tell him i said hi oor Persies

tell him i said hi

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سلام منو بهش برسون

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tell him i said hi
سلام منو بهش برسونTyn Vhd Tyn Vhd
Landlord, said I, tell him to stash his tomahawk there, or pipe, or whatever you call it;
گفتم: ارباب، به او بگو آن تبرزینش یا چپقش، یا هر چه هست خاموش کند،MIZAN MIZAN
And I should like to tell him,' said the child pressing his small hands together
بعد کودک دستهایش را درهم کرد و ادامه داد: همین طور میخواستم به او بگویمMIZAN MIZAN
i have his telephone number, you can give him a call and hell tell you what i said was true
من شمارشو دارم ميتونيد بهش زنگ بزنيد و درستي حرفاي منو از اون بپرسيدTEP TEP
'I don't care if you tell him,' said he. 'Put him on his guard, and watch for him.
آقای ارنشاو در این موقع چند لحظه ساکت ماند و سپس گفت: تذکر بدهید مواظب خودش باشد و خودتان نیز از محافظتش غافل نشوید.MIZAN MIZAN
I'll tell you where I first picked him up, said Bambridge, with a sudden gesture of his fore finger.
میدانید اولین بار کجا دیدمش؟MIZAN MIZAN
I'll see him very soon, I assure you, said Samoylov, smilin The mother grasped his hand and said earnestly: Tell him that I'll do everything, everything necessary.
ساموئیلف خندان وعده داد: پیش از روز ملاقات خواهمش دید! به او بگین هرچه باید بکنم خواهم کرد.MIZAN MIZAN
Tell him I'll take a thousand of his bullets before I let this indecency take place, Baba said.
بابا گفت: بهش بگو اگر هزار تا از آن گلولهها را هم نثارم کند، اجازه این بیابرویی را نمیدهم.MIZAN MIZAN
Didn't I tell you the truth now, when I said you were in love? he said, coming up to Muishkin of his own accord, and stopping him.
در حقیقت یک روز هیپولیت شاهزاده را در پارک نگاه داشته و با و چنین گفت: چطورید شاهزاده! آنروزیکه گفتم عاشقید راست نمیگفتم؟MIZAN MIZAN
And we sort of all choked up in the back of the taxi, and I didn't tell him who I was, because I didn't think it was appropriate, and I just shook his hand and I said, "Thank you so much.
و ما یه جورایی عقب تاکسی شوکه شده بودیم، من بهش نگفتم کی هستم، فکر کردم بجا نباشه، فقط باهاش دست دادم و گفتم، "خیلی ممنون.ted2019 ted2019
The lad would be as happy as two, he said, throwing himself back in his chair, and looking radiant, if I could tell him it was all settled.
کالب به پشتی صندلی تکیه داد وبا سیمایی که از شادی میدرخشید گفت، اگر حالا میتوانستم به فِرد بگویم که کار تمام است چه قدر خوشحال میشد.MIZAN MIZAN
'Tell him,' she said, 'that I am a woman, and that I loved him; and that is why I would not be his harlot any longer.
زی تا گفت، به او بگو که من یک زنم و او را دوست میداشتم؛ به همین خاطر دیگر نمیخواستم فاحشهاش باشم.MIZAN MIZAN
The gendarme looked irresolutely at his companion who returned for answer a sign that said I see no great harm in telling him now
قواس نظری به رفقای خود افکند که حرکتی کردند که میفهماند که الآن در عمل به جایی رسیدهایم که محظوری را نمیبینیم که بگوییMIZAN MIZAN
The king sassed back as much as was safe for him, and then swapped around and lit into ME again He give me down the banks for not coming and TELLING him I see the niggers come out of his room acting that way said any fool would a KNOWED something was up.
ولیعهد تا آنجایی که به خیر و صلاحش بود تر کت ازی کرد و بعد افتاد به جان من که وقتی تو دیدی آدم از اتاق من درم یاد گه خوردی نیامدی خبر بدی هر الاغی میفهمید که یک خبری هست.MIZAN MIZAN
When I asked him whether there was anyone else he would like fetched, he looked at me for a minute, as if he were scared out of his wits, and then put up both hands to his eyes and said: 'Don't tell them; they will laugh!'
هنگامی که از او پرسیدم آیا کسی هست که با آمدنش موافق باشد، با وحشت لحظهای به من نگاه کرد، سپس هر دو دست را روی چشمانش نهاد و گفت: به آنان نگو، خواهند خندید!MIZAN MIZAN
Once I said to myself it would be a thousand times better for Jim to be a slave at home where his family was, as long as he'd GOT to be a slave, and so I'd better write a letter to Tom Sawyer and tell him to tell Miss Watson where he was.
یکدفعه به خودم گفتم که اگه بنا بود جیم غلامی کند هزار مرتبه بهتر بود که تو خانه و زندگی و بین خانوادهی خودش غلامی کند، فکر کردم یک کاغذ به تام ساویر بنویسم که به میس واتسون خبر بدهدMIZAN MIZAN
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