heart murmur oor Persies

heart murmur

an abnormal sound of the heart; sometimes a sign of abnormal function of the heart valves

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heart sound produced when blood flows across one of the heart valves that are loud enough to be heard with a stethoscope

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Voorbeelde moet herlaai word.
whoa. hey, bro, thats i have a heart murmur. what are you doing
بیکار بودن او به ما کمک میکنهTEP TEP
i have to give the students a lecture on heart murmurs
من و تس اولين بار وقتي واسه مو فيچ کار. ميکرديم همديگه را ملاقات کرديمTEP TEP
i'd love to come to your heart murmur lecture. i'm a big fan of those things
جانگ-هوا کسي نيست که با شتاب دست به کاري بزنهTEP TEP
cos you now know heart murmurs from a to z
آقاي فولر خوبه که شما امشب اينجا هستيدTEP TEP
He could not restrain a heart broken murmur, wrung out of his very aching heart, as it were.
بانو اوني که ميخواست به گوسانگوگ بياد من بودمMIZAN MIZAN
I hear her strange heart, he murmured with an almost musical lilt to his words.
افزودن حسابMIZAN MIZAN
Erb's spot: an auscultatory spot in cardiology, located in the third intercostal space, three centimeter to the left, which allows an evaluation of most heart sounds and murmurs.
تنها چيزي بود که در اون حرفه اي بودمWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
look, mr burski, i heard a systolic murmur in your heart
تاکا حواسش بهت هستTEP TEP
He murmured in his heart an expression which though frequently applicable to members of the female sex is not often used of them in polite society
كافيه تمومه بسه ديگهMIZAN MIZAN
A fine book was to them as a secret which should only be murmured in the silence of the heart.
پرداختها متوالي صورت ميگيرند اونها با اسيکس ثبت شدندMIZAN MIZAN
a feminine instinct murmured confusedly, at the bottom of her heart, that she must not seem to set store on the Luxembourg garden
تو هم ساقدوش من خواهي بود ، باشهMIZAN MIZAN
(John 13:34, 35) In view of the injury that murmuring caused among God’s people in the past, however, we have good reason to take to heart the counsel: “Keep doing all things free from murmurings.”
اين مشكل فقط بين من و جي ديهjw2019 jw2019
as they slept so lightly that the chiming of each hour would awake them, and their hearts would sing I am loved, like the murmuring of a stream.
همه ي اونا آرهMIZAN MIZAN
they fascinate each other in the darkness with their hearts which they throw into their eyes, they murmur, they whisper, and in the meantime, immense librations of the planets fill the infinite universe.
و به ياد داشته باش كه هر لحظه كه به خواهي فرار كني، من با تو ميامMIZAN MIZAN
(Jude 3, 4, 8, 16) Today, some individuals become murmurers because they allow a spiritually corrosive attitude to develop in their heart.
از اينكه اونا كشتار را انجام دادنjw2019 jw2019
It is always a heart breaking thing to see these congregations of men robed in black, murmuring together in low voices, on the threshold of the halls of justice.
ولي من ميرم اين را به فرزندخواندگي بدمMIZAN MIZAN
There still he stood far into the night, hearing only the sigh and murmur of the waves on the shores of Middle earth, and the sound of them sank deep into his heart.
متاسفم ، من متاسفم ، نه ، من همينجامMIZAN MIZAN
17 sinne gevind in 9 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.