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Final Fantasy X-2

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Final Fantasy X-2

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In 2004, she won an Interactive Achievement Award for her role as Rikku in Final Fantasy X-2.
toteaa, että innovoijat ja keksijät tarvitsevat samanhenkisten ihmisten ja ryhmien inspiraatiota ja kannustustaWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Final Fantasy X-2 was voted as the 32nd best game of all time by the readers of Famitsu.
Tuo on toinen kerta kun näen sinut tuolla koneellaWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Though a direct sequel to Final Fantasy X, Final Fantasy X-2 does not duplicate its predecessor's gameplay; instead, it innovates on traditional elements.
Sirompi nenäWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Unlike Final Fantasy X, in which a player's course through the game's world was largely straightforward, Final Fantasy X-2 is almost entirely free form.
Etsin neiti ChowniaWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Paula Tiso is an American voice actress who is best known as the English voice of Lulu in Final Fantasy X and Final Fantasy X-2.
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Whereas Final Fantasy X drew heavily on ancient Japanese culture and Asian settings, Final Fantasy X-2 incorporated a number of elements from modern Japanese pop culture.
tuotantopaikalla yksittäistä paikkaa, jossa tietty infrastruktuuri ja laitteet ovat yhteiskäytössä, silloin kun aineen (aineiden) valmistajia on enemmän kuin yksiWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
While the setting of the original Final Fantasy X was decidedly somber, in Final Fantasy X-2, the main characters were fitted with a jovial Charlie's Angels-like motif.
Sinun olisi pitänyt liittyä meihinWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Final Fantasy X-2 reintroduces the series' classic character class system (seen previously in Final Fantasy III, Final Fantasy V and Final Fantasy Tactics) through the inclusion of dresspheres.
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Director Motomu Toriyama has explained that one of the concepts at issue during development was providing a large variety of minigames, such that "if you bought Final Fantasy X-2 you wouldn't need any other game".
Tämä määräraha on täysin väliaikainen, ja sitä voidaan käyttää ainoastaan sen jälkeen, kun se on varainhoitoasetuksen mukaisesti siirretty tämän luvun muihin momentteihin tai määrärahoihinWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
After debuting with the single "Take Back" in December 2000, Koda gained fame in March 2003 when the songs from her seventh single, "Real Emotion/1000 no Kotoba", were used as themes for the video game Final Fantasy X-2.
Sinun täytyy kertoa hänelle kuka hän onWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The songs were used as the opening and ending themes, respectively, of the video game Final Fantasy X-2; in addition, Koda motion-acted the dance moves of one of the characters and voiced the character Lenne in the Japanese version of the game.
Et tiennyt sitä, mutta minä tiesin senWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Add to cart Final Fantasy X-2 (käytetty)
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Add to cart Final Fantasy X-2 PS2
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Shuyin is the primary antagonist of Final Fantasy X-2.
Ikuisesti ja päivänParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Play through the international version of FINAL FANTASY X-2, including unique content not available in the original version.
perustavaa laatua olevat päätökset turvapaikkaoikeuden alallaParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Play through the international version of FINAL FANTASY X-2 which includes unique content not available in the original version.
Meksikolaiset liioittelivatParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Play through the international version of FINAL FANTASY X-2 which includes unique content not available in the original version.
Tuhotkaa tie!ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
While in FINAL FANTASY X-2 High Summoner Yuna receives a sphere containing a recording which may change her world forever.
Euroopan yhteisöjen komissio, #.#.# antamasta tuomiosta asian T-#/# osaltaParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Gameplay[edit] Though a direct sequel to Final Fantasy X, Final Fantasy X-2 does not duplicate its predecessor's gameplay; instead, it innovates on traditional elements.
Olet omillasiParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Contents GameplayEdit Though a direct sequel to Final Fantasy X, Final Fantasy X-2 does not duplicate its predecessor's gameplay; instead, it innovates on traditional elements.
Olen pahoillaniParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
On March 13, 2003, it was followed by Final Fantasy X-2, making it the first Final Fantasy game to have a direct game sequel. Contents GameplayEdit
Teitkö niin kuin oli puhe?ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Spira is the world of Final Fantasy X and Final Fantasy X-2, but elements of its world and characters have been included in other Final Fantasy media.
kehottaa komissiota tarkastelemaan, voivatko aluepoliittiset ohjelmat auttaa tarjoamaan maanviljelijöille varman toimeentulon, esimerkiksi ympäristön- ja luonnonsuojeluun sekä maisemanhoitoon liittyvien toimien toteuttamisen avullaParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Add to cart Final Fantasy X & X-2 HD Remaster PS4
Aihe: Rikosoikeudellisten toimivaltaristiriitojen ratkaiseminenParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
alaTest has collected and analyzed 27 reviews of Final Fantasy X X-2 Hd.
Täällä on urheilijoita,- nörttejä,emoja,-hobitteja, arpinaamoja,- pedofiilejäParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Compared to other PlayStation 3 Games (PS3) the Final Fantasy X X-2 Hd is awarded an overall alaScoreTM of 96/100 = Excellent quality.
On.Ja iso sija onkinParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
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