video blog oor Persies

video blog

a form of blog for which the medium is video, and is a form of web television.

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form of blog for which the medium is video

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Yagoob has started vlogging (video blogging) and is encouraging other Bahraini bloggers to do the same.
اگه اصرار داريgv2019 gv2019
Some individuals host their created works on vlogs, which are video blogs.
قول ميدهم قول ميدهم خفه شوWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
I found a video blog post by him yesterday.
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And I came up with my own rejection ideas, and I made a video blog out of it.
سربازرس قربانted2019 ted2019
She struggles with anxiety in social situations but produces video blogs giving life advice.
بعد ازاينکه رابرت پيش من اومد# را براي کشتن رنارد فرستادمWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
In 2004, Steve Garfield launched his own video blog and declared that year "the year of the video blog".
ما اينجوري نميرقصيمWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Radio and television stations may use video blogging as a way to help interact more with listeners and viewers.
آره ، عكس گرفتن دير شده بود ، به علاوه اين ميخوام همه وسايل سنگين را نداشته باشمWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Many open source content management systems have enabled the inclusion of video content, allowing bloggers to host and administer their own video blogging sites.
و به ياد داشته باش كه هر لحظه كه به خواهي فرار كني، من با تو ميامWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
He is the co-creator of The Lizzie Bennet Diaries (2012–2013), a web series adaptation of Pride and Prejudice in the style of video blogs.
من نميتونم اين دين رو به تو ادا کنم و حتي با زندگيم نميتونم تشکر کنمWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
In November of that year, Adrian Miles posted a video of changing text on a still image, coining the term vog to refer to his video blog.
او امتش را از ميان دريا عبور دادWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
I’m Vlogging Here is a 90-minute "vlogumentary" that focuses on documenting the world of video blogging and centers on YouTube vloggers that have found success in using this medium.
اولين باري که يکيشون را ديدمWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Charles Trippy, under the Internet Killed Television YouTube channel, currently holds the Guinness World Record for the “Most Consecutive Daily Personal Video Blogs Posted On YouTube,” with over 3,000 consecutive videos.
امامن وقت زيادي ندارمWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
She has been credited by journalist Mona Eltahawy and others with helping to spark a mass uprising through her video blog posted one week before the start of the 2011 Egyptian revolution.
فکر ميکنم چند لحظه قبل با دوست من يک ملاقاتي داشتينWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
On January 2, 2000, Adam Kontras posted a video alongside a blog entry aimed at informing his friends and family of his cross-country move to Los Angeles in pursuit of show business, marking the first post on what would later become the longest-running video blog in history.
من براي شهرداري کار ميکنمWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Destructoid is a website that was founded as a video game-focused blog in March 2006 by Yanier Gonzalez.
همگي بايد ارتباطاتشون را ثابت نگه دارندWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Engelen documented his findings in blogs, videos, pictures, on Twitter, and on Google+, with research ongoing as of that date.
کتاب من ، مرحله شکايت را خونديدWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
After the release of his torture video on blogs and due to public opinion and press media pressure, the officer responsible for torturing Emad Al Kabir now is in court for trial.
شما با اون همه مواد رفتيد تو متروgv2019 gv2019
Science 2.0 uses collaborative tools like wikis, blogs and video journals to share findings, raw data and "nascent theories" online.
نيشم زد سمي هم بودWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Kotaku is a video game website and blog that was originally launched in 2004 as part of the Gawker Media network.
مشكلي نيست، اينها افراد من هستندWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
I put up some blog posts and videos online, explaining how to play.
لعنتي ، چقد ميخوايted2019 ted2019
I think as machines' ability to understand human language and process vast amounts of data continues to improve, it's going to become possible to analyze an entire life's worth of content -- the Tweets, the photos, the videos, the blog posts -- that we're producing in such massive numbers.
تو را خوراك سگ ميكنمted2019 ted2019
And with the rise of social media and social networks in the early 2000s, the web was completely changed to a place where now the vast majority of content we interact with is put up by average users, either in YouTube videos or blog posts or product reviews or social media postings.
خرابی در صادرات گواهی‌نامهted2019 ted2019
Tim's El Salvador Blog links to YouTube videos of recent protests and police actions.
زشت نيست ولي تيپ هول دهنده دارهgv2019 gv2019
And then we ask you to blog about it, to post videos, to post photos.
کاميون باريted2019 ted2019
Videos of the killings were posted on websites and blogs.
جنگي در پيش استWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
38 sinne gevind in 6 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.