sharia oor Persies


Alternative form of Shari'a.

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احکام اسلام

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It includes discretionary (ta’zir) punishments not specifically laid out in Sharia law that apply to most of Iran’s national security laws, under which political dissidents are convicted and sentenced in revolutionary courts.
والدرن حتما تو را دوست داره
No such prohibition exists, however, for children convicted of murder and a host of other crimes for which the punishments are fixed under Sharia law, including adultery and sodomy.
وقتي پيرتر شد بايد مورد قبول‌تر از آب درآيد
Some Islamic societies have religious police, who enforce the application of Islamic Sharia law.
مجبور نيستم چيزي را حس کنمWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
They want to introduce Sharia in Belgium and want shopkeepers only to sell halal.
پس اگر کار نکنيد چيزي نميخوريدWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The latest amendments address changes in three types of punishments specified in Sharia law: hadd – crimes against God, such as adultery and drinking alcohol, for which Sharia law assigns fixed and specific punishments); qesas – retributive justice, often reserved for murder; and diyeh – compensation to victims in the form of “blood money.”
تو فعالسازي شدي ، جري
That roadblock was run by Ansar Al-Sharia.
يه ليموزين درست جلوي کنسولگري فرانسه منفجر شده و جلسه بعدي کنفرانس جهاني دوروز ديگه تو پاريس تشکيل ميشهOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Bangladesh is a non-religious parliamentary democracy, so there is no sharia law or blasphemy law.
كه شورشي را در موجينجو رهبري كردgv2019 gv2019
The Supreme Court rejected arguments that apostasy is not a crime under Iran’s laws simply because it is not codified in the Islamic Penal Code, and held that the crime is recognized in Sharia (Islamic law) and by the founder of the Islamic Republic, Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini.
ببخشيد ، نگاه ميكنيد
Sharia grants women the right to inherit property from other family members, and these rights are detailed in the Quran.
اه خداي من ، تو فقيريWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
In some cases in Sharia-based family courts, a female's testimony is worth half a man's and in some cases a female witness is not accepted at all.
وقتي # ، # سال ديگه از اينجا گذشتي به اين چيزها ميخنديWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Under Iranian Sharia law, men and women are required to register their marital union.
چي لازم داريد ، عزيزمglobalvoices globalvoices
To punish my family for violating Sharia law.
به جاي اينكه واسه من نظر بدي به پشت بخواب و گوش كنOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
The source of sharia, was to be found not only in the Quran but also in the Sunnah (the doings and sayings of the Islamic prophet Muhammad), since the Quran proclaimed "Whoever obeys the messenger obeys Allah."
وسايلم را حراج کنيWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
For the bill to become law, the Guardian Council, a body of 12 Islamic jurists, must approve it, agreeing that the bill is in accordance with Iran’s constitution and their interpretation of sharia law.
اون يک جندست و منتظر ميمونه
But in May the head of the Guardian Council published a letter declaring that it is against Sharia (Islamic law) for non-Muslims to be candidates in Shia Muslim-majority areas.
بذارش زمين جو
Sharia law as interpreted by the Taliban forbids women to have an education.
بچه ي بيچاره ميخاد خودش را به کشتن بده اون خيلي نيرومندهOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
In January 2012 the Guardian Council, an unelected body of 12 religious jurists charged with vetting all legislation to ensure its compatibility with Iran’s constitution and Sharia, or Islamic law, approved the final text of an amended penal code.
!تو شاهزاده ي بويه يو هستي
The sharpest conflict was about reforms in the Sharia system, particularly their positions on the age of marriage.
نشونه هاشو به من نگو ما اينجا دکتر نداريمWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Ramal's men are gonna institute Sharia law.
كسي از من نپرسيدOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Iranian authorities have previously relied on various morality and cybercrimes laws to punish those engaged in activities considered immoral or prohibited under Sharia, or Islamic law.
!من اگه دوباره نام آنها را بشنوم شما را نخواهم بخشید
The Emir, while directly accountable to no one, cannot violate the Sharia (Islamic law) and, in practice, must consider the opinions of leading notables and the religious establishment.
مي‌خوام باهات صادق باشمWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Yusuf al-Qaradawi stated: " declaration issued by the Islamic State is void under sharia and has dangerous consequences for the Sunnis in Iraq and for the revolt in Syria", adding that the title of caliph can "only be given by the entire Muslim nation", not by a single group.
منظورم اینه، وقتی همدیگه رو دیدیم، تو گفتی فقط یک هفته تو برلین هستی.‏WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Islamists may emphasize the implementation of sharia (Islamic law); pan-Islamic political unity, including an Islamic state; or selective removal of non-Muslim, particularly Western military, economic, political, social, or cultural influences in the Muslim world that they believe to be incompatible with Islam.
اون نوۀ بانوی اول آشپزخانه استWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Punishment for same-sex “crimes,” which are subject to punishment fixed under Sharia or Islamic law, are severe.
ارتش جول بون فقط به اندازه ي ارتش ما بزرگ هست
And it becomes worse when it's enshrined in religious fatwas based on wrong interpretation of the sharia law, or the religious laws.
حالا بيخيال, الان كه اينجام ميشه چاي منو ليمويي بديدted2019 ted2019
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