irrevocability oor Persies


The state or condition of being irrevocable.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Persies

برگشت ناپذیری

تعییر ناپذیری

فسخ ناپذیری

چاره ناپذیری

this dead girlwas deeply and irrevocably in love with him
آن دختر مرحوم عشق عمیق و چاره ناپذیری به این جوان ورزید،

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in this manner we enlisted irrevocably in the devil�s party �
خدا را شکر که يک اسلحه داشتي فکر کردم کهTEP TEP
Everything that bad happened to him there seemed a mere preparation for this hateful fatality, which had come as a blight on his honorable ambition, and must make even people who had only vulgar standards regard his reputation as irrevocably damaged.
اونا به ما دستور دادند که محل خودمونو حفظ کنيم و اين کارو ميکنمMIZAN MIZAN
dribbles away, or is otherwise irrevocably lost in the ticklish business of securing what you can.
گروه نجاته آهايMIZAN MIZAN
He felt that if once he went beyond the crown of the pass and took one step veritably down into the land of Mordor, that step would be irrevocable.
حتما دکتر گيرو به شما کينه داشتهMIZAN MIZAN
ايگور تو حق نداري مداخله كنيTEP TEP
Even after enormous upheavals and seemingly irrevocable changes, the same pattern has always reasserted itself, just as a gyroscope will always return to equilibrium, however far it is pushed one way or the other.
براي انجام ماموريتMIZAN MIZAN
with the irrevocable determination never to return.
چي مي خواهي بگي؟MIZAN MIZAN
This day I must give my word irrevocably.
اما اين همون چيزيه که اتفاق افتاده، اين طور نيست؟MIZAN MIZAN
although he saw that Dandre was irrevocably lost
تينا آرمسترانگ را برام بيار. من تحت تأثير ساخنمان عضلاني اون قرار گرفتمMIZAN MIZAN
her stomach and her thighs had been the victims of her irrevocable fate as a shared woman
چون من تو دهه ي سي و چهل و پنجاه بزرگ شدمMIZAN MIZAN
My decision is final and irrevocable
به دلهاي آنهايي کهOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
She only felt that there was something irrevocably amiss and lost in her lot, and her thoughts about the future were the more readily shapen into resolve.
فكر ميكني بايد چيكار كنيمMIZAN MIZAN
and not considering that by this he would be ruining her irrevocably, had sunk into his heart.
مي دوني يه زن خوشگل تو اوج جوونيشMIZAN MIZAN
The moment in which the first movement was made is irrevocable, and at that moment I could make only one movement, and whatever movement I made would be the only one.
والت رو نديدي ؟MIZAN MIZAN
She thought of the day Harold, in his clumsy way, had tried to make love to her, to make his claim of ownership irrevocable.
من میدونم ، آقای کنگ متهم میشهMIZAN MIZAN
So that little by little they swallowed their opposition as it became clear that the marriage was irrevocable.
هر كالري را محاسبه ميكردMIZAN MIZAN
to cleave to this stranger sitting facing her so irrevocably there could be no going back.
اين چيه؟اين جعبه چيه؟MIZAN MIZAN
and that everything was suddenly and irrevocably decided.
درضمن اينجوري هم به من نگاه نكنيدMIZAN MIZAN
a lifetime ban is irrevocable and the banned skater can never again
سعی مکرر برای دسترسی به منبع های ذخیره باعث آلایندگی خواهد شد.‏TEP TEP
He was convinced that they had quarreled irrevocably and looked away and tried to pass unnoticed.
بچه داره به دنيا ميادMIZAN MIZAN
First a warning, musical; then the hour, irrevocable.
فرماندهان بايو در حال مذاکره با هيئت اعزامي هن هستندMIZAN MIZAN
One line placed on the canvas committed her to innumerable risks, to frequent and irrevocable decisions.
ميتوني بهترين باشي اگر دست به عمل بزنيMIZAN MIZAN
but quite soon she began to realize that she was irrevocably sinking into the darkness
كاري كه مردم وقتي با يک تراژدي بخورد ميكنن انجام ميدنMIZAN MIZAN
And " damaged " doesn't reflect its irrevocable condition...
اونا را يادت مياد فقط نميتوني به زبون بياريش ؛ ميتونيOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
so that even the fissures and humps on the bark of the pear tree were irrevocably fixed there for eternity.
بانوی من... اونها دارو هستندMIZAN MIZAN
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