he seemed intentionally to avoid them.
درو باز بذار و رمزو بهم بده همين الانMIZAN MIZAN
In one way or another a good deal of talk about Ramirez had reached him of late; and his contempt and dislike of that man who obviously was not what his son would have been, had made him restless.
اونها بسيار سخت كوش بودند و تو مدتي كه اينجا بودند انواع همكاريها را با ما انجام دادندMIZAN MIZAN
i dislike co existing with both mother and child in one palace!
آيا ميتونم بذارم چيزهايي که گفتي يادم برهTEP TEP
That is what I dislike in the other sect.
فرمانده ارتش جيد را به عنوان وکيل بهشتيان قرار داد و رفتMIZAN MIZAN
At the start of term banquet, Harry had gotten the idea that Professor Snape disliked him.
فكر نميكنم بتونم توي جايي زندگي كنم كهMIZAN MIZAN
If she had treated him with civility he would have been perfectly indifferent to her; but it was obvious that she disliked him rather than otherwise, and his pride was wounded.
من به اون احتياج دارم و ازت مي خوام که اونو بهم بديMIZAN MIZAN
But why should you dislike clergymen?
وقتي به من زنگ زدي من فکر کردم که تصميمت را گرفتيMIZAN MIZAN
What he particularly disliked was that Golenishtchev
من مطمئن نیستم، ولی باید اینها رو تمام کنمMIZAN MIZAN
might even come to dislike her or give up being interested in her
ولی سوفورا همچنین تاثیرات دارویی هم داره پس بیاد داشته باش اون به عنوان یک گیاه دارویی هم هستMIZAN MIZAN
Was there perhaps something you disliked about Veslovsky?
چهار نفر بعلاوه منMIZAN MIZAN
Cruel, sarcastic, and disliked by everybody
فقط & تصدیق‌ شده‌MIZAN MIZAN
was only growing to dislike him more.
داريم وقتمون را تلف ميکنيمMIZAN MIZAN
he said them because they amused him, hardly realising how much they hurt, and was much offended when he found that his victims regarded him with active dislike.
هي هي من باباتمMIZAN MIZAN
They had all disliked her during her life.
من ميرم که ببينم-بلهMIZAN MIZAN
And how long have you disliked Mr. Koufax?
من کمک پزشکی شده امOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
But like or dislike the people' as something apart he could not, not only because he lived with the people,' and all his interests were bound up with theirs,
قرار نبود که تو بشي کنيز يا همچين چيزاييMIZAN MIZAN
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