man-of-world oor Persies


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Nora Paeezan

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less of the man of the world in some of his notions
ميشه بعدا زنگ بزنيد؟MIZAN MIZAN
M Fauchelevent possessed something less and also something more, than a man of the world.
، بايد اعتراف کنم متوجه نشدم. که چنين اتفاقي دير يا زود ميفتهMIZAN MIZAN
a man of the world, smart, prematurely worn out;
اين عکس يک کانگوروي پير. در ساعت پنج بعدازظهرهMIZAN MIZAN
It was never admitted that a man of their world could possibly be absolved of his religious duties.
اون براي پيشنهاد خريد اطلاعات ميخواهدMIZAN MIZAN
the man of the world shaking off his covering
اونو با خودم به شهر ميبرمMIZAN MIZAN
The sight of the discomposure of that old man of the world touched Pierre:
براي من پس بايد بابات را ترک کنمMIZAN MIZAN
There were the Think of it the Man of the World at Mary's Feet, by Monsieur de
به همين خاطر اينها رو گفتمMIZAN MIZAN
A man of the world. I could pass for a stockbroker.
پادزهر كجاست بدش منMIZAN MIZAN
was very surprised to learn that this man of the world was the leader of a violent party
اما بايد بهم قول بدي كه او بهت صدمه نخواهد زدMIZAN MIZAN
For a man of the world, you're strangely naive.
اين سگ چندش اوره-با رودي مهربون باشOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
you are a man of the world
تو هنوز هم شاگرد من هستيMIZAN MIZAN
You look like a man of the world.
و اين شامل تو هم ميشهOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
but being a man of the world and a public character
حتي اگر همه شما هم پيش پاپ مسخره و بيچاره من گناهكار باشيدMIZAN MIZAN
Except sometimes, replied Morris Bolter, assuming the air of a man of the world.
فکر کنم بهتره تمومش کنمMIZAN MIZAN
and M. de Beauseant, like a well bred man of the world
يعني چيفکر ميکني که اون داره بر ميگردهMIZAN MIZAN
He was a man of the world, and he knew a thing or two.
همه طلا و نقره ها رو جمع کنيدMIZAN MIZAN
so such and such a man of the world satisfied and opulent
بايد همه چيز را از اول برنامه ريزي کنيمMIZAN MIZAN
that at last he was a man of the world
اما نميتوانم از گفتن اين موضوع خودداري كنم كهMIZAN MIZAN
and a husband who's a man of the world should only be flattered by it.'
اگه انگيزه کافي داشته باشي. مي توني خودت رو آزاد کنيMIZAN MIZAN
You are a scoffer, a man of the world, a cavalry officer, and, though not without brains
ميخواي براي يک نوشيدني بمونيMIZAN MIZAN
in Petersburg he felt himself a man of the world again.
من پادشاه این سرزمین هستمMIZAN MIZAN
So prone is the man of the world to be ashamed of any righteous action.
ايندي تونل سمت چپ. تونل چپMIZAN MIZAN
The abbe was a man of the world and had moreover mixed in the first society of the day
اما من ميخوام بدونم ، باندMIZAN MIZAN
who, being somewhat of a man of the world, and a diplomatist, tried to insinuate himself into the bear's good graces.
يه نوع آرامبخشه براي زماني كه يه چيزي مي بينيMIZAN MIZAN
He was merely a man of the world who had got on and to whom getting on had become a habit.
بله؛ من هم به همين خاطر عجله داشتم كه اين كار زودتر تمتم بشهMIZAN MIZAN
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