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Chrysippus (mythology)

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It is not clear whether the categories had any special significance for Chrysippus, and a clear doctrine of categories may be the work of later Stoics.
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Chrysippus had a long and successful career of resisting the attacks of the Academy and hoped not simply to defend Stoicism against the assaults of the past, but also against all possible attack in the future.
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In the first account, Chrysippus was seized with dizziness having drunk undiluted wine at a feast, and died soon after.
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Chrysippus wrote much on the subject of logic and created a system of propositional logic.
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Chrysippus also responded to a problem first posed by Democritus.
Tigesykliinin käytön lopettamista tulee harkita niissä tapauksissa, joissa epäillään haimatulehduksen kehittyneen hoidon aikanaWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Chrysippus insisted on the organic unity of the universe, as well as the correlation and mutual interdependence of all of its parts.
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The human soul was divided by Chrysippus into eight faculties: the five senses, the power of reproduction, the power of speech, and the "ruling part" that is located in the chest rather than the head.
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The Stoics believed that the universe is God, and Chrysippus affirmed that "the universe itself is God and the universal outpouring of its soul."
Jos liikekumppanini saavat tietää, että otan pimeitä töitäWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Antipater taught belief in God as "a Being blessed, incorruptible, and of goodwill to men," and blamed those who ascribed to the gods "generation and corruption," which is said to have been the doctrine of Chrysippus.
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When Clement of Alexandria wanted to mention one who was master among logicians, as Homer was master among poets, it was Chrysippus, not Aristotle, he chose.
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It is unlikely that Chrysippus urged the adoption of such behaviors; Chrysippus was probably responding to criticisms that in a society practicing free love, in which people often did not know who their relatives were, rare instances of incest would unintentionally occur; his discussion of cannibalism is probably connected with the Stoic contempt for dead bodies as an empty shell.
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Chrysippus thus came to see the virtues as distinct bodies, inseparable from each other somehow disposed in themselves and not in relation to something.
Valko-Venäjälle ei selvästikään ole paikkaa itäisessä kumppanuudessa.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Individual souls are perishable; but, according to the view originated by Chrysippus, the souls of wise people survive longer after their death.
In response to the question of how evil could exist in a good universe, Chrysippus replied "evil cannot be removed, nor is it well that it should be removed."
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Chrysippus analyzed speech and the handling of names and terms.
Teknisiä ongelmia syntyy myös lukuisten muiden toimialojen, esimerkiksi luotonannon sekä rahoitus-ja vakuutuspalvelujen, liikevaihtoa laskettaessa. Näitä kysymyksiä käsitellään # jaksossaWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Since we do not now possess even a single complete work by Zeno of Citium, Cleanthes or Chrysippus what we do know must be pieced together from a number of sources: doxographies and the works of other philosophers who discuss the Stoics for their own purposes.
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Chrysippus taught that ethics depended on physics.
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Chrysippus sought to prove the existence of God, making use of a teleological argument: "If there is anything that humanity cannot produce, the being who produces it is better than humanity.
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All human actions – in fact, our destiny – are decided by our relation to things, or as Chrysippus put it, events are "co-fated" to occur: The non-destruction of one's coat, he says, is not fated simply, but co-fated with its being taken care of, and someone's being saved from his enemies is co-fated with his fleeing those enemies; and having children is co-fated with being willing to lie with a woman. ...
artikla RahoitusjärjestelytWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
For Chrysippus, all things happen according to fate: what seems to be accidental has always some hidden cause.
Sopimuspuolten välisen maatalous- ja kalastustuotteiden kaupan määrän, tuotteiden poikkeuksellinen arkuuden, yhteisön yhteisen maatalous- ja kalastuspolitiikan säännöt, Albanian maatalous- ja kalastuspolitiikan säännöt, maatalouden ja kalastuksen merkityksen Albanian taloudessa ja WTO:ssa käytävien monenvälisten kauppaneuvottelujen vaikutukset huomioon ottaen yhteisö ja Albania tarkastelevat vakautus- ja assosiaationeuvostossa kuuden vuoden kuluessa tämän sopimuksen voimaantulopäivästä tuotekohtaisesti, järjestelmällisesti ja vastavuoroisesti mahdollisuuksia myöntää toisilleen lisää myönnytyksiä maatalous- ja kalastustuotteiden kaupan vapauttamisen jatkamiseksiWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Among his pupils were his successor, Chrysippus, and Antigonus II Gonatas, from whom he accepted 3000 minae.
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Chrysippus developed a syllogistic or system of deduction in which he made use of five types of basic arguments or argument forms called indemonstrable syllogisms, which played the role of axioms, and four inference rules, called themata by means of which complex syllogisms could be reduced to these axioms.
niiden AST-ura-alueen virkamiesten sihteeristökorvaus, jotka on osoitettu pika- ja konekirjoittajan, teleksin hoitajan, puhtaaksikirjoittajan, johdon sihteerin tai johtavan sihteerin tehtäviinWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Chrysippus adopted a much stricter view regarding conditional propositions, which made such paradoxes impossible: to him, a conditional is true if denial of the consequent is logically incompatible with the antecedent.
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He seems to have closely followed the views of Chrysippus, especially on dialectic, in which he is said to have instructed Carneades.
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Zeno's most influential follower was Chrysippus, who was responsible for the molding of what is now called Stoicism.
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