Fatimah oor Fins


youngest daughter of the prophet Mohammed and wife of the fourth calif Ali; revered especially by Shiite Muslims (606-632)

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Fatima Zahra

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Although Elwell-Sutton accepted that the family were Sayyids descended from the seventh Imam Musa al-Kadhim, the great-greatgrandson of Hussein ibn Ali, who was the younger son of the marriage of Fatimah (the daughter of the Prophet) and AlÄ« ibn AbÄ« áčŹÄlib, he considered this an "undistinguished lineage" with no special sanctity because "Sayyids proliferate throughout the Islamic world, in all walks of society and on both sides of every religious and political fence."
Vaikka Elwell-Sutton tunnusti, ettÀ Shahin suku oli Sayyideja ja polveutui seitsemÀnnestÀ imaamista Musa al-Kadhimista, joka oli profeetta Muhammadin tyttÀren Fatiman ja Ali ibn Abi Talibin nuoremman pojan Husain ibn Alin pojanpojan pojanpoika, hÀn piti tÀtÀ "vaatimattomana sukulinjana" ilman erityistÀ pyhyyttÀ, koska "Sayyidit ovat levinneet laajalti kautta koko islamilaisen maailman kaikille yhteiskunnan aloille ja kaikkien uskonnollisten ja poliittisten aitojen molemmin puolin."WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Some say that timah is an abbreviation of Fatimah, a popular Malay girl's name.
Joidenkin mukaan timah on lyhenne suositusta naisen nimestÀ Fatimah.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Fatimah died when Zaynab was seven years old.
Äiti Fatima kuoli, kun Zainab oli seitsemĂ€n vuoden ikĂ€inen.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
After migrating to Medina, he married Muhammad's daughter Fatimah.
HÀnestÀ tuli Muhammadin vÀvy, kun hÀn nai tÀmÀn tyttÀren Fatiman.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
whereas Al-Lahem also defended the case of the couple Fatimeh and Mansour Al-Taimani, parents of two children, who were forcibly divorced in July 2007 on the request of the wife's brother, based on the argument that Fatimah's tribal lineage was superior to that of her husband; whereas both have been incarcerated for days, indeed months, together with their children for refusing to accept the divorce, and whereas since then Fatimeh has been obliged to live in a shelter because she refuses to return to her family,
ottaa huomioon, ettÀ Al-Lahem toimi puolustajana myös Fatimeh ja Mansour Al-Taimanin pariskunnan asiassa, jossa nÀmÀ kahden lapsen vanhemmat pakotettiin eroamaan heinÀkuussa 2007 vaimon veljen vaatimuksesta, koska Fatimah kuului korkeampiarvoiseen heimoon kuin aviomiehensÀ; ottaa huomioon, ettÀ aviopari vietti vankeudessa useita pÀiviÀ, itse asiassa kuukausia, yhdessÀ lastensa kanssa, koske he eivÀt suostuneet hyvÀksymÀÀn avioeroa, ja Fatimah joutuu elÀmÀÀn turvapaikassa, koska hÀn kieltÀytyy palaamasta perheensÀ luokse,not-set not-set
Muslims regard Fatimah as a loving and devoted daughter, mother, wife, a sincere Muslim, and an exemplar for women.
Muslimeille hÀn on rakastava ja harras tytÀr, Àiti ja vaimo, vilpitön muslimi ja esimerkki naisille.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Az-Zahra is the most common title for the daughter of Muhammad Fatimah az-Zahra.
Al-Zahra on profeetta Muhammadin tyttÀren Fatiman tavallisin arvonimi.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Fatimah stood at his side.
Fatima seisoi hÀnen sivullaan.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Fatimah went with him.
Fatima tuli hÀnen seurakseen.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
It was only through Fatimah that the progeny of the Prophet was perpetuated.
Vain Fatiman kautta Profeetan suku sai jatkua.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
The child was also a girl and Fatimah named her Umm Kulthum after her sister who had died the year before after an illness.
TÀmÀ lapsi oli myös tyttö ja Fatima antoi hÀnelle nimeksi Umm Kulthum sisarensa mukaan, joka oli kuollut vuotta aiemmin sairauteen.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Fatimah was not to see Ruqayyah again until after their mother had died.
Fatima ei tavannut Ruqayyahia uudestaan, ennen kuin heidÀn ÀitinsÀ kuoleman jÀlkeen.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Fatimah was greatly distressed by the loss of her sister.
Fatima suri kovasti sisarensa menetystÀ.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
It is said that on this occasion, both Fatimah and Umm Kulthum visited the home of their mother Khadijah and recalled memories of their childhood and memories of jihad, of long struggles in the early years of the Prophet's mission.
Sanotaan, ettÀ tuolloin sekÀ Fatima ettÀ Umm Kulthum kÀvivÀt ÀitinsÀ Khadijan talossa muistellen lapsuuttaan ja jihadia, Profeetan tehtÀvÀn alkuvuosien jatkuvia taisteluja.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
About the infallibility ('ismah) of the imams, some of az-Zaidiyyah claim that only four members of the Prophet's household are infallible (Fatimah, 'Ali, al-Hasan and al-Hussain), while the Shia al-Ithnay 'Ashariyyah claim that all their imams are infallible.
Imaamien erehtymÀttömyyttÀ ('ismÀ) koskien jotkut zaidilaiset vÀittÀvÀt, ettÀ vain neljÀ Profeetan perheenjÀsenistÀ ovat erehtymÀttömiÀ (Fatima, 'Ali, al-Hasan ja al-Hussain), kun taas 12-shiialaiset vÀittÀvÀt kaikkien imaamiensa olevan erehtymÀttömiÀ.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
He once said: "Whoever pleased Fatimah has indeed pleased God and whoever has caused her to be angry has indeed angered God.
HÀn sanoi kerran: "Joka on ollut hyvÀ Fatimalle, on totisesti ollut hyvÀ Jumalalle ja joka on hÀnet suututtanut, on totisesti suututtanut Jumalan.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Fatimah, no doubt, must have been happy to be with her sisters once again.
Fatiman on tÀytynyt varmasti iloita siitÀ, ettÀ sai taas olla sisartensa kanssa.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Fatimah eventually returned to live in a house close to that of the Prophet.
Sittemmin Fatima palasi asumaan taloon, joka sijaitsi lÀhellÀ Profeetan kotia.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Fatimah's fine manners and gentle speech were part of her lovely and endearing personality.
Fatiman hyvÀ kÀytös ja lempeÀ puhetapa olivat osa hÀnen ihastuttavaa ja herttaista luonnettaan.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
In fact, it could be said that Fatimah's life with Ali was even more rigorous than life in her father's home.
Voidaan sanoa, ettÀ Fatiman elÀmÀ Alin rinnalla oli jopa ankarampaa kuin hÀnen isÀnsÀ kodissa.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
In the eighth year after the Hijrah, Fatimah gave birth to a third child, a girl whom she named after her eldest sister Zaynab who had died shortly before her birth.
Kahdeksantena Hijran jÀlkeisenÀ vuonna Fatima sai kolmannen lapsen, tytön, jonka hÀn nimitti Zaynabiksi vanhimman sisarensa mukaan, joka oli kuollut vÀhÀn ennen tytön syntymÀÀ.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
In Madinah, Fatimah lived with her father in the simple dwelling he had built adjoining the mosque.
Medinassa Fatima asui isÀnsÀ kanssa vaatimattomassa asumuksessa, jonka tÀmÀ oli rakentanut moskeijan yhteyteen.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Kacip Fatimah is rich in phytoestrogens and can regulate the physiology of women effectively.
Kacip Fatimah on runsaasti fytoestrogeeneja ja voi sÀÀnnellÀ tehokkaasti naisten fysiologiaa.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
In her camp, she led the Muslim women in prayer and on that place there stands a mosque named Masjid Fatimah, one of seven mosques where the Muslims stood guard and performed their devotions.
Omassa leirissÀÀn hÀn johti naisia rukouksessa ja sillÀ paikalla on nyt moskeija Masjid Fatima, yksi niistÀ seitsemÀstÀ moskeijasta, joissa muslimit olivat vartiossa ja suorittivat velvollisuutensa.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Fatimah is a part of me.
Fatima on osa minua.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
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