obsequial oor Persies


Relating to an obsequy or funeral rite.

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Smit obsequiously led the two men to a corner table.
لطفا به ديگران بگيد ما براي چه داريم مي ريمMIZAN MIZAN
Obsequies ain't used in England no more now it's gone out.
همش اين احساسو دارم که صاعقه بهم مي زنهMIZAN MIZAN
and the greatly envied Capataz de Cargadores advanced, amongst murmurs of recognition and obsequious greetings, towards the huge circus like erection.
شيطان ستمگر اي مقدس دردناکMIZAN MIZAN
I don't want you to be obsequious, but a little respect never comes amiss.
دستپختش که همچين تعريفي ندارهOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Polite to obsequiousness, he always held himself with his back bent in the position of one who bows or who invites.
تو ميتوني اون را متقاعد كني كه با من قرار بيرون بذارهMIZAN MIZAN
I can't believe you were so obsequious with that man.
يوسا بمباران شدOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
He made his solemn, obsequious bow, and went out.
بايد محتاط باشيMIZAN MIZAN
and turn to Anna with an obsequious smile
اون ازدواج نکردهMIZAN MIZAN
In vain did Jean Michel, ashamed of his outburst, try to pass it by immediately in exaggerated obsequiousness.
اتفاقي كه براي اون كاروان افتاد غير قابل بخششه. ولي اقدام شماMIZAN MIZAN
Twenty five francs, smiled the pedlar obsequiously.
درس شماره دوMIZAN MIZAN
An olive skinned youth from one of the Universities stood obsequiously by.
من تورو نميخوام بکشمMIZAN MIZAN
because such zealots prove always the most obsequious and subservient to the will and passions of their master.
اون کسي که بايد قبض روحش ميکردم هنوز زنده است خواهرم دوستش دارهMIZAN MIZAN
so he writes on a little scrap of paper, OBSEQUIES, you old fool, and folds it up, and goes to goo gooing and reaching it over people's heads to him.
و تو اينگر ، تو مي‌دانستي و به من چيزي نگفتيMIZAN MIZAN
He intervened in the nick of time, civilly and obsequiously persuading Mitya not to give away cigars and Rhine wine, and, above all, money to the peasants as he had done before.
بيا پا گنده ي کوچولوMIZAN MIZAN
and the greatly envied Capataz de Cargadores advanced, amongst murmurs of recognition and obsequious greetings, towards the huge circus like erection.
Oh. مقاله پدر شما در انديشه آشفتگي اااMIZAN MIZAN
What does " obsequious " mean?
من#هزار مارك ندارم بيمه عمر من چطوربااون ميشه كاري كردOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
and his veneration for her as his patroness, mingling with a very good opinion of himself, of his authority as a clergyman, and his right as a rector, made him altogether a mixture of pride and obsequiousness, self importance and humility.
اما من مجبور بودم اين موقيت رو قبول کنمMIZAN MIZAN
The need of looking after others was not the only thing that urged the chemist to such obsequious cordiality
اولیاحضرت، لطفا بگوئیدMIZAN MIZAN
He went hot with shame at the base and obsequious homage which young authors forced themselves to pay to a well known theater manager, who took advantage of their cowardice, and treated them as he would never dare to treat his servants.
يكصد ملت بر ما هجوم ميبرندMIZAN MIZAN
She asked him questions, which Melchior answered in an obsequious voice with formal replies, respectful and servile
من میخوام با تو بیام کارگری!من میخوام با تو بیام، یانگومMIZAN MIZAN
Jean Christophe, surprised at such politeness, looked once more at the boy, and once more he blushed. Jean Christophe thanked him curtly, for he did not like such obsequious eagerness, and he hated to be fussed with.
شايد بهتر باشه يک فيلم بازي کنيمMIZAN MIZAN
I say orgies, not because it's the common term, because it ain't obsequies bein' the common term but because orgies is the right term.
تازه ، با اون حرکت هاي مسخره که در دراگن انجام ميداديMIZAN MIZAN
In alarm, in obsequiousness, as Hanson'seyes grew more bored, You telephone to Jake about me, if you want to.
ميدوني که ، تيراژ بوگل نسبتا خوب بودهMIZAN MIZAN
which almost obsequiously pictured the comings and goings of all those who were connected with the more important families of the city.
و تا وقتي از اينجا گورمو گم نكردم زنده بمونندMIZAN MIZAN
of unprepossessing countenance obsequious to his superiors insolent to his subordinates
من پادشاه چائي ريونگ و افسر يانگ تاک را از گوگوريو تبعيد کردندMIZAN MIZAN
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