Eighty Years' War oor Fins

Eighty Years' War

The Dutch war of independence against Spanish rule, from 1568 to 1648.

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Dutch war of independence

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The most plausible explanation for this would have been the Eighty Years' War in the Seventeen Provinces.
ilmoitettava komissiolle vuosittain hyväksymisen myöntämistä, epäämistä tai peruuttamista koskevista päätöksistäWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
He became more powerful than his predecessors from the Eighty Years' War.
Mitkä ovat vastaavat tiedotusta kuvaavat prosenttiluvut muissa euroalueen maissa?WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The Netherlands at this time was engaged in the Eighty Years' War against Spain for its independence.
Sadoittain kuolleita eläimiäWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
England supported the Dutch in the Eighty Years' War by sending money and troops.
Olen tulossaWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
My country suffered an eighty-year war at the hands of Spain, which was eventually settled with the Peace of Münster.
En maksa huippuhintaa eläimestä joka ei pelota ketään- eikä osaa temppujaEuroparl8 Europarl8
In 1514, Charles of Egmond, duke of Guelders, took it from the dukes of Burgundy; in 1543, it fell to the emperor Charles V. As capital of the so-called "Kwartier van Veluwe" it joined the Union of Utrecht during the Eighty years war in 1579.
Vastaus suositukseen esitettiin komission Daphne # ohjelmaa koskevan muutetun ehdotuksen perusteluissaWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
This conquest was traditionally dated eighty years after the Trojan War.
Hoitaisitko WALL· E: n puhdistuksen?WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Eighty years ago there was a link between major wars, disasters and a pandemic.
Äitisi on tulossaEuroparl8 Europarl8
The large-scale trade of the Dutch Republic had emerged during the Eighty Years War.
Mennään poisParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Fighting for the Spanish - Fawkes worked with explosives while fighting for the Spanish in the Eighty Years' War.
pyytää komissiota antamaan asian uudelleen Euroopan parlamentin käsiteltäväksi, jos se aikoo tehdä tähän ehdotukseen huomattavia muutoksia tai korvata sen toisella ehdotuksellaParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
He became more powerful than his predecessors from the Eighty Years War.
Arvoisa neuvoston puheenjohtaja Merkel, aionkin kuunnella hyvin tarkkaavaisesti aihetta koskevia perustelujanne.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
On 5 May 1607, during the Eighty Years' War, a Dutch fleet under Admiral Jacob van Heemskerk ambushed a Spanish fleet at anchor in the Bay of Gibraltar.
Toin pari kahviaParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Battle of Gibraltar (1607), a naval battle during the Eighty Years' War in which a Dutch fleet surprised and engaged a Spanish fleet anchored at the Bay of Gibraltar
Tämä asetus tulee voimaan seitsemäntenä päivänä sen jälkeen, kun se on julkaistu Euroopan unionin virallisessa lehdessäParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
As the Treaty of Munster was about to be signed, thereby ending the Eighty Years' War, William tried to maintain the powers he had in wartime as military commander.
joka ei sijaitse alueelle, jolla toteutetaan eläinten terveyteen liittyvistä syistä rajoitustoimenpiteitä, jotka merkitsevät yhteisön lainsäädännön mukaisia siipikarjanlihan tarkastuksia, sellaisen taudin puhkeamisen seurauksena, jolle siipikarja on altistaParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
On the 3rd of October in 1574, Leiden was freed from Spanish forces during the Eighty Years War, and naturally this means that in 2016 this day needs to be celebrated.
Tukeakseen markkinakehitystä ja vauhdittaakseen siirtymistä kohti energiapolitiikan kannalta kestävää ja vihreää Eurooppaa unioni on asettanut itselleen kunnianhimoisia tavoitteitaParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
In the Dutch Rebellion against the Habsburgs during the Eighty Years' War, the naval forces of the rebels, the Watergeuzen, established their first permanent base in 1572 in the town of Brill.
jotta voidaan mitata äänenpainetaso äänilähdettä ympäröivällä mittauspinnalla ja laskea äänilähteen tuottama äänitehotasoParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
The song is written in 1572, four years after William decides to lead an uprising against the ruthless violence unleashed against Protestants in the Low Countries, starting the Eighty Years War with Spain.
Komissio ottaa erityisesti huomioon jäsenvaltion ehdotetusta toimenpiteestä mahdollisesti tekemän vaikutustenarvioinninParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Buangan of Munster was about to be signed, thereby ending the Eighty Years War, William tried to extend his powers beyond the military to make his function valuable at peace, at the great distress of the regents.
pitää tärkeänä, että lasten perustaidot kehittyvät, he oppivat äidinkieltään tai asuinmaansa kieltään ja saavat luku- ja kirjoitustaidon mahdollisimman pianParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Buangan Treaty of Munster was about to be signed, thereby ending the Eighty Years War, William tried to extend his powers beyond the military to make his function valuable at peace, at the great distress of the regents.
Pantopratsolia ja muita protonipumpunestäjiä annettiin samanaikaisesti Pradaxan kanssa kliinisissä tutkimuksissa, eikä vaikutusta verenvuotoon tai tehoon havaittuParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
In The Legend of Korra, now eighty-seven years old, Lord Zuko had aided the late Avatar Aang in the creation of the "United Republic of Nations" after the Hundred Year War.
Otetaan lasilliset, jos pelastat maailmanWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Johann Tserclaes was born in February 1559 in Castle Tilly, Walloon Brabant, now in Belgium, then the Spanish Netherlands. Johann Tserclaes was born into a Roman Catholic Brabantine family and after receiving a Jesuit education in Cologne, he joined the Spanish army at age fifteen and fought under Alessandro Farnese, Duke of Parma and Piacenza in his campaign against the Dutch forces rebelling in the Eighty Years' War and participated in the successful Siege of Antwerp (1584–1585) in 1585.
Kaiken kaikkiaan molemmissa tutkimuksissa potilaat, jotka saivat IntronA: a sekä ribaviriinia, saivat vähemmän todennäköisesti hoitovasteen kuin potilaat, jotka saivat pegyloitua interferoni alfa-#b: tä ja ribaviriiniaParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Johann Tserclaes was born in February 1559 in Castle Tilly, Walloon Brabant, now in Belgium, then the Spanish Netherlands. Johann Tserclaes was born into a devoutly Roman Catholic Brabantine family; and, after having received a Jesuit education in Cologne, he joined the Spanish army at age fifteen and fought under Alessandro Farnese, Duke of Parma and Piacenza in his campaign against the Dutch forces rebelling in the Eighty Years' War and participated in the successful Siege of Antwerp in 1585.
Minä ja Tuppisuu- Bob pääsimme jengiin!ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
2 Back in 1952, the then eighty-year-old British author, philosopher, mathematician, Lord Bertrand Russell, was reported as saying: “I should like to live another ten years provided there is not another world war meanwhile.
Fire Lord Sozin had his son, Fire Lord Azulon, very late in life; since Azulon was born shortly after the start of the War, Sozin would have been eighty-two years old at the time.
Duped by Jewish interests in too many wars, Americans have been bombing innocent victims throughout the world for the last eighty years.
Euroopan unionin valtiot ovat vuorollaan hyväksyneet erilaisia lainsäädännöllisiä määräyksiä tavoitteenaan vakauttaa hallinnollinen valvonta, jossa on valtioiden välisiä eroja.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
26 sinne gevind in 12 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.